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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

FiredUp Letters - Section 2: Family & Relationships Amway

 FiredUp Letters - Section 2: Family & Relationships 

 On October 14, 1984, my wife and I decided to join the Amway Corporation. We had been married for a little more than 2 years and had two children at the time. 

Commercial pilot, and the demands of my job, along with the financial hardship, were driving a hole between my wife and myself. 

I would leave for work and my children would be sound sleeping. When I returned home, my children were fast sleeping. 

My wife and I were unable to hold a coherent discussion, and I had began to drink more and more to dull the sting of my displeasure, which was becoming increasingly painful. 

I was disillusioned and had almost given up on the prospect of a better future.

Once, I examined myself in the mirror and wondered aloud whether this was the sum of my existence. It is not going to become any better if you do not alter your way of thinking or what you are currently doing.

My sponsor came up to us and showed us the plan a short time later. Approximately two weeks after joining Amway, I stopped drinking. Because I had a dream, I was able to stop drinking alcohol altogether.

My wife was first apprehensive about the prospect. I had completely lost her trust. However, when my upline demonstrated the plan to us, I recognised something in them that we did not have and that I want for my family. 

Not only did they possess it, but I also observed it in our organization's senior leadership.

My sponsor's example, as well as the books and CDs I've listened to, have helped me learn how to be a better husband and father to my wife and four children. Our marriage would have ended in disaster if it hadn't been for the beneficial influence of this company. Instead, we are a marriage success storey because to this company.

As a footnote to my letter, I'd like to provide a sample of the type of people you'll encounter in Amway.

My employer had decided to relocate me to Lynchburg, Virginia. My house was engulfed in flames on the 26th of November, 1996, the day before Thanksgiving. I had just completed showering and getting dressed to leave my bedroom when I discovered it in flames. For the time being, my wife was at work and my children were at school. I was alone myself at the time. I wouldn't have made it out of the house if I had waited another five minutes.

We had misplaced all of our materials. The people who work for Amway welcomed us into their homes, others gave us clothes, others gave us money, and everyone prayed. The amount of support received was overwhelming. The majority of people would not believe me if I told them how much assistance we received. That night, our sponsors drove for over eight hours round trip with food, clothing, and money to make sure we were all okay, and they were. Not a single member of the family called.

Amway is about much more than just money.

—R.S. and C.S., Conover, North Carolina

I am a 52-year-old single grandmother who had given up hope in terms of a secure future until my boss sponsored me as an Amway Distributor. I am grateful to him for this opportunity.

My entire life has been transformed in the most positive ways. All of the people I've met have been extremely encouraging and loving. 

My up line lives 100 miles away one way and travels to help me anywhere from three to seven times a week, always with a smile on his face. 

Nobody is more supportive than Amway when I need them, whether it's getting my car fixed or teaching me how to run a business. If you are not in Amway right now, you should be.

Amway has saved my life and given me the opportunity to live again, to enjoy my mother in her final years, and to spend time with my grandchildren during their formative years, thanks to their generosity. In response to a question at school about what she wanted to be when she grew up, my 5-year-old granddaughter stated, "I want to be a Diamond, like my Gammie is going to be."

Thank you so much, Dr. Helmsletter, and thank you, Amway. I appreciate everything.

• S. P. from Ardmore, Oklahoma.

Shad, I'd like to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you've done for me.

Much has been said, and properly so, about the very real financial rewards and personal growth that may be obtained through the Amway business opportunity. One aspect that is sometimes ignored, however, is the human element of the situation.

Even though our company is still in its infancy, there is an unbelievable amount of diversity within our very small group of employees. 

We have African-Americans, Caucasians, Asian-Americans, and Hispanics on our team, as well as people with high school, college, and post-graduate education levels; people ranging in age from 21 to 70; blue collar and white collar workers; professionals, retirees and students; Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Born Again Christians, and Atheists; married and single; Republicans and Democrats; families and single mothers; and people from well-to-do to just-getting

How can a group of people like these ever manage to get along in the same room, let alone create long-lasting friendships and professional collaborations? Because, despite the fact that our goals and aspirations are all different, we are all striving to live better lives in the spirit of mutual collaboration.

During the next millennium, as the Amway business continues to grow at a rapid pace, I am confident that we will play a big part in bringing our nation together by bridging the racial, economic, and political divides that today plague our country.

The firm of D. B. & L. B. (Chicago)

For the past two and a half years, my wife and I have operated our own independent Amway business. In that time, we have witnessed a significant shift in ourselves as well as in our relationship.

It has made a significant difference in our lives because of the wonderful motivation and support we have received from our upline and other Amway representatives.

One particular instance comes to mind. My husband and I welcomed our second child, a son, into the world in June this year. 

He was born with a slew of complicated medical issues. God called my kid home to Him after only twelve hours and six minutes on the earth. 

My entire world had been devastated. I had the distinct impression that my entire existence had been turned upside down.

The phone began to ring at that point. Friends? Family? A couple of the calls were made in this manner. However, the vast majority of the messages came from fellow Amway distributors who expressed concern, hope, and prayer for my family.

Many of the distributors who contacted or sent messages on Amvox were people I had never met before, yet their words of encouragement reverberate in my head as if I had just hung up the phone. Who knows where else in the world a person would be able to find that kind of assistance?

The income is good, but the actual joys of our Amway business are intangible and cannot be defined in monetary value. We would never give up, even if we never made another penny again.

—D. G. and P. G., Larimore, North Dakota

Thank you for the information you provided about Amway in your latest report. As I was reading through your responses, I was struck by how you brought up the issue of generational differences. \

I wanted to attract attention to the fact that that was a very powerful remark. Having been in the Amway industry for more than thirty years, my parents are experts in the field. Having grown up in the "Amway environment," I, along with my other siblings (whose ages range from 23 to 40), are products of that environment. 

We are either involved with our parents' businesses or are business owners ourselves, or we are supporting our communities in some way.

None of us has ever used public aid, been arrested, or been out of work. The fact that none of our five children and fourteen grandchildren are using drugs, have dropped out of school, are doing time in any type of correctional institution, or are seeking mental treatment, means that none of our three generations has been sucked out of society.

We are only following in the footsteps and following the example that our parents have established for us. Because of the way we were taught, we are independent thinkers who have been able to have a greater diversity of social connections as a result of our upbringing. 

Instead of simply reproducing themselves, our forefathers and foremothers have heavily seeded the market with productive individuals. 

The ideals and standards that our parents instilled in us through their involvement in the Amway business have made us all better wives, moms, fathers, and business owners.

Their influence on us was profound, instilling in us a strong feeling of self-worth, responsibility, commitment, and the will to succeed.

We were taught to be strong in our faith, to love our nation, and to be proud of our heritage as a result of our upbringing. 

When children are nurtured with these kinds of values and ethics, you can expect high-quality results, resulting in a generation of people who are positive contributors to society.

One other tremendous force that cannot be matched in any other business in the world is the loyalty and affinity that exists between the second and third generations of the family firm. 

There is an almost inexplicable level of admiration and reverence that we have for our parents and what they have represented through their life that is almost unfathomable. 

Many second generations have dedicated their lives to their parents and the company in order to ensure that the heritage would be passed down through the generations.

Given the constant turmoil, violence, corruption, and terrible bombardment of our beloved family unit that we live in, it should be a refreshing change for anyone who reads about the Amway business to learn that it has far-reaching benefits that extend not only to one, but two and three generations down the line, as well.

Sincerely, — AJ from Fort Mill, South Carolina

Please let me to express how the Amway opportunity has benefitted my family. Thank you for the chance.

My father was one of the original founding fathers of the United States of America. At Amway, he played a role in the development of the business strategy that we now follow. 

When I was growing up, I watched my father and mother work hard to achieve their goals. As a child, I watched with awe as my parents' success in the business expanded with them. 

For the simple reason that I chose to follow them, my parents were my idols and later my mentors and coaches in both life and the business world. "I aspired to be as successful as my father."

My three children are now pursuing jobs in the Amway organisation. Yes, the opportunity is unique, but it is also better. 

The values and principles, on the other hand, are the true standards and practical applications that are taught in Amway. 

It is one thing to teach them, but it is quite another to live them. Being able to drive a car that allows you to realise your dream while not compromising your values; that is Amway. 

There are no quotas, no regions, and the only thing that limits our potential is the six inches that separate our ears.

E-commerce is the wave of the future. Yes, Amway will be more than prepared to enter the e-commerce market. 

The best opportunity has now gotten even more favourable. The way we conduct business now will position us for success in the twenty-first century and beyond. 

We have many men and women distributors who are committed to doing whatever it takes to step out and step it up (SOSIU) as we re-launch. The owners of Amway corporation are also committed.

It will be impossible to avoid being interrupted by those who are doing it, even if they claim it is impossible.

(MM) Ohio, J. V. (JV)

Over the course of a little more than six years, my wife and I have been active with the Amway business. 

As a family, we have two wonderful children of our own, and we are currently in the process of adopting a beautiful baby girl. I wait tables for a "job" and my wife stays at home with our children

Over the course of a little more than six years, my wife and I have been active with the Amway business. 

\As a family, we have two wonderful children of our own, and we are currently in the process of adopting a beautiful baby girl. 

In order to support our family, I work as a waiter at a restaurant while my wife remains at home with our children, teaching them our values and views. 

We teach Sunday School to toddlers, which is a challenging task that we relish. 

We have a love marriage that has been tried and tested, and has proven to be unbreakable and always conquering obstacles along the way.

Not to boast, but rather to demonstrate the benefits of being associated with positive, driven, and upward mobility people in the Amway industry, which I hope you will find interesting and useful. 

As a result of stumbling across a "business opportunity," two people from different broken and dysfunctional families learn to overcome all of their past family issues, including multiple divorces, alcoholicism, drug addiction, adultery, recklessness, and physical abuse in the process of establishing their new business.

There are many people in our culture who would use those terrible experiences to defend their low social status. 

We made a different decision. We made the decision to prevail. Our association with so many positive influences, which this company epitomises, has helped us to dilute the negative influences of the past and replace them with an excellent present and an unending, incredible optimism for the future. 

We are grateful for this opportunity.

Our personal experience with the Amway business has significantly enriched our lives as well as the lives of people around us. 

"You don't know what you don't know!" I tell folks who are just getting started with the Amway business opportunity. 

I hope you find out about Amway and have a positive experience with it. I'm delighted we went ahead with it!

Sincerely, The R.S. and M. S. of Virginia Beach, Virginia

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