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Friday, September 10, 2021

Facebook and Amway

 Seeing as how Facebook stock was made available for trading today, I felt it would be appropriate to bring it up and discuss whether or not Facebook was discussed during Amway meetings in my experience.

I recall our piece of shit Platinum bringing up Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg at our Amway cult meetings. I was a kid at the time. My recollection of what the Amway jerk was ranting about is hazy because he frequently went off on rants for an hour or more, getting distracted constantly and then starting a new rant when a new thing to bemoan crossed his mind.

Facebook began trading on the stock market today, May 18th, 2012, at $38 per share, but quickly rose to $42 at the opening bell. It reached a high of $45 before settling in the vicinity of the $40 threshold. If the first day of a stock is typical of most equities, it will achieve a high and then plummet, making it a smart idea to hold off on purchasing for a few weeks or months.

When Facebook was launched, many of its employees were given stock options, and as a result, many of the company's employees are now worth tens of millions of dollars. Many of them are in their twenties or early thirties. For the rest of their lives, many of them will not work again and will walk away from their jobs.

When it comes to Amway, this is an idea that is almost completely foreign. One group of people who will not be required to work in their life and will receive millions of dollars in the process are the heirs of the founders of the company.

Amway bots go about talking about Amway's $11 billion in sales last year, which is a lie. I've had indoctrinated ambots post similar kinds of comments on my blog in the past. The owners of the company will be pleased, but the employees will be disappointed as well. Unless, of course, any employees are offered profit-sharing opportunities. I have my doubts because I've had employees come to me and complain that Amway provides them with a fuckload of benefits.

Take a look at those 11 billion dollars in sales. That is not the definition of profit. That's what sales are all about. Then there's overhead, which includes things like the cost of production, the cost of maintaining Amway facilities, payroll, taxes, and so on. The amount of money left over after all financial requirements have been met for profit for the Amway owners is unknown to me. How about a billion or so? The owners aren't going to share their profits with the lower-level employees or independent business owners. In order to reduce their personal income taxes, they are living in mansions and travelling the world in luxury automobiles. The heirs aren't showing up at Amway events to promote their company's products.

The majority of Amway IBOs receive a commission check in the amount of approximately $10/month if they purchase the needed quota of 100PV, which is approximately $300 worth of Amway products in a given month. That is how Amway generates its $11 billion in annual sales. An army of brainwashed ambots who will continue to purchase these costly things until they become weary of losing money and give up. It's bad enough that you're wasting your money on Amway items when the identical products can be obtained for less at supermarket and drug stores, allowing you to save money. It's possible that I won't receive a $10 commission check from Walmart, but if I spend $75 purchasing the same things that would cost me $300 to purchase from Amway, then I will come out ahead. This is especially true now that I'm purchasing higher-quality things from Walmart. Absolutely nothing irritates me more than spending three to four times the amount of money on Amway's lousy dishwasher soap that fails to clean my dishes when I can get a superior product from Walmart for a fraction of the cost and avoid having to wash dishes a second time by hand.

When it comes to folks in their 20s who can now retire and never work again, I would say Facebook has probably produced a greater number of billionaires than Amway.

I would say that Facebook is not referred to as a scam or a pyramid scheme nearly as frequently as Amway is referred to as such.

According to my estimation, Facebook generated a significantly greater number of people than Amway who were able to labour for two to five years and then walk away with their fortunes or with residual income that would continue to flow for the rest of their life.

In comparison to Amway, I believe Facebook is not accused of brainwashing or the use of mind-control techniques nearly as frequently as the company.

I'd argue that Facebook isn't held to the same standard as Amway in terms of followers losing large sums of money. At least not for the time being! Who knows what will happen in the stock market!

I'd say Facebook isn't accused of wrecking marriages and creating as many divorces as Amway is, but that's just my opinion.

I'd argue that Facebook isn't accused of generating as much mental turmoil as Amway, which I believe is true.

I'd argue that Facebook isn't held to the same standards as Amway when it comes to ripping people off.

So, what exactly did Platinum, our sack of shit, have to say about Facebook? Things are starting to make sense to me again! He mainly complained about this 22-year-old founder who is worth billions of dollars, which was typical of him. It's likely that the jerk was jealous! Destroying other people's relationships and finances is a standard WWDB concept because nothing makes those World Wide Destructive Bastards happier than seeing other people's relationships and finances destroyed.

For the most part, Platinum talked about how he was going to use Facebook to entice prospects into joining Amway. Spamming recruits is not a smart idea because Facebook will suspend your account if they discover you are doing so.

A minimum of $300 per month is required to invest in "your own" Amway business. You will receive a $10 commission check as a result of your efforts. Buy 7 shares of Facebook stock with the same $300 you used to buy the stock. You could also buy 17 shares of Facebook stock with your $700/month investment in "your business" if you're a CORE ambot, which means you spend closer to $700/month investing in "your business." In the event that Facebook's value is cut in half overnight and you decide to sell, you will still make more money than the $10 you received from Amway! Moreover, you are most likely having a lot more fun losing that money than you are having losing even more money in Amway. Why? Because even when you're losing money in Amway, you still have to put up with being abused by the jerks who work in your Amway upline hierarchy. At the very least, if you lose money on Facebook, no one will abuse you or label you as a loser, quitter, negative unchristian dreamstealer, or any other derogatory term when you decide to quit and sell your shares.

I know that I'd rather walk around touting that I own shares in Facebook stock than that I'm an Amway "company owner" than the other way around. One of them wins respect in the eyes of the individual who was also informed of your statement. The other knocks you down a few pegs in the old shithole by telling you that you're a dumb ass for investing your money into a pyramid scam, among other things.

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