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Friday, September 10, 2021

No One Is Buying My Amway Products

 "No one is interested in my Amway products."

That is the regret of a recent searcher who came across my site and left a comment. That is not the case with me! I do not have any Scamway items available for purchase!

There is a legitimate reason why no one is purchasing your Amway items. This is due to the fact that the food and beverage items taste like shit and urine. The cleaning goods are mediocre to poor quality. The cosmetics are unattractive. I could go on and on about this.

However, the price of your shoddy Amway items is the primary cause for their non-purchase. Amway charges high pricing for generic and subpar items, according to industry sources. Amway is far from the only firm in the world that charges exorbitant prices for things that are only worth a fraction of what they are worth. Some people may argue that Safeway, Sears, or Burger King are all overpriced, while others may argue that Burger King is underpriced. Despite the fact that, as far as I am aware, none of these establishments has ever been accused of being a cult. Is it possible for Amway to say that?

Price is often a matter of opinion.

Quality, on the other hand, is questionable.

Amway cult leaders who successfully brainwash their followers into believing that they are paying high rates for high-quality products are a hallmark of a good leader. This is especially true when those supposedly high-quality products are a sham. At best, generic products are available. Substandard would be a better description.

Many people are willing to pay more money for higher-quality things because money isn't as important to them as it is to others. The unfortunate reality is that Amway does not offer superior products, save in the minds of its current crop of brainwashed Independent Business Owners (IBOs). Why don't those Independent Business Owners (IBOs) continue to purchase Amway items if they believe they are so amazing and reasonably priced? We believe this is because when a customer no longer believes what they are being told, reality sets in, and they realise that Amway's products are in fact no better than brand name products, and in some cases are significantly worse.

Consider the following scenario: According to an Amway employee who dropped by my blog one day and informed us that workers are given free bottles of SA8 laundry detergent (or whatever name they are using now) to use in their homes. He or she responds with a "no thanks" and proceeds to the store to purchase Tide. Why would you pay money on something you can receive for free? Is it possible that an Amway employee simply wants their garments to come out clean after washing them in the machine?

Set aside the fact that Amway items are of poor quality and are expensive.

Because of Amway's tarnished reputation, the vast majority of individuals are reluctant to purchase its items. And how did Amway acquire such a tarnished reputation? Thanks to their commissioned salespeople, also known as Amway independent business owners, sometimes known as IBOs, or ambots, they have achieved this success.

Trickery, bad behaviour, and lies are what distinguish Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs).

People are reluctant to purchase your Amway items because of the high price tags, shoddy quality, and poor reputation of others that came before you.

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