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Friday, September 10, 2021

Ambot Denial: Amway is Not a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme

 I can't tell you how many times I've heard Platinum, our sack of excrement, state that Amway is not a get rich quick plan. I'm not even kidding.

What he does not explain is that Amway is likewise not a business where you can get rich slowly.

Amway is a get rich quick scheme that never works. With the exception of a fraction of one percent of IBOs who make money, though it is unlikely to be the promised riches that some Amway jackass from the stage tells you about.

Everyone from our sponsor to the Diamonds told me that Amway jerks had promised us anything from $100,000 to $750,000 a year in the form of cash.

What a bunch of liars you are!

Amway bots spend a significant amount of time claiming that Amway is neither a get-rich-quick programme nor a pyramid scheme. Anyone who has to spend a significant amount of time disputing something and arguing why it isn't true needs to be prepared with scripted Amspeak responses. - You know it has to be just that; otherwise, why spend so much time in denial over something that is obvious?

In all of my years in the franchise business, I've never heard anyone from McDonald's inform franchisees that buying a restaurant is not a "get rich quick scam." McDonalds franchise ownership is comparable to that of owning a gold mine in several ways. It's always going to be profitable. Furthermore, I have never heard of someone from McDonalds going about telling the general public that they are not a pyramid system or that they are not a fraud. They don't have to waste time pretending to be something they are not. They must persuade others of what they are and what they do.

Legitimate businesses are not required to spend an inordinate amount of time refuting anything. There aren't any representatives from Dairy Queen going around convincing folks that Blizzards are a mouthwatering dessert. The majority of folks can figure it out after a few of spoonfuls of the stuff.

A recent post on Yahoo that I thought you would find fascinating is titled How To Retire With $1 Million, which I thought you might find interesting as well.

If you want to retire with any money, the first thing that springs to mind is that you should not waste it on the Amway Ponzi scheme.

Whatever the case, it's something to consider. For individuals such as us who are small business owners, there is no retirement fund on which we can rely, which means that during our working years, we must devise alternative means of augmenting our Social Security benefit payouts. Some people rely solely on the small amount of money they receive each month. Others simply have a consistent monthly income that can be relied upon to turn up and which, depending on where they reside, is sufficient to cover their monthly expenses. It is significantly more expensive to live in New York City than it is to live in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma. People like us require investments to provide a continuous stream of income when we retire so that we may spend our time doing the things we enjoy. Alternatively, there's the less enjoyable stuff like replacing a major item when it breaks down.

In our elderly years, what we don't need is some blatantly erroneous claim made by the lying asses in the Amway upline about the tens of millions of dollars in residual revenue that will continue to stream in in perpetuity.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Memorial Day holiday weekend! For the past couple of days, I've been sucked into a whirlwind of activity. Everyone is clamouring for me! This afternoon is going to be filled with more excitement! Wow, that's fantastic! At the very least, I'm not obligated to attend some stupid Amway cult gathering!

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