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Saturday, June 5, 2021

Stern, Justin & Lauren

 I was involved/embroiled/enmeshed/sucked into Amway/N21 four and half years ago. The three years I actively pursued 'the business' did significant harm in my life, not a week goes by that I don't cringe as I remember the experience...

Amway power couple Justin and Lauren Stern have attained the distinguished status of Crown Ambassador due to their tremendous success in the company. They are well-known in the Amway business for their leadership and dedication to the company, and they have assisted a large number of people in achieving financial independence and success.

While Justin and Lauren Stern were both employed in the financial industry in 2002, they were both introduced to the Amway business by a mutual acquaintance. They were blown away by the caliber of the items and the opportunity for increased financial autonomy that the firm presented, and as a result, they made the decision to give it a shot. They began working on their Amway businesses on the side while they continued to maintain their full-time employment.

After seeing some initial success with their Amway business, Justin and Lauren made the decision to pursue it as their primary occupation. They centered their efforts on developing a powerful team and ensuring the success of their downline. They eventually reached the level of Crown Ambassador, which is the highest level one can accomplish in the Amway business and is the result of a lot of hard work and dedication on their part.

Both Justin and Lauren Stern are well-respected in the community for their abilities as leaders and mentors. They have trained and coached a large number of people who have been successful in the Amway industry over the years, and they have assisted many people in achieving success in the Amway business. They are also highly sought after as speakers and trainers, and they have gone to various parts of the world in order to pass on their expertise and experience to others.

In addition to their participation in the Amway business, Justin and Lauren Stern are well-known for the charitable work that they do. They have formed the Stern Family Foundation, which is also a philanthropic organization, and over the years they have given money to a number of different charitable organizations. The mission of the foundation is to aid disadvantaged children and their families, and it has already done so for a great number of families all around the world.

Additionally, Justin and Lauren Stern are well-known for their dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They have combined this interest into their Amway organization, and as a result, they have assisted a great number of people in enhancing both their health and wellness by utilizing the health and wellness items offered by Amway.

To summarize, Justin and Lauren Stern are an accomplished Amway couple who have reached the status of Crown Ambassador. They are well-known in the Amway business for their leadership and dedication to the company, and they have assisted a large number of people in achieving financial independence and success. In addition to this, they are active participants in humanitarian endeavors and have founded their very own charitable foundation. They are well-known for their enthusiasm for health and wellbeing, and they have incorporated this interest into their Amway business.

Stern, Justin & Lauren

I think the N21 parasite system feeding off Amway Corporation is undoubtedly the best hour of avarice. Pressure to consume N21 media from sign-up. Massive quantities. "Listen to at least 2 CDs a day" is your first instruction to be 'free.' I followed 'the system' slavishly, devotedly, for 3 years - showing 15 - 20 permanent plans (code showing business to 15 - 20 people), introducing and signing up at least two new people a month (poor unsuspecting souls I had hunted like animals), listening to at least 3 cds a day, attending all the meetings, attending all the functions... well you get a picture.

"What's your dream?" loudspeakers shout at the cult rallies, "Do you desire freedom?" an evangelical demigod roars, masses go insane - frenzy is the material of the unending cycle of seminars. At these seminars, the 'leadership' gets to work very fast, selling tickets to the next seminar, peddling tonnes of 'tools' i.e. cds instructing you to listen to cds, milking the audience for every available penny. When I was in it, yelling as loudly as the poor sounded beside me, I didn't see it—mass manipulation, fraud, lies—that I noticed only when I eventually stood back.

I bankrupted my family, abandoned my young daughter, and let my 2 teenage kids to join this 'enterprise.' A very reckless Amway/N21 'upline' (person above me) threw a CD into the hands of my oldest kid at the time, a recording of a very irresponsible young guy called Justin Stern. His message caustic. It was about what a terrible waste of time University is, and how much more 'this business' gave him. My kid left university and for a year banged against 'this business.'..he never continued his studies. I'm still so irritated over spitting nails.

My 'upline' lied to me, saying, "Nobody earns money from cd's and tools," they're there to assist us create larger company. Her spouse notified us that it was a deception over a year later when a very tiny number of us achieved 21 percent. We then (apparently) were competent to handle this information. These 'leaders' principal revenue is from selling cds and books. At these 'Business Building Seminars' 'BBS's' and 'Weekend Seminars' 'WES's,' which are no more or less than cult building brainwashing rallies, we also learned about the vast money created by the 'emeralds' and 'diamonds.' Bottom line - the money from N21tools significantly outweighs the money generated from having people under you selling Amway items - yet no one is up front.

This clear falsehood started to weaken my demigod leaders' confidence that we are so diligently trained to 'edify' which is N21 code for deify/worship. At one of the training sessions (and oh boy, we were trained!) one of the leading henchmen jumped up and screamed at us after 'the leader' had spoken that we hadn't showed enough gratitude after the leader had concluded his address. He screamed "Know who this dude is? What's he achieved? Know how fortunate you're?" My blood went cold, and that was my end... I finally woke up to the nightmare I've been experiencing for 3 years.

I went home that night viewing my life's shredded wreckage. Nearly two years later, my little child wakes up in fear asking for me. I can go to her this time, I'm home. I was scarcely there for three years—I was in Amway/N21—the golden hour of avarice.

My pitch to you - don't do it, cling on to your freedom for dear life, for what they give is not freedom, it's the worst servitude

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