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Sunday, August 8, 2021

Leininger, Alan & Michele Amway


  • Diamond 1996
  • Founders Diamond

Success Story

Alan and Michele were both born and reared in Cincinnati, Ohio, and met when they were 16 years old. They have been together ever since. He and Alan proceeded to the same high school, where Alan graduated as class valedictorian, and then they both went on to study at Ohio State University in Columbus.

Alan finished with honours with a degree in electrical engineering and a pre-medical concentration, and Michele graduated with a bachelor's degree in information technology.

The following year was frantic, beginning with graduation in June, followed by marriage in July, and then a move to Raleigh, North Carolina, in August. Alan then had his first engineering job, as well as his first corporate layoff, all within a short period of time. Michele had accepted a position with IBM and was immediately dispatched to Chicago for a ten-week training programme.

Alan and Michele realised at that point that they did not want anybody else to have control over their lives, and they made the decision to create their own business. Alan, on the other hand, began medical school at the University of North Carolina in the same year, pursuing his childhood dream of becoming a neurosurgeon at the institution. He was also looking for a greater sense of security and a greater challenge than he had found in his technical profession. After only a few months, Alan realised that his "part-time" firm had more to offer than he had anticipated, and he decided to drop out of medical school and take another engineering position in order to devote his time and energy to growing their company.

A year later, they found out they were expecting their first child. According to Michele's childhood ambitions, "my dream was never to be a computer programmer; it was always to be a mother." Their sense of urgency had now been heightened, and Alan recalls, "The more she demonstrated, the more I displayed (the business plan)."

A white stretch limousine carried Michele away from her job only weeks before the birth of their daughter, Laurin, and two years later, a white stretch limousine whisked Alan away from his job, allowing him to focus entirely on growing his business. Their second daughter, Kristin, and their son, Aaron, were born as they were on their road to earning success, and their second son, Joshua, was born shortly after.

Having a fantastic time growing up with their children is something they cherish. In Alan's words, "we don't take vacations because every day is a vacation when you're living in freedom in a free country." Alan and Michele are currently residing in their 6,000-square-foot dream home on more than three acres of land in the countryside.

They regard their business as a means of not just achieving their own goals, but also of assisting others in achieving their own goals. They both agree that "if you pursue something you love, you'll never have to work a day in your life."
Alan and Michele Leininger are two of the most influential people in the Amway business, and they have attained a high level of accomplishment and notoriety in the field of direct sales. They have established a prosperous commercial organization that is present in a number of nations and continents simultaneously.

In 1986, Alan and Michele Leininger launched their own Amway business after a mutual friend informed them about the company's products and the possibility to become distributors for the company. They rapidly recognized the potential of the company, and they made the decision to pursue it as their primary occupation. They were inspired by the possibility of making a better life for themselves and their children as well as assisting others in realizing their ambitions.

The Leiningers' level of success in the Amway business may be credited to their tireless effort, unwavering commitment, and natural ability to take the lead. They have an excellent work ethic and are dedicated to ensuring the success of others around them. They have created a powerful network of business partners and clients all around the world, and they are firm believers in the efficacy of collaborative effort.

The Leiningers have had a lot of success in the Amway industry and have accomplished a lot of significant things. They have been honored with the distinction of Diamond Directs, which is one of Amway's most prestigious levels of achievement in the business. They have also been honored with a great deal of praise and recognition for their achievements in business and as leaders.

In addition to the success that the Leiningers have had in business, they are also well-known for the charitable work that they have done. They feel very strongly about giving back to those in need and lending their support to charitable organizations. They have established a foundation that is known as "The Leininger Foundation," which gives financial assistance to a variety of humanitarian causes all over the world.

Many people have been motivated to follow their ambitions and realize their objectives as a result of the Leiningers' achievements in the Amway industry. They have a strong reputation as leaders and mentors, and they are credited with assisting a large number of people in launching and developing prosperous Amway businesses.

In conclusion, Alan and Michele Leininger are top leaders in the Amway business. They have accomplished a great deal of success thanks to their tireless labor, unwavering dedication, and effective leadership skills. They have established a prosperous commercial organization that is present in a number of nations and continents simultaneously. They are also well-known for the charitable work they do and the commitment they have to giving something back to the community. Their accomplishments have motivated a great number of people to go after their ambitions and realize their objectives inside the direct sales profession.

Leininger, Alan & Michele

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