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Friday, September 10, 2021

Who is Worse? Your Boss or Your Amway Platinum?

 A recent comment on my blog prompted me to consider whether this would be an appropriate topic for a blog article. Who is the worst offenders? Which is more important, your boss or your Amway upline?

It's been a long time since I've had a regular employment. No matter what those dumb asses ambots that show up on my site and put comments on my posts claim, the fact remains that I work for someone else! Liars, prove it to me! At the numerous places where I've worked, I've always gotten along reasonably well with my superiors. Throughout my career, I've had a couple of supervisors who weren't the type of individuals I'd like to hang out with after hours, but their personalities didn't have an impact on my professional behaviour in the workplace. Whenever I think back on previous jobs, my workplace was almost always located in a separate part of the building from my boss's. Without a doubt, I'd communicate with my supervisor throughout the week, whether by phone or in person, and, as technology became more prevalent in the office, by email as well. Department meetings were held once or twice a week at several of the positions I've held. It has been my experience that in the most of my previous jobs, there was no boss hovering about observing what I was doing or working closely in my area. What I do is either clear in my mind or I am given a list of duties to complete, and then I am on my way. I don't think I spent more than 2 hours a week dealing with my former superiors. The majority of employment are likely to be the same. The boss is preoccupied with their own tasks and is not continually hovering around their employees, yapping incessantly.

The Platinum is the major cult leader in Amway, and he is the one who most new recruits have to deal with. That is the highest-ranking official. When you attend an Amway business meeting, expect it to last at least 3 hours, and it may last as long as 5 hours if there is training, night owls, nuts and bolts, or whatever other nonsense they call it. In Amway meetings, you're forced to sit through the entire meeting listening to the sack of shit Platinum. There is no getting away from the asshole in order to complete other tasks. The Amway cult gatherings will take place twice or three times per week. The Platinum then bombards you with dozens of emails and text messages, and if you're really unlucky, the bastard will call you as well. Other Amway meetings are held throughout the month; at least once or twice a month, a Diamond comes to town, and the Platinum directs all of the downline members to attend the meeting. Rallies, seminars, and major functions are all occasions where the Platinum will convene a meeting for his downline before and/or after. Take, for example, the fact that you spend a minimum of 20 hours per week in direct contact with the Platinum cult leader, whether on an individual or small group basis.

As soon as the workday is over, you may go home and avoid dealing with the employer for the rest of the day.

In return, Amway Platinum wants his downline to give him their undivided attention at any time of day or night, whether they are doing their day jobs or relaxing at home with their families. You will not be able to get away from the jerk!

Employees are paid by their employers, who are known as their bosses. Suppose we'll call it a $3000/month wage.

The Platinum Boss does not pay his employees a dime! IBO labour is provided for free! If the Platinum coerces his downline into purchasing pricey Amway products and investing in the tool fraud, he will be successful. Platinum is causing his IBO staff to incur financial losses.

Your manager at work is most likely not on a mission to defraud the company's employees.

The Amway Platinum connives with everyone in his or her downline, convincing them to buy overpriced Amway items and invest in a tool fraud, among other things.

It is unlikely that the manager at work will threaten their staff unless they want to get sued!

Amway Platinum threatens their downline with everything they think they can get away with in order to persuade them to follow the company's rules. At every Scamway meeting, one of the threats that was heard was that if you did not purchase the tools, the Platinum would refuse to work with you.

Depending on your line of work, your employer is likely to be honest and trustworthy, to treat his or her staff well, and to place a high emphasis on integrity.

We have an Amway Platinum that lies, is dishonest, bends the facts, treats the downline like garbage, attempts to harm people' financial and interpersonal connections, and is highly nasty.

If you have a religious employer, it is unlikely that they will bring it up at work.

At business meetings, Amway Platinum is constantly preaching the gospel of Christianity.

Employees are unlikely to be greeted by their bosses by embracing and kissing them and gushing over them in the workplace.

Amway's upline sends out love bombs to everyone.

People who work for others and do not own their own businesses are unlikely to be sneered at by their employer.

Those who work at a job are sneered at by Amway Platinum, who emphasises how everyone in Amway is better than everyone else because they have their own business.

Employers that are abusive to their employees may or may not be their bosses.

Amway Platinum is notorious for being aggressive to its downline.

When an employee is off shift, the boss from work does not send emails to their homes, nor does he text or call them. Well, maybe once in a while if someone calls in ill and they want to know whether you are available to cover for them. However, unless there are exceptional circumstances, it would be rare for a manager to call an employee outside of typical working hours.

Platinum boss is continuously on the IBO employee's backside, whether it's through phone calls, texts, emails, or by requiring the employee's physical attendance somewhere. 24/7.

If your employer at your place of employment is a jerk with whom you don't get along, you should quit and look for another job that you will like more.

In the case of your spouse, who is a brainwashed Amway ambot and the Platinum is a jerk, it will be difficult to persuade him to leave since he has been brainwashed to believe that individuals who leave Amway are losers and that success is just a few steps away.

According to my calculations, I spent significantly less time during the workweek with any supervisor I've ever had than I did with the Amway Platinum representative.

I've earned more money in a day at any job I've ever held than I have in a month as an Amway Independent Business Owner. Hell! I could probably make more money in an hour at any work compared to the amount of money I made as an Amway IBO in a month.

If I had to choose between going back to work and going back to Amway, I would chose the latter option instead. Amway is a living horror! The majority of occupations that require you to work for someone else are tolerable.

If I had to pick between a day with any of my past employers and a day with our former Platinum, I would choose a day with any of my former bosses over a day with an Amway jerk any day of the week.

If you ask me who is worse, I would say our Amway Platinum, who is the biggest motherfucking cocksucking son of a bitch straight out of hell's worst nightmare I've ever encountered in my life. If you ask me who is worse, I would say my boss (or a prior boss, if I had one) or our Amway Platinum. I can't say the same for any of my prior supervisors.

Which One Is the Worst? Which Is More Important, Your Boss or Your Amway Platinum? How to Deal with the Obstacles Caused by the Dynamics of the Workplace and the Relationships Involved in Direct Selling

It can be difficult to navigate professional and personal connections, particularly when comparing the dynamics of a supervisor in a regular work setting with those of a higher-ranking member of Amway, known as an Amway Platinum, in the context of Amway's direct selling model. Navigating professional and personal relationships can be a challenge. This article investigates the intricacies of these relationships, focusing on the potential obstacles and factors to take into consideration when determining who may be seen as having the more negative reputation.

Power Dynamics and Accountability: In a conventional workplace, there is often one person who holds a position of power and is accountable for the management of other people's jobs: the boss. In most situations, the person in charge of an organization is responsible for the employees under their supervision, both in terms of their performance and their wellbeing. On the other hand, within the Amway direct selling structure, a member with the rank of Amway Platinum is considered to be of a higher standing. They frequently take on the role of mentors or leaders to other distributors, although their authority is not based on a formal job arrangement but rather on the success they have achieved in the business. It's possible that the dynamics of accountability and power in this setting are going to be different, which will result in a different set of issues.

Work Environment and Job Satisfaction: An employee's supervisor has a substantial influence on both the employee's work environment and their level of job satisfaction. The most successful managers are those who are able to cultivate a constructive environment at work, provide their employees with support and direction, and encourage possibilities for professional advancement. However, poor bosses can make the working environment poisonous, demonstrate tendencies toward micromanagement, or lack the skills necessary to lead effectively. When it comes to an Amway Platinum, their primary responsibility is to offer assistance and direction to other distributors in the company. The level of happiness and support that one receives through the direct selling approach might vary according on the relationship that is developed with the Platinum as well as the unique ambitions and anticipations of the distributor.

Implications for Finances: In a conventional workplace, a manager is the one who decides a worker's pay, benefits, and the extent to which they can develop in their career. The implications for the organization's finances are often established by the policies of the organization as well as the norms of the industry. In contrast, Amway distributors, including those who are not Platinum, have the ability to generate income by direct selling and by developing their network. This option is available to them regardless of their current status. The financial outcomes are determined by their individual efforts, the performance of their sales, and the framework of the compensation plan offered by Amway. An Amway Platinum's influence on a distributor's earnings is indirect, and is based on mentorship and coaching rather than direct authority over financial decisions, as is the case in a regular workplace, when a boss has direct control over financial matters.

Investing in Their Employees' Professional Development and giving Opportunities for Career progression A successful manager is one who invests in their employees' professional development by giving opportunities for training, skill-building, and career progression. They assist workers in establishing goals and provide direction for how to work toward achieving those goals. Within the framework of the direct selling model, an Amway Platinum may act as a mentor to distributors, imparting their wisdom and expertise in order to facilitate the expansion of their businesses. However, the focus in Amway is primarily on entrepreneurial skills and developing a business rather than typical career progression, thus the level of professional development and growth prospects may be different between a traditional job setting and the direct selling model. This is because the primary focus in Amway is on building a business rather than traditional career advancement.

Ethical Considerations: When conducting business, Amway Platinums and managers alike must adhere to a predetermined code of ethics. When working in a more conventional environment, managers are held to higher standards of compliance with regard to professional ethics, labor regulations, and business policy. When a supervisor acts unethically, their company may suffer severe results and potentially face legal implications as a result. In the context of direct sales, Amway Platinums are subject to the expectation that they will respect the ethical norms that have been outlined by Amway. These practices include compliance with rules, fair business dealings, and transparent communication. However, ethical dilemmas can appear in any situation, and it is essential to analyze the conduct and practices of individuals within the context of their assigned tasks.

It is difficult and subjective to make a comparison between the "worst" qualities of a boss in a typical work environment and those of an Amway Platinum in the context of the direct selling model. Both of these partnerships have their own distinct set of dynamics, difficulties, and concerns. Within the context of a formal employment relationship, the impact of a boss is more direct in terms of the employee's level of job satisfaction, financial ramifications, and professional development. On the other hand, the primary focus of an Amway Platinum's influence is to act as a mentor and provide direction to others in the context of entrepreneurship. In the end, the sense of "worseness" is dependent on the experiences, expectations, and the particular dynamics of the relationships that are in play.

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