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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Samaratunga, Tissa & Maithree Amway

Samaratunga, Tissa & Maithree Amway

Tissa and Maithree are Sri Lankans who moved to the US to further their educations; Tissa earned his PhD in computer engineering, while Maithree majored in accountancy. They were busy college students when they first read this business proposal, and they didn't start building their company until Tissa was working as a research scientist for a huge telecoms corporation. 

'Every day, I got up to fight the traffic just to go to work for someone else,' Tissa recounts. 'I didn't have control over my own life.' I couldn't sleep since I was so excited when I saw this company.' 'Our lives changed totally,' Tissa adds, as their business grew.

 He quit his full-time job to focus on the business, allowing Maithree to stay at home with their kid, Irusha. Maithree and Tissa also value the fact that they have been allowed to visit their homeland of Sri Lanka as frequently as they choose.

 'If we were locked in ordinary employment, we wouldn't be able to see our families as frequently,' Tissa explains. 'I enjoy the time we get to spend together,' Maithree says. 

She also appreciates working with folks who are really concerned about one another's well-being. 'When people need our support, we don't simply talk about it; we actually do it.'

Many of Tissa's friends are now involved in the firm, which gives him a great deal of happiness. 'They have the confidence to start their own firms because of our success,' he says.

The Samaratungas love being in sunny Texas, where Maithree can tend to her flower gardens all year and Tissa can play volleyball all year! 'Through this business, we realised we could live our dream life,' Tissa explains. And he was correct!

Downline Diamonds

  • Melukote, Balakrishna & Anitha 2010, Melukote, Balakrishna & Anitha 2010 Melukote, Balakrishna & Anitha 2010 Melukote, Balakrishna & Anitha 2010 Melukote, Balakrishna
  • EDC 2007, Tissa & Maithree Samaratunga, Tissa & Maithree Samaratunga, Tissa & Maithree Samaratunga, Tissa & Maithree Samaratunga, Tissa & Maithree
  • Ganesh Shenoy and Neha Shenoy, Double Diamond 2011, BWW, United States
  • Diamond, United States, BWW, Jyotiprakash, Rashmi & Smita, Jyotiprakash, Rashmi & Smita, Jyotiprakash, Rashmi & S
  • Diamond 2010, Balakrishna Melukote & Anitha Melukote & Anitha Melukote & Anitha Melukote & Anitha Melukote & Anitha Melukote
  • Founders Emerald, Pattab
    hi & Kalpana Raman, United States, BWW
  • Diamond, India, BWW, Ramesh Rayaprolu & Vishnu Vara Lakshmi, 2011.
Samaratunga, Tissa & Maithree Amway

Amway's multi-level marketing firm has two highly respected leaders in Tissa and Maithree Samaratunga. Their names are Tissa and Maithree Samaratunga. They have accomplished enormous success in the business sector and have been instrumental in the individual accomplishments of hundreds upon thousands of people all around the world.

In the year 1986, Tissa and Maithree became Amway distributors after a mutual acquaintance informed them about the opportunity. They were both working full-time jobs at the time, and they were having a difficult time making ends meet. They recognized the opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their family in Amway, and they jumped at the chance.

They had rapid success in the business, and by the year 1989, they had attained the rank of Diamond, which is one of the highest rankings available within the Amway system. They persisted in growing their company, and by the year 1994, they had attained the position of Crown Ambassador, which is the highest possible status inside the organization.

The priority that Tissa and Maithree place on growing as individuals has been an essential component of their business success in Amway. They feel that in order to be successful in business, one must first grow as a person, which is a prerequisite for entering the field. They have spent years going to a variety of workshops, conferences, and other training events, and they have even developed their very own training program, which is dubbed "Diamond Dynamics," to assist new Amway distributors in achieving success in a more expedient manner.

They have placed a strong emphasis on developing strong relationships with the members of their team, which has been a significant contributor to their success. They think that in order to establish a successful Amway business, one must first cultivate strong relationships with one's team members and work toward assisting those members in accomplishing their individual objectives. They have always been incredibly supportive of the members of their team, and they have gone above and beyond to assist those people in achieving their goals.

Tissa and Maithree are well-known for their philanthropic activities in addition to their success in the Amway business they founded together. They are quite involved in a variety of charity organizations, some of which include the Children's Miracle Network, the American Cancer Society, and the United Way.

Tissa and Maithree Samaratunga are widely regarded as two of the most influential and prosperous business executives in the Amway organization. They have had a tremendous amount of success within the firm, and as a result, they have been able to assist thousands of others all around the world in achieving their own levels of success. They have become an inspiration to many people in the multi-level marketing industry and beyond as a result of their focus on personal growth, relationship building, and humanitarian action.

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