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Monday, January 31, 2022

what are the best vitamins for over 60

 What are the best vitamins for over 60

Supplements for elderly individuals' nutritional needs
Calcium: Calcium, in conjunction with vitamin D, helps to maintain bone strength at any age. Fractures may occur in both older women and older men as a result of bone loss.
Vitamin D is a nutrient that...

Vitamin B6: This vitamin is required for the formation of red blood cells.

Vitamin B12: This vitamin is important in maintaining the health of your red blood cells and neurons.

Vitamin pills: are they a waste of time and money? They are not if you are beyond the age of 60!

Vitamin pills: are they a waste of time and money? They are not if you are beyond the age of 60!
LOUISE ATKINSON contributed to this article.

People over the age of sixty may benefit from supplementing with vitamins such as iron and folic acid.

People over the age of sixty may benefit from supplementing with vitamins such as iron and folic acid.

According to a survey published last week, the majority of individuals do not need supplementation.
In the opinion of Professor Brian Ratcliffe, a former government nutrition advisor, taking supplements is just a waste of money since we obtain enough vitamins and minerals from our food, not supplements.

Over-60s in particular might profit from this programme, however there are certain exceptions.

Professor of Mineral Metabolism at the University of East Anglia Susan Fairweather-Tait describes how retirement, the loss of a spouse, indifference, and even immobility may all contribute to the fact that your body's absorptive ability diminishes with age.

Accordingly, unless you consume really high-quality food, you may find yourself nutritionally inadequate as you get older.'

Professor Fairweather-Tait discusses the vitamin deficiencies that might occur in elderly adults in this article. An excellent broad-spectrum multivitamin and mineral supplement would be a safe choice if you feel that your diet or absorption capacities aren't as good as they might or should be.
However, if you believe you need particular supplements, you should always see your doctor or a nutritionist from the Nutrition Society ( - especially since certain vitamins may interact with medications and other nutritional supplements.


WHAT EXACTLY DOES IT DO? Produces haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that helps the body transport oxygen throughout the body.

Fatigue, lethargy, and anaemia are some of the symptoms of deficiency.

SOURCES: Red meat, fortified breakfast cereals, shellfish, and other animal products.

SIGNIFICANT RISKS OF ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS: Iron tablets, which may induce constipation, are better used once every three days rather than daily. The cells that prevent the absorption of large quantities of iron when taken on a regular basis are replaced every three days, and the new cells will allow the absorption of iron supplements to resume.

FOLIC ACID is a kind of acid.

WHAT EXACTLY DOES IT DO? It is used in the production of red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body.

EXAMPLES OF DEFICIENCY Symptoms include fatigue and anaemia. Also, it has been linked to the accumulation of an amino acid known as homocysteine, which is regarded to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in certain individuals.

Breakfast cereals with added iron and green leafy vegetables are good sources of iron (but some benefits lost in cooking).

RISKS OF SUPPLEMENTS: If you are deficient in vitamin B12 or suspect that you may be, avoid taking supplements since folic acid and vitamin B12 may combine and make B12 insufficiency worse.

WHAT EXACTLY DOES IT DO? It aids in the maintenance of the immune system and has the potential to defend against some malignancies.

The following are symptoms of deficiency: frequent colds or viruses.

SOURCES: One Brazil nut per day will enough to meet your needs. A diet rich in home-grown vegetables and fruits may leave you lacking in selenium, which is present in meat, fish, and wheat. However, British soil has been discovered to be poor in selenium, so a diet rich in home-grown vegetables and fruits may leave you deficient.

STAY WITH RECOMMENDED DOSES (60mcg for women, 75mcg for men) since taking too much (more than 400mcg per day) might be risky, increasing the risk of developing pulmonary oedema (fluid in the lungs), weakness, and a loss of mental alertness.


WHAT EXACTLY DOES IT DO? It is essential for hundreds of body activities, but it is especially important for the immune system.

Skin lesions are one among the signs and symptoms of deficiency. It might appear as white patches on the nails from time to time.

MEAT, FISH, AND DAIRY PRODUCTS ARE THE SOURCES Pumpkin seeds are the most absorbable non-meat food, while animal sources are more readily available. 200g of steak or 250g of chicken fillet will provide you with adequate protein.

RISKS INVOLVED WITH THE SUPPLEMENT: NONE. The body eliminates waste that it does not need.


WHAT EXACTLY DOES IT DO? Aids in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and a variety of chronic conditions, including perhaps stroke. According to certain research, it may be beneficial to brain function.

SYMPTOMS OF DEFICIENCY: It's impossible to tell. However, if you are not consuming the suggested minimum of two meals of oily fish each week, you will most likely benefit from taking a supplement to complement your diet.

Fish oil is considered to be a beneficial oil since it is proven to protect against chronic ailments.

Fish oil is considered to be a beneficial oil since it is proven to protect against chronic ailments.

SOURCES: Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and fresh tuna are all good choices. Look for high-quality supplements; look for ones that have the greatest concentrations of DHA or EPA on the labels.



WHAT EXACTLY DOES IT DO? Numerous processes, including calcium absorption, bone health, and immunological strength, are performed by the body. Additionally, it is considered to provide protection against some malignancies, auto-immune illnesses, and cardiovascular ailments, among others.

SYMPTOMS OF DEFICIENCY: Increased risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as falls and fractures as a result of brittle bone structure.

SOURCES: Our bodies produce ninety percent of the vitamin D we need through exposure to sunshine. As a result, many of us are left feeling exhausted throughout the winter months since the light in the United Kingdom is only bright enough from April to September each year.

RISKS OF SUPPLEMENTS: Because vitamin D is retained in fat rather than being excreted in the urine like vitamin C, consuming too much in a short period of time (more than 400IU per day) may be harmful. Extremely high amounts of Vitamin D are potentially fatal.


WHAT EXACTLY DOES IT DO? It is required for the production of healthy red blood cells as well as the functioning of the neurological system.

Symptoms of deficiency include fatigue and, in certain cases, anaemia.

SOURCES: Meat, eggs, dairy products, and fortified breakfast cereals are all good sources of protein. One bowl of fortified morning cereal provides more than enough nutrients to fulfil your recommended daily allowance.

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