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Sunday, August 8, 2021



 Planet Program International was founded in 2007 by Albert Schermacher & Beatrice Rinalda.

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  • Executive Diamond
  • Albert Schermacher & Beatrice Rinalda, Austria (2005)


  • Popovic, Vladimir
  • Olaru, Ileana & Georgel
  • Gulin, Tatjana & Zoran
  • Nebesny, Tatijana & Igor (2006)
The PLANET PROGRAM is Amway's sustainability project, and its primary goals are to lessen the company's impact on the environment and to encourage the adoption of environmentally responsible business practices. Amway has achieved considerable strides in lowering its emissions of greenhouse gases, as well as its waste and water usage, since the program's inception in 2010, when it was first put into action. This article will provide a more in-depth examination of the PLANET PROGRAM, covering topics such as its objectives, approaches, and accomplishments.

The PLANET Program's Aims and Objectives

The primary objective of the PLANET PROGRAM is to lessen the impact that Amway has on the surrounding environment while simultaneously fostering the adoption of environmentally friendly business practices across the board within the organization. To be more specific, the initiative intends to:

Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 25% per dollar of sales by the year 2020, relative to a baseline year of 2009.
By the year 2020, all Amway-owned sites should have reached the goal of sending zero trash to landfills.
By 2020, you should have cut your water consumption by 15% for every sales dollar.
PLANET PROGRAM Methodologies and Approaches

Amway has established a variety of sustainability techniques across its activities, including the following ones, in order to accomplish these aims.

Amway has made an investment in renewable energy by installing solar panels at a number of its locations throughout the world, including its headquarters in Ada, which is located in the state of Michigan. These solar panels not only produce clean energy but also assist the company become less dependent on the use of fossil resources.

Amway has taken a number of steps to reduce waste, some of which include the implementation of recycling and composting programs, as well as a reduction in the amount of materials used for packaging. In addition to this change, the company has stopped utilizing single-use plastics in any of its production processes or final goods.

Amway has taken steps to reduce its water consumption by installing low-flow faucets and toilets, employing drought-resistant landscaping, and reusing water in its production processes. These are just some of the water conservation measures that have been put into place at the company's facilities.

Amway has introduced a number of employee engagement initiatives to promote sustainability, such as sustainability training programs, volunteer opportunities, and green team activities. These projects are aimed at encouraging employees to become more involved in the company.

Results obtained through participation in the PLANET PROGRAM

Since the beginning of the PLANET PROGRAM, Amway has made tremendous strides toward minimizing its impact on the environment and increasing its commitment to sustainable business practices. The following are some of the most significant results of the program:

Emissions of greenhouse gases: Since 2009, Amway has been successful in reducing its emissions of greenhouse gases by 20% per dollar of sales, putting the company on a solid path to meet its objective of a 25% reduction by the year 2020.

Amway has successfully eliminated all waste sent to landfills at its sites in the United States of America, Canada, and Brazil, all of which are wholly owned and controlled by Amway. In addition, the company's manufacturing sites in China and India have achieved a fifty percent reduction in the amount of garbage that is sent to landfills.

Water conservation: Since 2009, Amway has achieved a 13% reduction in the amount of water consumed for every dollar of sales. This puts the company on track to meet its objective of a 15% reduction by the year 2020.

Participation of Employees: Amway has successfully included thousands of its employees all around the world in a variety of sustainability-related activities, such as volunteer work, green team projects, and sustainability training programs.

In conclusion, the PLANET PROGRAM is an important sustainability project that was implemented by Amway. This program's primary goals are to reduce the environmental impact of the company and to promote sustainable business practices. Amway has made great progress in the direction of reaching its goals of lowering greenhouse gas emissions, achieving zero waste to landfill, and saving water through the implementation of a variety of sustainability policies and initiatives. The PLANET PROGRAM is a model for how companies can acknowledge and address the negative effects of their operations on the natural world while also making strides toward a more environmentally friendly future.

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