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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Deaton, Pam & Dorsey Amway

 In reflecting on their achievements, the Deaton's are particularly proud of what they've been able to accomplish for their friends. Professor Dorsey explains, 

"At initially, we didn't want to put any pressure on our pals." "However, for the folks who have joined us, this business has made a positive difference in their lives."

Pam, a former mental health counsellor, expresses her thoughts and emotions. We began to encounter people whose opinions we valued and whose characteristics we wished to emulate. 

And that's when things started to change. Our lives have always been centred on service and serving others, so this was a particularly rewarding experience for us."

After graduating with honours from Vanderbilt, Jeff Deaton's son has joined the company full-time. 

"Even though I have a Master's Degree, this business offers a lifestyle and a substantial salary that I just didn't want to leave behind," he says.

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