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Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Plum Blossom Amway

The Plum Blossom 

 The Plum Blossom refers to the Line of Sponsorship (LOS) under the leadership of Barry Chi and Holly Chen, Taiwan's Double Crown Ambassadors and Double Crown Champions. Because it is closely affiliated with the Ultra Group in China, which is led by former Taiwanese Speaker of the House, Wang Chi Gong, it is possible that it is the largest Amway organisation among the Chinese. (超凡)

Holly and Wang were high school classmates, but their paths diverged when Holly went on to become a teacher and Wang went on to seek a career in politics, respectively. The following year, Wang published a book titled "Financial Freedom Forever" and led the Amway team into China. He was sponsored by Holly after accepting the Amway opportunity. Holly herself is sponsored by Wang in their new market, and the two of them have worked together to bring about the Amway China miracle.

Holly formed the TOP 4 Founders Dream Team alliance with Ultimate Crown Ambassadors Mueller-Meerkatz, Peter & Eva Germany, Kaoru Nakajima (Double Crown Ambassadors, Japan), Leonard and Esther (100 Plus Crown Ambassadors, Korea), and an annual function attended by tens of thousands of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) from around the world. Each year, this seminar would be given in a different location throughout the world. 'The Plum Blossom' is an absolutely essential component of this wonderful endeavour.


A non-exhaustive list of Diamond and above qualifiers The organization has 20 Crown Ambassadors and 2000 Diamonds.

Double Crown Ambassador

Barry Chi & Holly Chen - Founders Crown Ambassador 70 FAA in China(2009) also Double Crown Ambassador in Taiwan(2003)

Founders Crown Ambassador

  • Han Shi Rong, Founders Crown Ambassador 40 FAA, China
  • Wu Yi & Xiong Shi Xiang, Founders Crown Ambassador, China
  • Zhou Fan Yang & Zheng Xin Qing, Founders Crown Ambassador 50 FAA, China

Crown Ambassador

  • Chin Nai Kang & Wang Shu Chen - 1994,Taiwan
  • Hong, Liu & Jin, Di, China
  • Tu Yung Sung & Hwang Yu Yan - 2001, Taiwan
  • Zhong Yi Hong & He Jing - 2010, Taiwan
  • Yang Guan Yi & Zheng Jia Hua - 2011, Taiwan

Triple Diamond

  • Liu Te Pei & Jin Mei, China

Double Diamond
Executive Diamond


  • Liu Ding Yu & Chao Chun-Pu, Singapore
The Solitary Flowering Plum Amway is a form of multi-level marketing company that concentrates on the sale of products that are beneficial to one's health and well-being. Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos established the company in 1959, and it currently maintains its headquarters in Ada, which is located in the state of Michigan. Amway has grown into one of the most successful multi-level marketing firms in the world throughout the course of its history. The company now has operations in more than one hundred countries.

The Nutrilite product line, which consists of various health and wellness supplements, is one of the most important things that The Plum Blossom Amway sells. Carl Rehnborg, an early innovator in the field of nutritional supplements, was the brains behind the creation of the Nutrilite brand. Amway made the purchase of the brand in 1972, and since then, it has been an essential component of the products that the company sells.

The Plum Blossom Amway distributes a wide selection of other health and wellness items in addition to Nutrilite. These products include vitamins, minerals, and different kinds of nutritional supplements. The business also provides a selection of cosmetics and other personal care items, such as those for the skin and the hair.

The Plum Blossom Amway, much like other firms that engage in multi-level marketing, is dependent on a network of independent distributors in order to sell its products. These distributors are frequently referred to as "Amway business owners" and receive commissions based on the volume of sales generated by both themselves and the people they attract into the business.

The training and support network that The Plum Blossom Amway provides for its independent distributors is one of the company's distinguishing characteristics. For the purpose of assisting its distributors in achieving their goals, the company provides a number of resources and tools, including as online training classes, webinars, and in-person events. Additionally, the organization gives customers access to a network of knowledgeable distributors who are able to provide direction and assistance.

In spite of the fact that The Plum Blossom Amway has been able to successfully create a sizable network of distributors and customers over the years, the firm has also been subjected to widespread criticism. The company has been accused by a number of detractors of running in the manner of a pyramid scheme, in which the primary focus of distributors is on recruiting new members rather than making sales of the company's items. Others have voiced their worries with the high price of the company's products as well as the amount of pressure that is placed on distributors to fulfill sales quotas.

In spite of these complaints, The Plum Blossom Amway has continued to be a popular option for individuals who are interested in beginning their own business or earning supplemental income on the side. The fact that the company focuses on health and wellness items has made it easier for it to capitalize on the increased interest that consumers have in these areas. It is highly likely that The Plum Blossom Amway will continue to be a significant participant in the multi-level marketing sector for many years to come due to the company's rich product assortment and solid network of distributors.

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