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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Amway Leadership Seminar (ALS)

Amway Leadership Seminar (ALS)

Who qualifies for Amway Leadership Seminar (ALS)?

  • All Platinum and above are eligible to qualify for the Amway Leadership Seminar and meet the required target points (ALS).

What are the conditions?

  • One prerequisite is the ethical conduct of the Distributorship in compliance with the word and spirit of the Amway Rules of Conduct and Malaysia's Direct Sales Act (for Malaysia Distributors only).

Other items include:

  • Note that distributors inheriting an Amway firm may not be invited.

Is the ALS covered by the Amway Sales & Marketing Plan?

  • ALS is not part of the Amway Sales & Marketing Plan and may change.

How is ALS points calculated?

  • There are 2 methods to acquire ALS Points, i.e. through your Personal Group PV and the 4% Leadership Bonus you obtain for breaking a 21% group. 4% Leadership Bonus of other currencies to Ringgit Malaysia for calculation. The formula is:

What is PV/BV?

  • The PV/BV ratio isn't fixed. Please use the PV/BV ratio as shown below: 2/2007 0/2008 0.4000 11/2008 0.3846

What are ALS qualifying targets?

  • 1st Timer = 10,000
  • 2nd Timer = 13,000
  • 3rd Timer = 16,000
  • 4th Timer = 19,000
  • 5th Timer = 22,000
  • 6th Timer = 25,000 points
Diamond Direct distributors need merely re-qualify for Diamond levels or accomplish the required goal points, as applicable.
  • Note: All information is obtained from for Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore.
The Amway Leadership Seminar (ALS) is an event that takes place once a year and is held by the Amway Corporation. The Amway Corporation is a multi-level marketing firm that sells products related to health, beauty, and home care. 

Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who are looking to grow their companies and hone their leadership abilities are the target audience for the seminar, which is aimed to impart knowledge and serve as a source of motivation. 

The conference is known to draw in thousands of attendees from all around the world and contains keynote speakers, seminars, and opportunity to network with other guests.

IBOs will leave the Amway Leadership Seminar with the tools necessary to take command of their businesses and make progress toward their objectives, which is one of the seminar's primary aims.

 IBOs will be able to get the information and skills necessary to be successful in the business world by listening to and learning from successful business owners and leaders, exchanging ideas and sharing experiences with one another, and participating in this event.

 The goal of the seminars is to impart useful information while also instilling a sense of drive and ambition in attendees through the delivery of inspiring speeches and actionable advice.

At the Amway Leadership Seminar, in addition to hearing keynote addresses, attendees can participate in a variety of workshops and training sessions that cover a wide range of subjects pertaining to business and leadership.

 In these sessions, experienced IBOs and other industry professionals serve as facilitators and share their knowledge, ideas, and experience with the audience. 

Personal growth, financial planning, and sales and marketing techniques are just some of the subjects that will be discussed in this course. Other themes include establishing and motivating teams, personal development, and financial planning.

Opportunities to network with other business professionals are yet another essential component of the Amway Leadership Seminar.

 Attendees will have the opportunity to meet and engage with other independent company owners (IBOs) from across the world, share ideas and experiences, and establish relationships that can be helpful for their respective businesses. 

attendees of the seminar will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from Amway and other firms, learn about new goods and services, and investigate prospective business opportunities during the course of the conference.

The Amway Leadership Seminar is available to all Independent Business Owners (IBOs) with Amway, regardless of how much experience or success they have in the business. 

The event is planned to be open to everyone and friendly toward newcomers; it will give IBOs the chance to learn new skills and further their careers, regardless of their history or current situation. 

The seminar makes itself available to a diverse spectrum of potential attendees by providing a selection of overnight accommodations as well as a range of pricing tiers.

In conclusion, the Amway Leadership Seminar is an annual event that presents Amway Independent Business Owners with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn new skills, advance their professional development, and network with others in the business world. 

guests acquire vital insights and ideas for growing successful businesses and enhancing their leadership abilities through keynote speeches, workshops, and opportunity to network with other guests at the event. 

Attending the Amway Leadership Seminar may be a worthwhile experience that can assist you in achieving your objectives and making the most of your potential. This is true regardless of whether you are an established business owner or just starting out in the world of commerce.

Amway Leadership Seminar (ALS)

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