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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Amway - Critics

 Quixtar is frequently criticized by notable firms, organizations, and individuals, such as Amway.


self-described "cult specialist" Only critics provide the information he uses in his "research."

Shyam Sundar, a former journalist, operates a blog called Corporate Frauds Watch. He has no understanding of what it's like to be an IBO. He blogs frequently about David Brear's postings. In addition to actively lobbying the Andhra Pradesh government and police, Sundar also tries to get Amway closed.


Brear is from the UK and supposedly lives in France. He wasn't an IBO, but has reported that his brother was. He has been pushing EU governments to pursue Amway for years. Amway doesn't sell to non-active IBOs, and the products are too expensive; consumers only buy them because of the extra earning possibilities. This Amway book he's been hawking is still to be published. Previously, he self-published a "anti-cult" book.

The famous Lindy Mack

Yager Internet professional he and his wife appeared on an NBC Dateline special about Quixtar. He maintained MLM Survivors, as well as running the QuixtarBlog forums. He stopped discussing Amway around 2010.

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