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Friday, September 10, 2021

Amway WWDB Family Reunion 2012

 There are Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) that are looking for information about the WWDB Amway Family Reunion 2012, and I am here to assist them in their search! I was able to find some information about the Puryear Family Reunion on the World Wide Dream Builders website, but it appears that any other Diamonds who are interested in taking advantage of this Amway function will need to get the news out to their downline in a different way.

In addition to getting more attention, the top criminal gets a larger portion of the tool scam pie.

Many ambots are looking for information about the Duncan Family Reunion 2012, which is taking place this year.

No information can be found on the World Wide Destructive Bastards website since they are occupied with advertising and promoting the Puryear Family Reunion. Need to make the other Diamonds angry by pointing out that they aren't getting their fair share of advertising.

This was a difficulty for me in 2011. The Amway cult is extremely covert and keeps its activities under wraps. Brainwashed ambots can only obtain this top-secret knowledge about the Duncan Family Reunion from the assholes in their upline, who are themselves brainwashed. Alternatively, from Anna Banana!

It has been brought to my attention that the Duncan Family Reunion is scheduled for July 21 to 22, 2012 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon. Duncan's identity is unknown; nevertheless, there are rumoured to be two or three of him going about out there brainwashing ambots.

Although there are no other places for WWDB Family Reunion for any other Diamonds, they are surely taking place and ambots are being encouraged to attend as many as they can go to. Many ambots should be able to attend both the Puryear Family Reunion in Boise, Idaho, on July 13-15, 2012, and then haul asses to Portland, Oregon, to attend the Duncan Family Reunion, which will be place on July 21-23, 2012, in Portland, Oregon. I'll report the dates and locations of any more WWDB Amway Family Reunions that I learn about as soon as I know about them.

So right now, the most I can do is utilise this blog to put in some keywords to attract ambots that are looking for WWDB Amway Family Reunion information, specifically Duncan Family Reunion 2012 information, and hope that they will find it. When it comes to Amway, the good news is that Married To An Ambot ranks highly on search engines for virtually every type of search.

The Anna Banana account of what really happens at Family Reunion appears to be the only option available to me. Despite the fact that this video is some years old, Amway brainwashing conferences remain mostly unchanged.

Then it's back to work, where we're harrassed for much of the journey by our sponsor Captain Fuck Up, who kept ringing Bitch at Ambot to say he'd lost his wallet, which meant he'd lost all his money and identification, plus his credit cards and other valuables. One can only imagine how many times that fucking Amway moron must have called to complain about his dang wallet. Whose fault is it, then, that he misplaced it? It appears to be Ambot's! That is the essence of what Amway is all about. Using people as scapegoats and assigning blame to them At approximately 3 hours into the drive, Captain Fuck Up indicated he had left his wallet in our house and insisted that we return home and search for it in case he had forgotten where he'd put it. I believe Ambot deduced that if I spent three hours travelling home, I was planning on staying the night. In addition, he would have missed the critically crucial Amway shitty trade event on Friday night if he had gone. Nobody seems to care, although Captain Fuck Up's wallet has never been found at our home or anywhere else for that matter. It was most likely taken during the previous night's cult meeting by an ambot.

Amway trade exhibition on Friday evening. It was a very shabby excuse for a trade expo, to be honest. Artistry, Nutrilite, XS, and Perfect Water were among the sleazy jerks hawking their costly schlock: the usual suspects. Also on hand were check-in stations where those who have registered for Family Reunion may pick up their weekend information packets ahead of schedule. In the course of our time there, our upline Eagle and a few people from his downline arrived. A few guys claimed they had registered and paid on the WWDB website a day or two earlier, but when they arrived to pick up their weekend packet, they couldn't locate any evidence that they had done so. In the end, he had nothing in his bank account, no one in his upline who had anything in their bank account, and no way to come up with $250 to get into Family Reunion. Then Ambot shows up and starts bragging about how I've got a couple of hundred dollars extra in my wallet, which is ridiculous. That makes me wonder if it has anything to do with a door crasher at JC Penney on Saturday and a cappuccino machine that I was considering purchasing. As a result, the fucking asshole Eagle begins nagging Ambot to loan him the money so that the dumb ass ambot on his downline may purchase his plane ticket and hotel room for Family Reunion. Moreover, because Ambot wishes to be regarded as supremely powerful and important in front of all of the filthy Amway cretins whom he has committed the better part of his life to worshipping and impressing, he hands up the money.

Which, I should point out, we never got back because the fucking Amway idiots claimed it was the same amount we'd need for Free Enterprise Days FED, which was coming up in October, and that they would take care of purchasing the tickets for us so that everyone would be on the same page in the end.

I'm done with you Amway jerks! Was anything said about my goddamned cappuccino machine, which is currently on sale?

So, on Saturday, the fucking WWDB Amway Family Reunion will kick off in style. What a complete and utter waste of money! Here I am, one fucking piece of shit Platinum after another gets up on stage to brag about how great they are. Men in tuxedos and women in evening ball gowns were in attendance. In other words, where the heck do you cretins believe you are. There's no formal night on the Love Boat tonight! Those Platinums are grateful to every jackass in their Amway upline, and they should be. What a sleazy group of a$$ kissers they are! They are kissing each other so hard that I am amazed they aren't choking on their own faeces. So this continues throughout the day. But the creepiest aspect is all of the indoctrinated ambots that throng around the stage, screaming like the Beatles are up there instead of just some slimy piece of shit Platinums who are scamming people for their money. After that, they take a break for supper, which is included in the fee, but we have to drag ourselves to another location to eat. The dish wasn't particularly appetising. Banquet meal that is slightly below average for el cheapo.

The torment of the day hasn't ended yet. We return to the arena and are forced to put up with some Diamonds who are upset because they aren't making as much money speaking at the event as they would like. For the next 3 or 4 hours, they tell the ambots to buy more motivating materials so that they may make more money this weekend. Around 11 p.m., the brainwashing hell is finished.

In fact, Ambot and I are sleeping at a hotel where no one else from our LOS is staying, and I don't believe there was anyone who was up late, or if there was, we didn't find out about it.

Sunday mornings are reserved for church services. Thank you, but no thanks. I'm going to sleep in so that I don't have to put up with any more wacko Amway religious nonsense, as I've already had enough of it the day before. I believe the afternoon bullshit session re-started at 1pm and ended by 5 p.m., according to my notes. Thank you, God! Let's get out of here as soon as possible and get home.

The family reunion is a pain in the neck!

WWDB is a snoozer!

Amway is a jerk!

What a complete and utter waste of a weekend!

What a complete and utter waste of money!

Wasting time and money by not finding a good bargain on a cappuccino machine is a disgrace!

As well as a heartfelt thank you to all of the Amway jerks in my upline!!!

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