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Friday, September 10, 2021

Amway Asshole of the Week from Alberta Canada

 I had an Amway jerk from Edmonton, Alberta, show up to my blog and leave some words of wisdom, which I appreciated.

More information about the Amway WWDB Puryear Family Reunion 2011 may be found here.

Wow, I had no clue there were so many heartbreaking failures who had given up on WWDB till now! I came upon this depressing exchange while looking for the Foglios, who are scheduled to speak in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada this weekend. And I'm looking forward to gaining some knowledge and adopting a more optimistic attitude from them. I saw Brad Duncan the other night, and he was fantastic, and I saw Greg Duncan in Calgary two weeks ago, and both were excellent. I just want to say that no one is perfect, but the individuals at WWDB are far superior to the jerks I work with on a daily basis at my current employment. WWDB is the organisation that is assisting my wife in overcoming depression and preventing her from working some crappy job servicing people with nasty attitudes. People like you, who are always complaining. Look at your own life with the same critical eye that you use to judge WWDB, and you will despise your life as well. In addition, Canada will break three new diamonds in the following six months. Stop being haters and feeling sorry for yourself, and get out of your house, demonstrate the plan, and have some trust that, if all goes according to plan, we will all be Ambots. Canada Guy

Amspeak's scripted reaction is typical. Allow me to take on a small portion of it.

Greg Duncan, who is currently in bankruptcy court, is a favourite of this individual. What exactly does he do? Give ambots some tips on how to avoid going bankrupt as a result of the Amway scam?

WWDB is for World Wide Destructive Bastards, and it is in this cult that the greatest assholes in Amway may be found.

Because her jerk of a husband is wasting all of their money in the Amway pyramid scam, and because they're following Duncan's advise and filing for bankruptcy, the lady is presumably despondent. Even if she's depressed, she'll probably appreciate being pampered and loved on by the jerks in her Amway upline. Some people, especially those with clear heads, find the Amway love bombing to be really unsettling.

So, why don't you tell us who these Diamonds are who are breaking the law by naming them? Because it isn't going to happen!!!! There were 2 or 3 new Diamonds, a few Emeralds, and hundreds of Platinums announced at every Scamway conference I attended, all of which were expected to break within the following six months. What a novel idea! Yawn! Although it has never happened, ambots are always gloating about how it is right around the corner.

Amspeak is a typical ambot.

Please consider the following hint for you Amway bastards. You aren't as anonymous as you may believe. If some Amway jackass writes a dumb ass remark on this blog article, I'll check my stats to see who else has commented on it, and I may call you out in a subsequent reaction to your stupidity.

At work, a large number of ambots are fucking around on the Internet. Surely their supervisor, who is assisting their employee in paying for their pricey Amway habit, enjoys the fact that their employee is stealing time and not getting their work completed. But, hey, whatever. I ain't no enforcer of the "get your work done" law.

I was particularly enraged by this Amway jerk from Alberta, who I discovered was working as a government employee and was using a government-issued computer to fuck around on the Internet rather than getting his work done, as he was paid to do.

Those who are hired by the government are considered public service employees, and their job is to provide service to the general public, either directly or indirectly. They are held to a higher standard of accountability than other employees because they are public servants - those who serve the public. Government employees are typically represented by a labour union and are well compensated, earning at least $20/hour for an entry-level employment and receiving health insurance coverage, a significant allotment of vacation and sick days, and a pension. These overpaid paper pushers, on the other hand, are typically the ones that complain the most about their work. There are probably hundreds of unemployed individuals who would love to have your overpriced position, so don't worry about it. No one held a pistol to your head and forced you to apply for the job, accept the position, or continue working at a job you despise and despise even more.

It was said last year that hiring Amway ambots is a bad idea because of their piss poor attitudes toward their employers and coworkers, as well as the fact that they waste a lot of time on the phone texting or surfing the internet instead of doing the work for which they are being paid. A better way to put it is that ambots steal from their own workforce.

It appears that this jerk from Edmonton, Canada, is stealing from his bosses. During the hours of 1:15 pm and 2:20 pm on Tuesday May 29, 2012, he was cruising about on Married to an Ambot. That is the time in the Pacific time zone. Alberta is about an hour or two ahead of us.

According to WWDB, he represents the most unethical sponsorship line that Amway has in its cult. This is the set of ideals that this cult instils in its members, who are taught to be criminals and con artists. They're solely interested in taking advantage of others.

This isn't my struggle to fight. Due to the fact that I don't reside in that area, it is not my tax money that are hard at work funding an Amway ambot that isn't doing his job and instead spends his time surfing the Internet and posting comments about his coworkers being a bunch of jerks. What this jerk really thinks of his coworkers is something I'm sure the manager would like to find out!

Merely looking at this overpaid paper pusher who is ripping people off with his Amway business and stealing from the taxpayers of Alberta is enough to make me furious! If anyone would like to email this information to the government of Alberta in Edmonton, where this Amway jerk works, and report him for stealing taxpayer cash, I am supplying the information of the computer that he is using. I'm not sure what the web address is, but I'm quite sure it's the government of Alberta from what I can tell. Does this person possibly work in the elections department?

What most employers don't realise is that when they use a business computer, they are leaving a digital trail of their footsteps behind them. They have a user name and a password, which allows them to login in and work from any location within the firm. When IT receives a request to monitor the history of a user, they may hunt them down and observe exactly what they are up to in real time. They can be fired very quickly if they are not performing the tasks that they are expected to perform. Afterwards, watch as the union files a grievance alleging that their guy was fired for spending his time fucking around on the Internet calling his coworkers bastards rather than getting his work done.

The majority of my readers are located in the United States. The province of Alberta has the second greatest number of readers. Canada as a whole only has a couple of readers here and there, but Albertans are crazy about my blog! Surely one of my readers will be sufficiently upset by this employee's deception to file a formal complaint with the appropriate authorities.


It's awful to hear about people's poor experiences with Amway distributors, but it's even more troubling to learn that certain individuals engage in unethical or abusive behavior. The "Amway Asshole of the Week" hails from Alberta in Canada and is one example of this type of example.

A man approached a woman named Sara when she was in a coffee shop. After striking up a discussion with her, he eventually divulged to her that he was a distributor for Amway. This is where the story begins. He then proceeded to try and recruit her into the business opportunity, despite the fact that she continually declined and indicated disinterest in participating in the possibility.

The interaction took a turn for the worst when the man grew belligerent and started ranting at Sara, describing her as "close-minded" and "unsuccessful." Sara was called names throughout this exchange. He even went so far as to make personal assaults, such as telling her that she would never be able to retire and that she was a "slave to the system." He did this repeatedly.

Later, Sara discussed her experience on social media, where it quickly gathered attention and spurred a bigger discourse about MLM recruitment strategies and the significance of respecting boundaries. It was subsequently determined that the individual in question was an Amway salesman by the name of James. James had a history of acting disrespectfully and aggressively toward those whom he attempted to recruit into the company.

This kind of behavior is not only harmful to people who are targeted by aggressive recruiters, but it also gives a negative impression of the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry as a whole. It is essential for businesses such as Amway to establish ethical standards and hold their distributors accountable for any abusive or disrespectful behavior they may exhibit in the workplace.

Sadly, incidents like Sara's are not uncommon, and they underscore the need for more understanding surrounding MLM recruitment procedures and strategies. It is essential to examine any potential business venture with a critical eye and to place one's own personal boundaries and well-being above all other considerations.

In the end, it is essential to keep in mind that you have the ability to decline any business opportunity or sales pitch that is presented to you, and that your value and level of success are not contingent on your participation in any form of business venture, including multi-level marketing.

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