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Friday, September 10, 2021

Whooping It Up At Amway WWDB Spring Break (oops!) Leadership!

 My series on what it's like to work at Amway WWDB Spring Leadership is continuing today. I previously published this piece last year, but I'm republishing it here for the benefit of new readers. This is a description of some of the nonsense that goes on behind the scenes during Amway functions. The majority of the new recruits are young independent business owners (IBOs) who are attending an Amway gathering for the first time. It's possible that this is the first time they've been away from home and not on a family vacation with mommy and daddy, and they're using Spring Leadership as a time to celebrate. Take a trip to Fort Lauderdale for your shenanigans if you really want to party hard and all night long! It will be less expensive than attending a shabby WWDB Amway function like as Spring Leadership.

Later in the evening, Ambot and I went for a walk, and when we returned to the hotel, the clerks were still agitated from dealing with the brainwashed henchman and explaining to him how his credit card was being charged hundreds of dollars for the hotel rooms he had booked in his name and guaranteed with his credit card as payment. On top of that, I've heard that some IBOs were acting inappropriately, and that they were interacting with hotel customers who had called in to lodge complaints. Consider a Spring Break getaway in Fort Lauderdale. Excellent, exactly what we were looking for. In the hallways, a group of inebriated IBOs in various states of dress or undress are having a good time.

I'm not exaggerating. Who believes that if the upline assigns girls to one room and boys to another, they will actually adhere to the sleeping arrangements they have established?

There was a complimentary light breakfast available at the hotel where we were staying. Cereals, breads, doughnuts, fruit, yoghurt, coffee, and the like are examples of what is available. The restaurant - and I use the term loosely - perhaps the dining room would be a better choice of words - was the location where the food was laid out and the tables and chairs were set up for the guests to sit. When asked about who was wandering through their lobby in the morning searching for free food, the hotel personnel said they had to keep an eye on them. There must be a lot of hungry locals in the area!

There were other visitors at the hotel besides the Amway conventioneers, and the dining area was quite crowded when we arrived there. An IBO we were familiar with, a young lady in her twenties, was sitting at a table with three other individuals. All three of the others were dressed in business clothes and ready to begin their journey to Spring Leadership Institute. She was still in her pyjamas! I mean, what the fuck is going on? Have some self-respect, young lady! You're in a public space, a restaurant, to use the term loosely, where you'll be surrounded by other hotel guests and hotel workers who are maintaining the food supply well-stocked. Is it possible that you were completely unaware of how everyone else managed to get dressed before leaving their hotel rooms before you? Even the family with the two small children is dressed to the nines. You're still in your pyjamas and slippers, too. Incredible! You also don't have the luxury of having your room across the hall and being able to duck over and back before anyone notices you. Before you got here, you had to walk down a hallway and take an elevator, which meant you might have run into other hotel guests, not all of whom were ambots.

Perhaps it was the freshness of the air in this place. On my way back after a stroll, I noticed a woman in her jammies standing in the garden in front of the hotel, allowing her dog to relieve itself. And here I was thinking it was bad enough to be roaming around the hotel in your jammies, and then I saw someone outside the hotel in her jammies. And this woman had to be in her fifties at the very least. We aren't talking about a kid in this case.

Do you ladies have no sense of decency or what is proper to wear in public? Do you know what is appropriate to wear in public and what is not? I'm not sure if the dog lady worked for Amway, but I know the woman who worked in the dining room did. It's possible that Amway should send a message to their independent business owners (IBOs) in which they cite Mary Kay, who advises that the first thing you do in the morning is get dressed down to your shoes. That involves getting out of bed and putting on the outfit you're going to wear that day, as well as your make-up and shoes. When someone unexpectedly knocks on your door, you must be prepared to welcome them. It also means that if you have to leave the house in a nanosecond, you'll be prepared to grab your keys and head out the door.

After I drop Ambot off at the convention centre, I can spend the rest of the day lounging by the pool and reading a book..........

Awful Amway WWDB Spring Leadership!!!!!

Furthermore, it is a waste of time and money!!!!!

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