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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

FiredUp Letters - Section 3: Values & Lifestyle Amway

 FiredUp Letters - Section 3: Values & Lifestyle 

 The decision to become Amway distributors was one of the best decisions my wife and I ever made. We had reached the end of our ropes by the time we spotted this opportunity. When we were married, things were difficult. We didn't think we would be able to make it more than a couple of months financially, and we had no hope that anything or anybody would be able to assist us.

We have been in the industry for two years, and we have transformed into a completely new group of people. The cheerful atmosphere, as well as the books and cassettes, have completely transformed our outlook on life. My wife and I have the best marriage in the world, and it is getting better every day. I consider myself quite fortunate to have her.

In terms of money, we are in a much better position. My wife has already resigned from her position with the state, where she had worked for 12 years, and we have set a date for my retirement, which will be in just 10 short months. After a year of having mom at home instead of sending them to daycare for 9 hours a day, my children are completely different children.

Even if we never made another cent in the business, the effort would have been worthwhile simply because of the individuals we have become as a result of spending the past two years in such a great environment.

Thank you, Amway, for making a difference in my life.

My regular company brings me into contact with a lot of folks that are quite negative and have been battered down. If we let our support staff to work with us, I find that the attitudes I learn in the Amway company carry over into my personal and professional life as a result of working with them.

As a result, we've noticed a difference in the attitude of our youngest son (our two older daughters didn't receive nearly as much positive impact early on, but they do now, despite the fact that they're in college and attempting to make it on their own). Our youngster even reminds us from time to time when we are feeling down.

—T.L. and C.L., both of Lander, Wyoming

With a teaching degree from Eastern Kentucky University, I've spent my whole professional working life in the insurance, real estate, banking, and retail marketing industries.

A stranger dropped off an advertisement package with a blue dot tape one day and changed everything. I listened to the tape numerous times before returning his phone call. That phone call was the most significant call I had ever made, and I had made thousands of phone calls in my life before that.

After 47 years on this planet, my life has steadily shifted from that of a workaholic to that of a husband, parent, and leader who is one hundred percent happier than I have ever been in my whole life.

My life now has value and significance that nothing will ever be able to take away from me.

—D. M.

The first time I went to an Amway meeting, I couldn't quite grasp the business concepts, despite the fact that they seemed to make sense to me at the time. But, even in that case, I couldn't help but notice the nice atmosphere and the positive individuals around me. I couldn't discover a single person with a long face among a hundred others.

That prompted me to look into what was causing the people involved to have such a happy attitude and to have such a great influence on others. I discovered that the business was built on the principles of honesty and trust among its employees. I discovered people who trusted one another and, perhaps more importantly, believed in themselves. People stood up for their beliefs.

I've noticed an increase in the number of professionals entering the industry, including software consultants, doctors, and private business owners. persons who have faith, courage, and a strong desire to achieve success

It is my personal thank you to God for placing me in a positive environment where no one tells me, "You can't do this," or "You can't do that," but instead tells me, "If one man can do it, so can you."

—D. N., from Los Angeles, California

When I was a detective with the New York Police Department, I was introduced to the Amway business. At the time, I was assigned to the Narcotics Division of the Department of Justice. For nearly 12 years, I worked in a variety of ghetto neighbourhoods throughout New York City. During this time, a good buddy who was active in the Amway business volunteered to take me to a meeting, which I declined for the next five months. I finally consented to attend the conference that would change the course of my entire life.

The first night I went to the meeting, I pretended to be a detective, trying to figure out what was wrong, but I couldn't find anything incorrect. My chair nearly fell out from under me when they began to demonstrate the potential of the marketing plan and the facts. However, it was my friend's invitation to a business seminar that sealed the deal for me. This was crucial for me because it was the first time I met truly wonderful individuals.

You see, I was working in a pretty unpleasant environment, and I was beginning to believe that there were no nice people left in the entire world. I wasn't a fast learner when it came to business, but I ultimately got started and expanded the company to the point where it could supplement my pension, allowing me to leave the Police Department in good standing. This was also an important aspect of the Amway company's overall operations. My father was now 87 years old, and I had never had a close relationship with him.

Well, because to the Amway business, I was able to spend the final two years of his life with him, laughing, fishing, and learning about the events of his life as well as the events in my family's life. You could never place a price on time, which is something that can never be repurchased at any cost. These are just a few of the reasons why I believe the Amway business is the greatest business of all time, and there are many more. I will be eternally grateful to Rich and Jay for restoring my life to normalcy for me.

—M. G.

Almost a decade has passed since we became Amway distributors. We have never been dissatisfied with the firm, and we can honestly state that things have only gotten better and better with each passing year.

There is an opportunity for you to expand your range of alternatives in your life. Fortunately, the chance to surround yourself with high-quality people exists. Knowing that there are no prejudices in business, only hard effort and results, provides everyone with an equal chance to achieve in life. No one should be surprised that Amway is a hugely successful company all across the world. They take care of their distributors in the proper manner.

We upgraded to Diamond status a few years ago. Despite the difficulties, life continues to be lovely. Amway works for those who are willing to put in the effort. Dreams are possible and do come true.

—J. & J. & J. & J. & J. M.

Thank you for creating such an excellent website! My wife and I have been working on growing our Amway business for a few years now. I am 33 years old and we have three children. We have experienced some financial success, having reached the Direct level after only one and a half years in business.

While working as a manager for a large insurance firm, I was disenchanted with corporate life, knowing that my future was being dictated by decisions made by upper management that had little to do with my ability.

I took the time to find out the facts since I was aware that what my grandparents had done 20 years prior did not correspond to the programme I had been subjected to at that time. It was one of the most important decisions of our lives when we made the decision to get started, and that decision was one of the most difficult.

We've made wonderful friends, travelled to places we would have never otherwise visited, and earned a little money along the way. Our daughters are also exposed to a good environment in which we make goals and talk about our objectives, which is really important to us. How many families truly do it these days, you might wonder.


There is a great deal of negativity in the world these days. Since I've been in this company, I've never seen such a strong sense of support and encouragement. It's just fantastic. Everyone is positive, self-assured, compassionate, and loving. It's an honour to be affiliated with such a wonderful set of people. I am honoured and delighted to be associated with this company and with these individuals.

—V. L.

The Amway business has been a part of our family's life for approximately six months. I've always been the type of person that looks for any and all opportunity to start my own business. I attempted to do so in the past, but the cash flow problem proved to be too much for me to handle successfully. I didn't let that "failure" deter me from pursuing my ambition of being my own boss.

As I continued to work at my job and explore for new prospects, our lives were drastically altered by the birth of our son, who was born prematurely. We have had to work very hard to get him, but he is well worth it. We didn't really see a financial escape because he may remain reliant on us for the rest of his life, until we learned about the Amway plan, which changed our minds.

At first, I was unaware of the huge potential that this chance possessed. We originally saw this as a way to earn an extra $200-300 per month to help alleviate the financial strain of losing my wife's income (she stays at home with our son to assist him with his therapies). Now, however, we see it as a way to allow me to return home in 3-5 years and assist with my son's development as well as his other siblings.

I am well aware that there are sceptics who think to themselves, "What a poor couple, putting their faith in something like this!" The question is whether or not those very same critics will put up a trust fund to assist my kid later in life, should the need arise.


I was sceptical at first, but after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of becoming an Amway distributor, I couldn't come up with a compelling reason not to give it a shot. The following factors convinced me: the company's track record and commitment, the ethical foundation on which the business was built and continues to be built, the quantity and quality of products available to customers, and the ethical base upon which the business was and continues to be built.

Working together on this venture has enriched every aspect of our lives. We set goals, achieve them, and raise the bar even higher. We put in 5-10 hours per week into this endeavour. We have turned off the television and replaced it with reading, listening to motivational family cassette tapes, and having wonderful family discussions with our four young children about goals, dreams, and how to get there.

While our company is still relatively new, we already see the path that lies ahead of us. We believe we will be successful in this Amway business because we recognise the wonderful opportunity that it is, the facts reported by financial experts about Amway's explosive growth rate, and the ultimate reality of living debt-free. Thanks to AMWAY, free enterprise is alive and well in the United States and throughout the world.

With best wishes, — D & M, Yaklin Riviera, Texas.

I'm writing to you because I believe it is past time for the general public to be informed about the true storey of Amway.

Throughout my life, I have been a team player, from participating in sports throughout school to serving our country in the United States Marine Corps after leaving the Corps.

Because of a catastrophic accident, I was forced to enter the world of corporate America, where I could pursue my aspirations of stability and pleasure.

When I started working in the early 1980s, the company I worked for was a small, close-knit group of people. 

We experienced our first of numerous layoffs in the late 1980s. The dreams rapidly turned into nightmares, and I had no way of knowing when I would wake up. 

I married a gorgeous woman in the mid-80s, and we have two wonderful sons together. Because of the constant anxiety of being laid off, I enrolled in more college courses (in order to obtain a better JOB) and began exploring for other employment opportunities. 

Between 1990 and 1998, I was approached on five separate occasions about the Amway business opportunity. 

In every instance, I was not prepared to sell and solicit business from door to door. So it goes without saying that this was not a good fit for me. 

I would not allow anyone to tell me anything different because I was well-versed in Amway business (at least I thought so).

From late 1997 to early 1998, my wife and I were going through a really difficult period financially. Our marriage was not very solid, and we were unsure as to how long it would last. 

In February of 1998, a new family moved into the house next door to us. We became excellent friends as a result of this experience. 

I had noted that they were usually cheerful and seemed to have the entire world in their hands, which I thought was unusual. 

Our curiosity about what they were doing led us to discover that they were involved in the Amway organisation. 

We were at the point where we were willing to listen to nearly anything at this point. So, we made the decision to enter the business and give it a shot.

My marriage is now stronger than it has ever been. My two sons are ecstatic about the opportunities that lie ahead of us. 

We have the ability to assist others in realising their aspirations and achieving their goals. My current employment is quickly becoming a distant memory, free of stress. 

It won't be long before I've more than doubled my wage and will be able to wave goodbye to corporate America and hello to Freedom! Yes, it is effective! Yes, it will take effort, but it is a dream that may come true. 

"If you are not showing, then you are not growing," as my diamond upline puts it. I'm here to assist others.

Thank you very much and God bless you!!! —J & K, Charlotte, North Carolina

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