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Monday, November 15, 2021

Perfect Water Amway

 What are the benefits of perfect water?

Because of the healthy infusion of Aquagen(R) and Perfect water's unique process, EAU believes that Perfect Empowered Drinking Water(TM) has the ability to hydrate more thoroughly, increase energy and alertness, enhance the immune system, reduce acidity levels (pH 9.0), and oxygenate the body like no other water ...

What is MBO in Perfect water?

A delightful drinking water enhanced with MBO®*, a patented method that stabilises oxygen in the water. Uses a 15-step purification process to remove impurities and maintain purity. ... Infuses each bottle with molecular bound oxygen (MBO®*), which boosts bio-available oxygen.

What is the TDS of perfect water?

According to the EPA secondary drinking water regulations, 500 ppm is the recommended maximum quantity of TDS for your drinking water. Any measurement higher than 1000 ppm is a dangerous amount of TDS. If the level exceeds 2000 ppm, then a filtration system may be unable to properly filter TDS

What does perfect water have?

A delightful drinking water enhanced with MBO®*, a patented method that stabilises oxygen in the water. Uses a 15-step purification process to remove impurities and maintain purity. Is purified, remineralized, ionised, microstructured, and oxygen rich.
Perfect Water Amway

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