Dr. Michael Greeff, a paediatrician, and Dr. Ruth Greeff, a well-known nutritionist, had tremendously busy lives in Johannesburg's dynamic metropolis. A big private paediatric practise took Mike's whole attention, while Ruth maintained her own publishing firm, specialising in Nutritional Education publications—free time was a rare luxury for the pair, and tiredness was frequent between them. When they initially looked at the company opportunity, better control of their time was vital to them; and this became the core motivation for pursuing business opportunity. Amway's basic FREEDOM, FAMILY, HOPE and REWARD ideals were realised via the Greeff family. They are a proud example of three generations growing company together, since their parents and daughter are ABOs. Ruth explains, "We believe in making a difference in people's lives in every sector of life, and our company has become another route to do this. We plan to continue constructing meaningful lives in the next several years and want to challenge and inspire others likewise"
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Saturday, June 5, 2021
Pellentesque vitae lectus in mauris sollicitudin ornare sit amet eget ligula. Donec pharetra, arcu eu consectetur semper, est nulla sodales risus, vel efficitur orci justo quis tellus. Phasellus sit amet est pharetra