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Friday, September 10, 2021

You Need a Manual for What???!!!!

 Some Amway ambots find their way to my site after conducting some weird searches on the internet. I just know I'll never be able to see everything.

But, you know, there are some things that make you feel a little uncomfortable.

The Hilton in Lafayette, Louisiana, is home to a brainwashed ambot that is currently under my control. I'm not sure, but it's possible that one of the various scamming groups inside the Amway cult empire is conducting their Spring Leadership there. Getting the word out about WWDB is my primary objective because I have nothing but scorn for the cult practises employed by people that practise World Wide Destructive Bastardization.

So, what exactly is Hilton Ambot looking for?

“Amway marital book,” as the ad says.

What the heck is going on?????

Why is it that it does not surprise me that such a creature exists? I sincerely doubt that the cult's leaders would make it available on the Internet for the rest of us to laugh at their expense.

So, for example, if the ambot just got married today and has gone to the Hilton for the wedding night, he may not know what to do next and will need to check the Amway marriage book.

Perhaps the most important rule in the Amway marriage book is that no sex is permitted until you have reached the rank of Emerald! Remember that phrase that the Amway cult leaders are continually yelling at the top of their lungs? "You haven't earned the right to do this yet!" There can't be anything that draws the ambot's attention away from their primary purpose of making their upline wealthy. They must devote all of their time and resources to purchasing Amway products and investing in the tool scam. I'm truly sorry for the bride's situation. What it's like to be married to an ambot is something I understand, and I understand the plunge into hell she has in front of her.

So how did the creepy Hilton ambot, who is in need of marriage advise from the Amway marriage book, wind up on my blog? I have no idea. My post on the creepy henchman of the Amway WWDB Spring Leadership was published on March 1, 2018. It's kind of appropriate.

As a result, it has piqued my interest. Amway's marriage manual has to be updated with an Anna Banana twist, and I need your help.

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