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Friday, March 19, 2021

Amway Business Plan - Kiran and Mark Khutan

Hi I'm mark and this is my wife Kiran and what we're gonna do today is going to give you an overview of the business and actually tell you a little bit about what we felt when we saw the different slides.

I've got a background in finance I did a mathematics degree and worked as an actor or consultant in the city but now, I still work I do the Amway business but I still work.

I'm a mathematics teacher and I build this business part-time. Kiera I used to be a senior marketing manager in the city and for an insurance company.

I have a degree and a master's in international marketing and because of the business now I'm able to build a business part-time around my two children around our two children who are four and two.

So we have a lot of fun building the business together as a family.

So let's get to the next slide and we'll show you ways about when we first saw the business. I was feeling exactly like this. I was feeling really stuck literally going to work and working all day coming home in the evening had an hour with our son and then getting ready for work again and so many people that we work with feel the same way.

You know you want to be able to have more control you want to be able to have more security in life and those things are really important.

Yeah, absolutely and I would see Karen going to work and coming back. I saw for only a few hours a day and actually, we saw that I allows us to build an income they can probably change this and I want you to think about this.

The sad thing is a lot of people in the country feel this way. Do you feel this way? I want you to imagine how your life could be different if you had an extra income?

What would you change to see for us what we thought was personally we wanted a better work-life balance and that's what I'm weighs allowed us to do you have to have a thing for yourself.

What would it do for you really have fun with this when we first saw the business. We were just thinking wow. How could it be what could we do? we could travel more.

We can have more money. we could buy a bigger house. We can have a nicer car, but most importantly the most thing that's stuck home with us was just having more time together because love spending time together and we love spending time with our family, our children, when we saw the business what was really important to us was the credibility of the business.

It was important that they had been around for as long as they had. It was a family company and it still was a family business and just their products were absolutely incredible.

Yeah and I I really like the fact that it's a global business it's in over 70 countries around the world that means you may know people across the world across Europe.

You develop your business not just here but you can develop your business through your phone through your laptop to many countries around the world and it meant that our opportunities are much bigger and no end of the day, you want to know you're working with the right company and when we look to some of these facts it's undeniable it's a great company to work with the products are amazing.

The cool thing is that we specialize in three areas so you can pick which of the areas you love working with. We have Nutrilite so it's our health range.

Nutrilite is the number one selling vitamin and supplement brand in the world. It's organically farmed so it makes it extremely unique and we also have a beauty range which is artistry. 

That was my favorite range when I got started and artistry is in the top 5 of global prestige products. We have everything from the essentials range to help you with oily skin or dry skin through to some of the cutting-edge anti-aging products.

Finally, we also have our home range and personal care and here you're using natural-based cleaning products your personal care range is toothpaste shower gel the list is endless.

We have over 450 products although I started first loving artistry. I tell you one thing, I would say you have to try is part of the Nutrilite range is double X. It literally changed how my energy levels were and everything that I feel every single day. 

So it's an awesome product and what's really important to me. When I first saw the business, I mean I said to my wife I said the business looks great the financials look great but if the products don't work the whole business falls apart and actually across the world and known for the products.

It's the number one direct selling company in the world for one reason the products are amazing.

The people are great and the great thing is you have the security of knowing that if you give products to a customer you sell some products to a customer they have 90 days.

They can use the product and give it back knowing that they're going to get the full money back returned. So 90-day money-back guarantee means for you that they have confidence in their products and it means that you're not at risk. 

It's fantastic okay now we're going to go through some of the ways you can make income. If we look first you could be a retailer so you're retailing different products that we have using them yourselves.

You return to other people so you'll make a small amount of money. If you want to do more than that you can develop a small team. So your business builds up so your retailing products their retailing products and everybody makes some money.

This is great but if what we really got excited about is becoming a business leader this means you're developing larger teams. 

You're training a lot more people you're developing business may be in different parts of the country. You're learning how to lead people to lead other teams. That would be income that carries on for a long period of time. So that's what we're excited about now.

We're going to show you now how we can go from different stages all the way up to business leader okay. So this is the first stage when you're when you become a retailer. 

You're able to use the products you're able to sell the products and you make a retail profit based on this could be as small as you want or it could be as big as you want it to be so it's absolutely up to you.

As you can see there's you in the middle and you've got some customers around you you can have as many customers as you want so we can see here there's you in the middle but now you've got some retailers in your team.

So you're building a business together as a team and what you've got on the left-hand side is it shows that actually, you've hit that 600 marks.

So as you're building more volume through your business you're going to get paid more money from Amway and that makes sense.

The more volume that goes for your business the more money you're going to get paid. let's get Apple in the first month it's good Apple in the second month the quick you do it the better okay.

So now we're really getting into the exciting part of the business. Let's fast-forward so basically with fast-forwarding a few months down the road this could be six months for you down the road.

It depends on how much time and effort you put into the business. But what this is is where you've reached the top performance bonus bracket of 21 percent your business is really getting serious now.

You've got a few business builders who have got their own teams growing they're excited and making it happen so when you have a business builder level you reach the top performance bracket of over one and a half thousand pounds per month.

It makes a massive difference for us it meant that it was paying most of our bills in fact all of our bills at home and I was able to have the choice to give up my full-time job.

So it made a big big impact on our lifestyle but think about it this is when it became real for us to be honest one a half thousand that's eighteen thousand a year think about what you would need to do in your current job to get a pay rise of eighteen thousand and now your business gains stronger so if you hit that top performance bracket and you're holding it for a long period of time then you'll be caught a platinum producer and as you can see the income is really really good.

More than that you have added benefits to work in achieving my most favorite part about the business. I love it is that you actually get to go on some incredible trips.

When we first went platinum we went on an amazing trip with our kids which was an all-expenses-paid trip to Disneyland and that is still we've been on so many trips so that was still my favorite trip.

It was mind-blowing to see if they're sending you on these trips because they regard you as a leader so now you start getting the four percent leadership bonus. 

You've got to find out about that it's amazing and here if we want to move to the next thing from planner we go to Emerald and everybody goes to Diamond and basically what you're doing is helping other people achieve that platinum status.

The more people you help the higher level and I'm excited to be moving on to emerald and diamond and beyond it's something that you could do to the really helpful thing about the businesses because it's all online you have everything from a brilliant website you have apps you can you have everything which is accessible 24/7 in your hands.

You can learn from my Academy you can look at your orders literally everything can be done of the business online and that's really helpful the most important thing for me because I had never had a business before the most important thing for me and I think my husband was that you have so much support and training and mentorship.

There is a whole program to help you to learn and develop to become a successful business owner. So if you're like ours where you've never had a business background don't worry about it. 

We'll be here with you every single step of the way the great thing is it's a business of your own but you're not by yourself you've got a team that's building it with you okay so that's the business overview and the most important thing for you to do right now is sit down again with a person who you're sitting with about the business and find out how you can make it work for you.

Because everybody comes into it looking at something different maybe it's a little bit of extra money that you want to pay some bills it might be that you want to be able to create or replace an income or it might be that you've got a massive ambition to build a global business.

It's all dependent on you and you can work out exactly what you want to do with the person that's sitting with you right now.

I want you to have this thought in your mind, if you go back five years ago think about what you were doing think about what your income or lifestyle was, and how much maybe that's change over those five years absolutely. 

We can't guarantee your success but they can guarantee you an opportunity for success in the next five years. 

You can really really change your lifestyle so if you were able to do this and if more if it were to work for you what could your next five years look like for you.

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