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Friday, September 10, 2021

You’re Not Man Enough To Be In Amway!

 One of the last accusations shouted at Ambot by our sack of shit Platinum was that he wasn't man enough to be in Amway and that he wasn't man enough to be married to me, among other things.

As a result, the piece of shit persuaded the Amway meeting attendees to join him in a prayerfest, hoping that I would meet another man and leave Ambot before the end of the meeting.

By that point, I had ceased attending Amway meetings entirely. If I had been present, I have no doubt that those fucking Amway jerks would have been praying for me to find another man. Instead, they'd be hoping against hope that I wouldn't kick their nuts in!

The Amway fraud is based entirely on placing the blame on the victim. If an IBO isn't earning thousands of dollars per month within six months of joining, there's something wrong with him, and he's either not CORE, or he's not following the business plan correctly, or he needs to go out and get more Amway CDs and books, among other things.

That is seen in Amway's literature.

0726 percent of independent business owners make at least $95,000 every year. That is a fraction of one percent of all IBOs. It's possible that the remaining 1 percent is just barely breaking even on its investment. The remaining 99 percent of independent business owners (IBOs) are losing money. According to our sack of shit Platinum's reasoning, the fact that 99 percent of the IBOs are not generating money in Amway indicates that there are many men out there who are not man enough to be in Amway.

Being abused by one's upline is a normal aspect of being a member of the Amway cult, and it is a normal element of being brainwashed by cult leaders who alternate between giving and withholding affection. Those who belong to the Amway cult worship these Amway demons and are continually seeking their blessing. All good cult leaders understand that they must maintain control over their members in order to keep them coming back for more abuse or affection. It's an unhealthy relationship.

Our sack of rotten muck Amway jerks like Platinum and other Amway jerks I know were good at disparaging and mocking other IBOs when they weren't generating money, but they were even better at being ever so supportive and loving when they made an Amway purchase or invested in the tool scam.

When Ambot began to query why the statistics in the Amway literature for earnings weren't adding up and he began to have concerns about the pay, the sack of shit Platinum turned on him and stomped on him. How dare a poor Independent Business Owner (IBO) to challenge Amway's printed word! How dare a humble IBO ask a question to the top of the pyramid!

Being that they will never make any money at Scamway, the only thing that brings enjoyment to the Amway jerks is the destruction of other people's personal relationships.

Ambot no longer attends Amway meetings after the sack of shit Platinum began praying that I would find another man and therefore end her marriage. After that, he was treated to a barrage of threatening phone calls from the Platinum jackass. As soon as he didn't answer his phone anymore - thank goodness for call display - the vile text messages began to arrive. Just the typical drivel that one gets from Amway assholes - loser, quitter, with his best wishes that I find another partner and get divorced from my current husband. Platinum is a sick son of a bitch and a cocksucking Amway piece of shit!

Our sack of shit Platinum has been in Scamway for nearly two decades and has yet to generate a Diamond income of approximately $150,000 per year, as stated in Amway's promotional literature. This could be payback for the way he has treated others in the past?

Poor, worthless scumbag of a human being. Platinum isn't strong enough to make money in the Amway business. All he's capable of is being another another Amway asshole who defrauds and destroys the lives of others by lying and misleading them.

Fuck you, you cretin! Please go ruin someone else's life, you troublemaking pile of trash that you are, Platinum!

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