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Thursday, March 18, 2021

FAA40 Founders Crown Ambassador Bill & Peggy Britt - Leadership

No one can make you succeed all you got is an opportunity an equal opportunity to be unable. I think going way back in his personal family life he was one of eight children and he had to take on responsibilities at a very early age and I think it was out of necessity that he drew from his inner being to rise to the occasion.

I look at myself in the marrow each day. I realize I've got the most handsome guy on earth but that doesn't make any difference. I think that's where it really started and he always had to work hard for anything he ever got he worked to succeed in life you've got a row bigger than the problems that you must overcome.

Thank God I got a dream, thank God I'm a warrior, thank God I'm a fighter, I think he was always a leader. I think he was a born leader. 

Surely but prayers. I just thank God that I'm met and ran into rich and Jay and the people showed me the plan Dex and Bertie Jaeger with all my heart. I believe that the Amway business is the best business opportunity that's ever existed in the free world. Because they changed our lives.

He had no problem in creating a lot of activity. Berg is a most special place in the world and it's fun because we the people make it that way. 

You talk to everybody and told them what they could do don't have to have any special talent. You don't have to have any special. I do is keep on keeping on and learn from your experiment.

The dream of anybody that comes I think shorter dreams come true if we the people stand up and stand together and do what we're supposed to do. 

You participated to be apart mm-hm you're not working for money what you do is what and you got what it takes that you how please. It was in a spotlight and that was fine with me personality-wise then and Peggy air lady opposite Peggy in as much it seems quiet.

She's a very strong lady he helped me along encouraged me you can do this and you can do it just excited about the growth here they will tell you every time he gets up on stage that she is a strength and a reason why she's as strong as she is and reason she does and she does for bill because he respects her so much.

Together they were just the blended couple they meshed together. You see them on stage and her one grand mom great grandma dollie folks here sure makes me feel young. I put the responsibility on him willingly because I thought that that was his part in our family to provide.

I expected him to be a good provider you think they're working for money you're not working for money. What your dealers working for happen people were told it ever had a chance and then someone comes around say hey you do have a chance one thing those always said that leaders aren't born they're developed. 

Bill bred showed me how to be a leader. You've got what it takes let me show you how to use what you got. Find them by looking at them closely you've already got it all you got to do is learn how to use.

Great unit is the one that creates other leaders get out there and share your freedom with other people. He absolutely dragged the best out of me the amount of things that he taught me we're just unbelievable. 

I can do it, you can do it, all of life is relational and he's taught us that I can be a diamond you can do it not just about the business it's about late. I can overcome you can overcome. 

He always say no matter who you are as long as you have a big dream you can do anything you want. He was a leader he was a leader of leaders think of the difference a dream could make to somebody that won't have it. 

Because somebody failed to be there at the critical time. Success really is how many people are better off cuz you the reason that most of us still refer to Bill Britt in the present tense is because maybe we still feel his presence oh yeah he's still here. 

We still believe that he's here because his legacy is going on from door this is a eulogy that's not going to enter continue their messes and do their teaching his organization transcends. 

His life he is a great leader because he helps others to have confidence in themselves to be how many people are there up because bill and Peggy. I knew that he had a lot of potential. I would not have married him if I had not see that I've done the best.

I can do and I didn't back off and he proved to be that I'm proud, confident, I'm bold and I'll get the job done that's it period how many people are better off because you live you.

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