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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Hegde, Prakash & Smita Amway

 Hegde, Prakash & Smita 

 When Prakash and Smita Hegde immigrated to the United States from India, they expected to pursue separate careers; he worked as a software consultant, while she worked in homoeopathic medicine. However, their plans changed. 

The reason for choosing those occupations, according to Prakash, was that they were recommended to him by a friend. "However, something better came along after that."

They thought the AMWAYTM business was a fantastic potential from the moment they first heard about it. According to Prakash, “It was something I could do to help others while still staying out of a cubicle and earning some money.”

 Adding to Smita's praise, "I appreciated the fact that the couples collaborated as a team." “It appeared to be a pleasant setting to be in, and we were impressed with the merchandise as well.” When they received their first paycheck, they recall it as being extremely encouraging. 

As Prakash recounts, "we built a duplicate of it." “It wasn't a significant amount, but it came from our own efforts rather than those of others, and that really pumped us up.” The rejection aspect proved to be the most difficult obstacle for them to overcome. 

"We've now learned that not everyone is as ambitious as we are," says Prakash of the realisation. “We just concentrated on our objectives and didn't give a damn about those who said no.”

In reality, the "noes" helped them to become more mentally robust. They developed into strong leaders and self-assured entrepreneurs, and they set an excellent example for their children, Ronak, 12, and Sanya, 6. According to Smita, "They also learned to dream large." 

They learn that we are not only in the race but will finish it when they observe Mom and Dad not only seeking but also achieving their goals. 

It has been observed that we have failed and then gotten up and tried again,” adds Prakash. When they look back on their experience and reflect, they say they wish they had believed in themselves a bit more and connected with their mentors a little earlier. 

"We wouldn't have spent as much time attempting to persuade people to join us, but instead would have moved on more swiftly to find those who were already on board."

They also discovered that in order to get outcomes, it is necessary to concentrate on growing people who choose to follow you. « We make an effort to bring out the best in those around us and to serve others before we expect to see returns for ourselves, » Smita explains. 

"By assisting people in realising their aspirations and achieving their goals, we all prosper together." The couple also expresses their gratitude for the assistance provided by the company. 

“We make use of The Learning Center, and we are thrilled with all of the new AMWAY products,” Prakash says. The fact that they (Amway) are as invested in our success as we are is reassuring.

Having one brand new diamond in India as part of its origination is an advantage. Dr. Priya Ravi Swaminathan and Ravi Swaminathan

The Hegde pair, Prakash and Smita, have achieved a great deal of success in their Amway business. 1997 was the beginning of their time spent with Amway, during which they quickly rose through the ranks to reach the Platinum level. Since that time, they have been working hard to grow their company and have recently reached the Founders Platinum level, which is a huge accomplishment within the Amway business.

Both Prakash and Smita Hegde came from modest beginnings, and throughout their lives, they have had to overcome a number of obstacles. Despite this, they have never wavered in their faith in the transformative potential of persistent effort and focused intent. They have utilized the lessons they have learned to inspire those around them and assist them in being successful in their Amway business.

The Hegde family has been honored and presented with a number of prizes and accolades in recognition of the success they have achieved in the Amway industry. They have been asked to speak at a variety of events and have done so in order to serve as a source of motivation for those who have heard them.

The Hegde family's success can be attributed in large part to the importance they place on cultivating their relationships with those around them. They have always highlighted how important it is to develop a trustworthy relationship with both their team members and their clients. They have also underlined how important it is to continue one's personal development and have encouraged the members of their team to work on furthering their own personal development.

They have placed a significant emphasis on developing a powerful team, which is another essential component that has led to their success. They have always had faith in the transformative potential of collaboration, and they have put in a lot of effort to develop a group that is both encouraging and driven. In addition to this, they have offered their team members training as well as support in order to assist them in accomplishing their objectives.

The Hegdes have made it a priority, in addition to developing their company, to contribute to the betterment of their neighborhood. They have participated in a variety of social activities and have strived to make people's lives better in the communities in which they have lived. They are firm believers in the importance of putting one's wealth to work for the greater good of society.

To summarize, Prakash and Smita Hegde have achieved a great deal of success in their Amway business together. They have been recognized for their accomplishments and have reached the Founders Platinum level as a result of their hard work. Their success can be linked to the fact that they placed a major emphasis on developing solid relationships, building powerful teams, and making a commitment to their own personal growth. They are also dedicated to making a positive impact on society and giving back to the community that has given them so much. Their journey serves as a model for others who are interested in achieving success in the Amway industry by following in their footsteps.

Hegde, Prakash & Smita

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