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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

De Souza Fabio & Sheyla Amway





Downline Diamonds

  • De Souza, Fábio & Sheyla, Crown,2019 United States, Brazil, Colombia
  • Ramirez, Gustavo & Diana, Diamond, Colombia 2009
  • Ortega, Diego Andres & Martha, Diamond, Colombia
  • Bobadilla, Jose de Jesus, Corona, Colombia 2013
  • Castillo, Mauricio & Esperanza, Diamond, E-Network (2013)
  • Suarez, Christian & Andrea, Diamond, E-Network (2013)
  • Franco, Diana & Jaime, Diamond, Colombia
  • Correa, Rodrigo & Gloria, Founders Diamond, Colombia


When Amway expanded its operations in Brazil in 1991, they became distributors. "I told Fabio, who was interested in doing business," Sheyla explained. In the event that it failed, we would have learnt a great deal, but we would also have realised that our lives may change profoundly as a result of what happened." 

Fabio worked as an advisor to the president of a big financial institution. Sheyla worked as a Portuguese and English teacher, but she wished to make a difference on a bigger scale by encouraging people to live better lives. 

It occurred to her that the Amway business would be the ideal vehicle for realising her ambition. Fabio wished for more time, a higher quality of life, and financial security for his wife and children.

They were sponsored by a friend in the United States, Clarke Hamlet, who informed them that Amway was establishing a presence in the country. However, it was Tim Foley, a significant worldwide leadership, who convinced Fabio of the enormous opportunities that were ahead. Following that, the combination between Sheyla's intuition and excitement and Fabio's strategic thinking and tenacity propelled the couple to the top of the corporate ladder as Distributors of success. 

As of right now, they have Amway businesses in Argentina; Chile; Uruguay; Colombia; Japan; Italy; the United States of America and Germany. They are now focusing their efforts on more personal and comprehensive goals, having accomplished a significant portion of their dreams. 

Naturally, there is still the tremendous devotion to the growth of those who believed in them and are involved in the business, including his daughter Flavia and Laura, the mother of Sheyla and Emerald, who are also members of the family.

"We, like diamonds, and at any level, must constantly strive to improve. Our work has a great deal to do with the level of success you desire, with the support of others, and with the process of replication. We operate within the framework of global trends such as globalisation, knowledge society, elimination of intermediaries, virtualization, and information. 

We had this vision when we first started, but things were not quite as convenient as we had hoped. Today, the computer is merely a tool; we connect with our network via email, and we make purchases via the Internet through this Amway home page. The most enjoyable part is about to begin "Believe fervently in yourself.

Fabio sends out a message to the businesspeople of Latin America, saying:

"A new wave of growth has hit the industry earlier this year, with the corporation Amway committing $200 million dollars to new products, technology, promotion, and incentives for those who join the organisation.

The sales volume in Latin America increased from 100 to 208 million dollars in the first year following the implementation of the adjustments, with the goal of reaching 500 million dollars in the next three years in the region.

In the month of August 2010, Amway of Brazil surpassed all other branches in the world in terms of sales growth, with a more than 100 percent increase in revenue and a more than 180 percent increase in the number of registered entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, it is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, in which many people might use the time to put in the effort necessary to achieve their goals. 

As the region of Latin America, which contains more than 400 million people, it will be here that Amway will concentrate the majority of its investments in the next years, according to the company."
De Souza Fabio & Sheyla

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