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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Marin, Carlos & Carmen Amway

Marin, Carlos & Carmen Amway
 TerminatedNow in Ambit Energy.Downline DiamondsOlivar, Fernando & Regina, Diamond, United States, EFinityRodriguez, Joe & Maria, Diamond, United States, EFinitySafille, Eduardo & Lori, Diamond, United States, EFinityHernandez, Consuelo, Executive Diamond, Mexico, EFinity...

Monday, June 28, 2021

Hart, Brig & Lita Amway

Hart, Brig & Lita Amway
 QualificationDouble DiamondTerminationFollowing a disagreement over Business Support Materials, Amway dissolved the Harts' business in 2003, resulting in the Harts' financial ruin (BSM or "tools"). They then worked for MonaVie, where they rose through the ranks to become executive...

Gooch, Hal & Susan Amway

Gooch, Hal & Susan Amway
Downline DiamondsGooch, Hal & Susan, Double Diamond, United States, InterNET / ProAllianceKrazit, Charlie & Dale, Diamond, United States, InterNETLewis, Dave & Marge, Diamond, United States, InterNETGrabill, Parker & Cindy, Executive Diamond, United States, InterNETBumstead,...

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Childers, Bill Amway

Childers, Bill Amway
 The Double Diamond Hal and Susan Gooch mentored Bill Childers, who is also a Double Diamond. He is directly over the massive Tim Foley leg.Downline DiamondsChilders, Bill, Double Diamond, United States, Crown in India EFinityHall, John & Terri, Diamond, United StatesAllen, Don...

Turner, John & Pat Amway

Turner, John & Pat Amway
 "Individuals labour for themselves. Their area is the entire planet, and their quotas are the ambitions of their people."As a priest with the Maryknoll Fathers in Bolivia, John Turner understood what it needed to instil hope in people for a brighter tomorrow. After 16 years in...

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Setzer, Rick & Sue Lynn Amway

Setzer, Rick & Sue Lynn Amway
 Yager Family's first line of defence is Rick and Sue Lynn Setzer. A large number of major pins are in their downline, including Double Diamonds Hal and Susan Gooch, Bill Childers, and Brig Hart, among many others. Tim Foley is the Crown Ambassador for the Founders. Triple Diamond...
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