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Friday, September 10, 2021

A Message to the Pervert Ambot from Wisconsin

 When it comes to ambots who find their way to my blog after performing some illogical search, there isn't much that shocks me.

According to the search results for “Amway IBO naked photos,” this ambot from Wisconsin ends up at my post Walk Across That Stage.

I'm not exaggerating. I can't think of any Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) that I'd like to see nude images of. It's bad enough that I have distinct memories of how they all appear when they're completely dressed. Naked? Thank you very much!

Despite the fact that I have no problem with nude images and would welcome the opportunity to see some nudes of George Clooney, I am not going to go searching for them on the Internet. There are far too many of such sites that are infected with viruses.

Like the person who stands on the corner wearing a trench coat and asks, "Psst hey buddy, want to buy some images of naked IBOs?" It reminds you of that guy. Eeeww yuck nasty, I'm not interested. Do you have any George Clooney memorabilia?

You give me one thousand dollars, and I'll take those naughty IBO photos and burn them for you. No joke. That shouldn't be seen by anyone!

Sorry for disappointing you, but I have no interest in sharing images of IBOs in their undies on my blog. I apologise for any inconvenience. In light of the fact that I was ranked #10 on the old Google search engine, I suspect he had a good or bad experience with the first nine web pages he viewed! If Wisconsin Pervert Ambot conducts another search mission, I'm confident that this post will rank very high on the search engines when it comes to searching for just about any Amway related information. I'm also confident that this post will rank very high on the search engines when it comes to searching for just about any Amway related information.

Let's be honest, dude. Simply go to the drugstore and pick up a copy of Penthouse or Playboy or whichever magazine makes your heart race, and pretend you are gazing at IBOs in the pages of the magazine.

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