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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Amway Latin America


Purchasing Products

Bonus Payment

All Amway Business Owners buy Amway items directly. Customers can buy Amway items directly.Payment bonus

All business owners buy Amway directly. Customers buy Amway directly.
Bonuses are immediately distributed to every Amway Business Owners (ABO) who earned the bonus. Bonus payments are paid through check unless requested direct deposit. An ABO must generate 150 personal points per month for a bonus from January 1, 2009. This relates to bonuses (personal, group differential, leadership, etc.). This new criteria is a monthly requirement, meaning that an ABO must create 150 personal points each month that it receives a bonus to qualify. Foreign ABOs with Latin America number two company avoided this criteria. Presumably, these ABOs meet home market standards. Foreign ABOs with Latin America number two company avoided this criteria. Presumably, these ABOs meet home market standards.

If a Client purchases through Amway (0800-72 26 929), the Amway Experience Center or refund is permitted.

Rebate allowed

  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Chile
  • El Salvador
  • Honduras
  • Guatemala
  • Mexico
  • Panama
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela

As of September 2007, Latin America began operating as a Consolidated Sponsorship Line (Consolidated Market), where Amway Business Owners (ABOs) could sponsor individually from and to any market in the Latin America region without the need to build a second business. Consolidating Latin American sponsorship line offers ABOs very big opportunities. Some advantages are:

Cross-border sponsorship supports all markets

ABOs may place orders for shipping within the affiliate where the order is placed in any market other than their home country. In this scenario, ABO must obey all country regulations.

The combined volume from all markets makes an ABO 21% faster

Local Business Set

Regional SIP Programme

Regional Bonus Statement

Performance schedule

Bonus PV Performance

10000         21%

7000           18%

4000           15%

1,800           12%

600            9%

Average Points/BV ratio of Amway Products as of February 2019 is 3.43.

Margin Retail

The proposed margin for Amway products is up to 42%.

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