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Friday, September 10, 2021

Amway IBO’s Are Cheap?

 Previously, Platinum would insult the Amway cult members by saying, "I could offer you a loan, but I won't because that would be pointless because it wouldn't teach you anything." You wouldn't figure out how to make that kind of money on your own,” she says.

Well, that's a fucking shame! A loan will not be granted by Mr. Sack of Shit only on the basis of his lack of available funds to make such a loan in the first place. Besides the fact that he is supporting a family and maintaining a household on an average wage since he is still doing a job that he despises but that covers the bills, he is also a member of Amway, which means he is perpetually broke. And he will be until he achieves Diamond status, which he will never achieve since, if it were in his cards, it would have occurred somewhere in the last 20 years instead of slipping in and out of Platinum qualifying. He is probably becoming increasingly enraged, but he is unable to abandon the swindle to which he has committed the better part of his life.

Often, there were pre-meetings that took place prior to the 8pm Amway meetings that the good little Amway warriors were required to attend. Bullshit "counselling" sessions with a sack of bullshit Platinum were commonplace at this time. Ambots might be summoned to a coffee shop on an individual basis, or a small group of them may be summoned to a coffee shop at the same time. When the sack of excrement arrived, he would hunt around for someone who would be willing to purchase him something to eat. I usually go to my Ambot, who already has a thriving genuine business and is older than the other tiny Amway ambots in the room, and who is more likely to have money, or at the very least space on his credit card, than the others. In response to Platinum's orders, Ambot would dash out to take care of his cult leader, whom he adored and revered.

Platinum would occasionally come up at the coffee shop and simply call out for someone to get him a cup of coffee and a snack, which would be promptly delivered. Occasionally, one or two of the ambots would scurry to get something for the asshole, but most of the time, it was only my husband who volunteered. They must have all regarded Ambot, the only homeowner in the neighbourhood who operated a genuine business and drove a decent automobile, as Mr. Moneybags because no one else had any money on them at the time.

This is an appropriate time to point out that our sack of trash Platinum never offered to buy anyone a cup of coffee or a snack.

What about the mode of transportation? Maintaining a car is an expensive endeavour. Almost every Scamway meeting was preceded by a trip to the Platinum's home, when he was picked up and driven to the location where the cult members were waiting. Because of the high cost of gasoline these days, it is less expensive for the sack of shit Platinum to persuade a cult member that it was a privilege to drive him around. What is the reality? He was able to avoid putting gas in his car!

Similarly, the Amway jerks in our upline expected Ambot to purchase the supplies they required for their cult meetings. There was a wide range of stuff here. One was a laptop since whoever's laptop was slower than shit, so Ambot would frequently slip out of the house with my laptop, giving me yet another reason to despise those jerks when I went to go online and couldn't discover where I had left my computer. So here we have all these fucking asses in our Amway upline who are saying that business is booming and they are making millions of dollars, but none of them can afford to get a laptop to use in the Amway meetings so that they can do a presentation on their product line. Amway cult gatherings were always led by bag of shit Platinum, among other things. Why is it that he cannot afford a laptop computer? Particularly considering that he told us he makes approximately $100,000 in Amway. People who earn a fraction of what he does can afford laptop computers, yet he is unable to? Scammer and liar, to say the least!

Someone in our upline who claimed to be a 1000 pin - and it's possible he did reach that level at some point in the last 10 years, but it's unlikely he will ever do it again - used to have a camera that was used for podcasts, but the camera broke. After that, instead of him purchasing another or finding someone else who was at least 1000 pin level, Ambot was instructed to purchase one for $200 (chu ching!) in order to utilise it during the Scamway meetings. Unfortunately, one of the upline jerks damaged that one as well. And no, we didn't go out and get another. At that point, Ambot had enough of those Amway jerkheads praying that I would meet another man and abandon him for good. Normally, you'd expect the jerk who broke the camera to replace it, but not that cheap jerk! Most likely, he was successful in convincing Ambot that there was a problem with the camera. Accuse the victim of your crime! It's all because of the camera! Ambots are always eager to point the finger at someone or something. I have one finger that I keep aside for those who work for Amway.

You have to wonder how those Amway assholes are managing to keep their cult meetings running now that Ambot has failed to return with a functioning laptop and camera!

The same may be said about Amway flash cards. The piece of shit Platinum refused to have any more cult meetings in our house because Ambot was unable to bring in any new members. We had a large number of no-shows. Well, that's a lie! After all, Amway is a brand. There's no way anyone wants to get engaged in that pyramid scheme! But, let us return to the flash cards. As soon as it was discovered that Ambot had them at home in case the sack of crap decided to conduct a meeting at our house, he was told to bring them to all cult gatherings he attended so that they could be utilised in the event of a meeting. They were stolen by a thieving ambot on our upline's network. Well, that's life. It's not like I wished them to return! It's possible that I would have sold them to the thieving Amway jerk for only $10 - what a deal! However, this is not the case. World Wide Development Bank (WWDB), one of the most immoral, thieving, lying bastards in the world, sponsored us.

This gives a whole new meaning to the term "tool scam." If ambots can't afford to buy them, they will steal them instead of paying for them. Alternatively, they can be destroyed in a jealous rage.

Are Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) a bunch of cheap jerks, or are they merely perpetually broke as a result of their affiliation with Amway?

Or do they have a false feeling of entitlement, believing that simply because they are members of Amway, everyone else owes them something?

I'd say it's a combination of all three factors.

Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are often criticized for being cheap or frugal. Many people assume that IBOs are simply looking to save money and avoid spending it whenever possible. However, the reality is much more complicated than that.

Firstly, it is important to note that the business model of Amway is built on the idea of maximizing profits while minimizing expenses. This means that IBOs are encouraged to be as efficient and cost-effective as possible in their business operations. This includes being mindful of expenses such as travel, marketing materials, and product purchases.

However, this does not mean that IBOs are inherently cheap or unwilling to spend money. Many IBOs understand that investing in their business is necessary for long-term success and are willing to spend money on training, marketing, and networking opportunities.

Additionally, many IBOs are simply financially responsible and prioritize saving and investing over frivolous spending. This is not necessarily a negative trait, as it can lead to financial stability and security.

It is also important to consider the context in which IBOs are often labeled as "cheap." Some people may have had negative experiences with IBOs who were overly pushy or aggressive in their sales tactics, leading them to associate frugality with negativity. However, this is not representative of all IBOs or the Amway business model as a whole.

Overall, while it is true that Amway IBOs are encouraged to be cost-effective in their business operations, this does not mean that they are cheap or unwilling to spend money when necessary. Many IBOs prioritize investing in their business and are financially responsible in their personal lives. The label of "cheap" is often based on misconceptions and negative experiences with a small subset of IBOs.

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