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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Harris, Horace & Constance Amway

  Harris, Horace & Constance 

Horace was born in Chicago and grew up with his younger sister, who is also named Horace. 

Getting an excellent education is critical for being competitive in the world and for having the skills to explore all of their talents, as both parents underlined. 

They were urged to attempt new things and to never admit defeat in front of others.

Constance was born and raised in the Cleveland, Ohio, area of the United States. It was her parents who also provided her with the same type of motivation. 

She was taught how to use the city's library and museums, and she came to appreciate them as a result of her experience. 

Constance is the youngest of seven siblings, all of whom are male. Spending time with her aunt and other family members around a Scrabble board, as well as having passionate discussions about a wide range of issues, made her upbringing more enjoyable.

Horace and Constance are both college graduates, as is their mother. During the stormy years of the late 1960s, Horace was studying for his master's degree and his law degree at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. 

He learnt early in life that if you don't stand up for something, you'll be taken in by anyone or anything.

She and her husband both relocated to Washington in the early 1970s and took up positions with the federal government. 

Constance worked for the State Department and spent a lot of time travelling throughout the world, particularly in French-speaking countries. 

When her business sponsor invited her to a covered-dish party where Horace was sharing highlights of the company, she and Horace became acquainted. 

Later, once Horace's first marriage had ended, he and Constance began dating again a few years later. Together, they discovered many common interests and ambitions, shared a lot of laughter, and, most significantly, formed a very fulfilling friendship.

Horace has been able to spend more time with his son, Vincent, as a result of his successful business. There are numerous advantages to not being chained to a traditional 9-to-5 work schedule. One is the ability to cultivate relationships with peace of mind.

It is unlikely that any of this would have occurred if Horace had listened to his supervisor, who urged him to forsake his business in its early stages and concentrate instead on his legal career instead. 

Today, Horace and Constance are the owners of a global company, they have complete control over their schedule, and their honeymoon is becoming more enjoyable by the day! - - - - - - - - 

It is with sadness that we report the death of Horace Harris, who passed away in the spring of 2008. As a man and as a business leader, Horace set a high standard that continues to be followed by others today, despite his premature demise.

Independent Business Owners (IBOs) in the Amway business, Horace and Constance Harris have achieved a great level of success because to their hard work. They were able to accomplish the difficult task of reaching the renowned level of Founders Crown Ambassador, which is the pinnacle of success in the Amway industry.

The Harrises, Horace and Constance, have been working in the Amway industry for a significant amount of time and have established a sizable and prosperous organization. They have been able to achieve success in the Amway business by working really hard, devoting themselves, and making a commitment to assisting others in accomplishing their objectives.

One of the most important aspects that has led to their level of success is the emphasis that they place on their own personal growth. Both Horace and Constance Harris have always been dedicated to the pursuit of personal improvement and have placed a high focus on making investments in their own progress as individuals. They have also been successful in instilling this similar focus on personal development in the members of their team, which has contributed to the establishment of a culture within their firm that is centered on growth and learning.

They have placed a significant emphasis on developing close relationships with the members of their team, which is another aspect that has contributed to their success. They have made it a goal to connect on a personal level with the members of their team since they are of the opinion that developing solid relationships is necessary to the establishment of a prosperous business. Because of this, they have been able to foster a sense of community within their business, which has been beneficial in maintaining active participation and motivation among team members.

In addition to that, Horace and Constance Harris are well-known for their dedication to charitable work. They have contributed to a variety of philanthropic causes over the course of their lives, as they are of the opinion that paying one's good fortune forward is a crucial component in reaching one's goals in life. They have been able to make the world a better place by using their success in the Amway business to assist those who are struggling and to make a good effect.

In addition to the success that Horace and Constance Harris have achieved in their Amway business, they are also highly regarded as influential members of their community. They have been honored for the contributions that they have made to a variety of charitable organizations and have been presented with a number of awards in recognition of their leadership and the philanthropic work that they have done.

In conclusion, Horace and Constance Harris are two of the most successful Independent industry Owners (IBOs) in the Amway organization. They have reached the pinnacle of success in the Amway industry. Their accomplishments can be explained by the importance they place on self-improvement, the cultivation of meaningful connections, and volunteer work in their community. They are an inspiration to people in the Amway company and beyond, and their story serves as a testament to what can be done through hard work, devotion, and a commitment to helping others. Their story serves as a testament to what can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to helping others.

Harris, Horace & Constance

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