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Friday, September 10, 2021

Amway Censorship

 Amway and their ambots (advertising representatives) are staunch proponents of censorship.

I attended an infinite number of Amway cult meetings, where the cult leaders delivered brainwashing sermons on what IBOs could and could not do when it came to reading, watching, and listening to information.

We were instructed not to watch television until we had reached a specific level in Scamway.

The following is my answer to being told what I may and cannot watch on television. I'm done with you Amway jerks! I'll sit in front of the television and watch whatever I want.

Those in the Amway cult were told that they couldn't watch the news because it was too "negative," and Amway ambots live in a dream realm of suspended reality where nothing terrible ever happened.

This is just nonsense!

We were given a list of novels to read. Books on the Amway WWDB authorised reading list would fall within this category. Some motivational type books would be readily available in common places such as libraries and bookshops, but the vast majority of books were complete shit that Diamonds had most likely negotiated a favourable deal with the author or publisher in order to flog to cult followers in order to sell on WWDB and make a substantial profit.

So, what was my response to the jerks in our Amway upline who wanted to control what I was reading? Typical. I'm not going to read what you want. At Amway cult meetings, I would to bring trashy romance novels with me and sit there reading them while making sure everyone around me could see the cover photo, which was ideally a lady doing two or three males on the beach. I don't actually read this material anymore because I no longer attend Amway cult meetings, but it was always fun to throw those prudes off the scent when they asked what I was reading and I lifted the book so they could see the cover photo of half-naked threesomes on the front.

What are the leaders of the Amway cult's opinions on the Internet? Keep it away from me. You can't believe anything you read on the Internet because it's like reading on a bathroom wall.

How do I respond when I'm being restricted on the internet? Amway's assholes, you're fired. In the event that I choose to be amused on the Internet, I couldn't care less whether or not you agree with my choice.

The content of Anna Banana's reading, watching, or searching for information on the Internet is not censored. Such filthy Amway assholes in our upline, to say the least, aren't going to censor those statements!

When bloggers and commentators on the Internet discuss about their Amway experiences, Amway does not like it because the majority of the time, it results in negative PR for the firm. There's nothing they can do about it. It is not against the law to state the truth or to express one's viewpoint. Not in this country, at least not yet. In the past, Amway has attempted to intimidate their opponents into silence, but in this Internet age, as soon as one critic is silenced, another emerges. Despite the fact that I am extremely open to selling my blog and ceasing to write, it is not going to be cheap! Anna Banana has a monetary value!

There are a lot of companies that have individuals posting their opinions all over the Internet, and it isn't always positive and loving towards you. In the event that someone experiences poor customer service or pricey products, they will spread the word about the company, hopefully discouraging others from making the same mistake. Alternatively, people can read all sides of a storey and come to their own conclusions about it.

Not in the fucking Amway cult! Your upline sack of shit Platinum is in charge of all of the choices about what you can and cannot do!

I allow anyone to leave a comment on my site. Likewise, if an employee of Amway wishes to express their admiration for the asses in their Amway upline and attempt to BS me into believing that Amway items are good and reasonably priced in relation to their "great" quality, that is entirely acceptable. A response will be sent to them informing them of my thoughts on their blatant misinformation. People who want to share their perspective on the storey on my blog will not be censored as a result of their actions. I approve all comments, with the exception of those that are discriminatory in nature, such as attacks on someone's skin colour, birthplace, religion, or other characteristics.

Similarly, I've noticed the same thing from other former Amway Independent Business Owners who have blogs. No one is being silenced because they are fans of Amway and want to tell the world about their wonderful relationship with the company. Because some people leave dumb ass comments, no one is being banned from the site or banned from posting. Despite the fact that they may be ridiculed or that others may attempt to persuade them that the path to wealth they have chosen will instead lead them to the poorhouse and divorce court, they persist.

After receiving a message from a reader called Jonathan, I inquired as to whether or not he was involved with Amway and whether it was the only option he could think of to get wealthy and retire his wife. As well as other others, I attempted to persuade him that Amway has less than one-quarter of one percent probability of making money. The chats were not nasty, but it was like hitting your head against a brick wall attempting to persuade an ambot of anything in particular. Jonathan showed up today to erase all of his comments on my site, indicating that some jerk in his Amway upline has counselled him to do so and suppress his comments since that is what Amway is all about, according to Jonathan. Censorship!

Anyone ever pay a visit to Amway's blog? That is not the case with me! I've seen other bloggers post comments that were never accepted or published on the blog, but I've never seen this happen myself.

Censorship at Amway!

Have you ever browsed through any Amway-related websites or blogs? Are you attempting to leave a comment? It is quite unlikely that it will be authorised or published. It's all in the name of Amway censorship, of course!

Those who have an opinion that differs from that of the Amway jerks will be censored on Amway blogs and websites.

Censorship is something I strongly oppose. I remember visiting a handful of forums in the past that had restricted some comments written by users, only to have those who left the remarks respond with more comments claiming that the admin had deleted their comments. These are not the types of websites with which I wish to be associated! According to this theme, I refuse to access blogs or websites that censor their users, which means I do not read any Amway blogs or Amway admirer blogs and instead rely on what other bloggers have written about being censored to get my information.

Who needs censorship when your beliefs are legal, legitimate, and above-board in nature?

Why should you censor someone simply because they hold a different point of view than you?

I understand why cults would wish to keep “negative” information about themselves out of the public eye. I understand why frauds and pyramid schemes would want to keep "the truth" hidden from their victims.

Censorship must be eliminated!

Amway is out of business!

We're done with you, Amway jerks, and your attempts to dominate us through censorship!

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