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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Harris, Kevin & Tamsine-Lee Amway

 Success Story

People behind the glitz and dazzle are real and authentic.

Kevin and Tamsine-Lee Harris are married.

Kevin and Tamsine Harris appear to have it all: a newlywed couple, a new diamond ring, gorgeous people, a beautiful home, and good businesses, to name a few things. They do, but having it all means something quite different to them than it does to everyone else who is surrounded by visible symbols of success.

As business partners and as spouses, this extraordinary duo is all about persevering and making things work in all aspects of their lives. After growing up in the Amway business, surrounded by successful IBOs and people who understand their responsibilities as Independent Business Owners as well as the privileges that this business and lifestyle affords one, it comes as a surprise to learn that Kevin left the Amway business at the start of his adult life in search of greener pastures. Even though he adores the architectural world, and is drawn to it by the challenge it presents to his strong creative side, he now admits that, no matter how talented he is, he could never, under any circumstances, allow a corporation or another person to make decisions that directly affect his life. As he puts it, "I cannot allow someone to exert influence over me. Being told what to do is something I despise, whether I am working or running my own business. I am in complete control of my own fate. I am the one who is in charge and in charge of everything."

Because she used to be one of South Africa's upcoming young designers, Tamsine can attest to the fact that she enjoys both the style and the creative process that goes into fashion and creating. She quickly discovered that it would never be able to provide her with the lifestyle and independence she desires as a by-product of her long-term career, which she hopes to achieve.

Kevin and Tamsine make a powerful team as a pair, and it is evident that they have the same vision and belief in their personal lives as they do in their corporate purpose, which is commendable. It is important to them that they come from families where close relationships between parents and children have been carefully cultivated, and that their immediate family plays an important role in their everyday lives, sharing both the little and the important things with their parents and siblings! Due to his parent's involvement with Amway Southern Africa, Kevin Harris holds the distinction of being the first second-generation Diamond in the region. His parents are Basil and Leonie Harris. Those with even the smallest glimmer of entrepreneurial spirit will rise to the occasion and become yet another successful Independent Business Owner; yet another person who has risen above the financial trap that today's corporate life may present. They want to make this tremendous opportunity available to everyone, and they believe that those with even the smallest glimmer of entrepreneurial spirit will rise to the occasion and become another successful Independent Business Owner.

Kevin and Tamsine find it impossible to come into contact with anyone who does not immediately offer them the huge possibility they perceive in the Amway business. In order to build up other people and reach out to them with what they believe is the most comprehensive and broad-based empowerment programme now available in South Africa: the Amway business opportunity, they have made it their mission to do so. They take pleasure in playing a role in fostering and encouraging the growth of other IBOs, particularly those in their downline.

The purpose behind all of the glitz and glamour is to leave a legacy in the lives of each and every individual they come into contact with. Being recognised as a Diamond is a destination on a journey that will lead them to the greatest rank possible; and beyond; and it is evident that they want to take each and every individual they come into contact with on their path of success with them. 


  • Diamond (2007)
  • Executive Diamond (2010)

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