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Friday, June 11, 2021

Bolukbasi Merih & Nilufer Amway

 BOLUKBASI began their journey with Amway in July 1994. The two agreed should be based on certain criteria: "low venture and working capital, low risk based on human interactions." They started looking for the appropriate firm meeting these characteristics. 

Although it involved a company model they hadn't heard of before, it coincided with practically all the criteria they defined.

"We had to make full use of this chance, as it involved a wonderful career option, ongoing income, excellent lifestyle and future guarantee.

What we were to do was establish up our own network of entrepreneurs and distributors based on the business model proposed by the company with whom we collaborated and earn revenue proportionally to our contributions to distributing their products. We agreed to do it, so we started," he continues.

Nilüfer BOLUKBASI shares her feelings as follows: "At this point in time, when we look back to where we started, I believe we were really fortunate to establish this firm and do whatever it required to get it done. 

At the outset, we were informed Amway was the world's best direct sales firm. Over the twenty years we've been in business, we've seen various organisations entering the market stating they're better than Amway and making their distributors earn more money, but only to let people down. As of now, Amway remains the top in its category and the one whose business owners make the most."

Merih BOLUKBASI, as a member of the European Diamond Advisory Council, states as follows: "I note how much the company esteems us business owners and business partners on every platform. Once President Doug DeVos said, "Let's talk about our coming 50 years of corporate relationship," at a Council meeting. 

Shaping the company's vision for the future with collaboration mindset couldn't be described more simply in words! "Win-win" business philosophy is built in the company's basis and encrypted in its DNA."

The BOLUKBASIs couldn't have imagined that the decision they made that very day would give so much importance to their lives and their numerous comrades' lives, and affect them so favourably. All they knew was that if they invest in themselves and their coworkers, their firm will thrive. 

The seed of twenty years of hard work earned their company continuous success. At this point, Merih BOLUKBASI hits on an essential subject: "Your biggest strength in inspiring your team vision is your team's faith and trust in you. Lasting success is built on ethics, ethics and trust."

Nilüfer BOLUKBASI conveys her feelings: "This is the world's best business! What better than seeing thousands of people clapping enthusiastically for your accomplishment; thousands of people feel grateful for you, knowing and letting you feel they are aware of your contributions to their life... In this industry, you help thousands of people realise their potential and improve their lives. 

As we climbed the stairs to success, we realised and lived through this remark of our renowned upline: 'Real wealth is measured by the number of individuals whose lives thrive for you.' Therefore, we are grateful to our company's founders who launched this business model and our sponsors who always encourage us."

Bolukbasi Merih & Nilufer Amway


  • Triple Diamond August 2015

Downline Diamonds

  • Kurmali, Yildiz & Murat, Founders Executive Diamond, 2013
  • Cansu, Dilek & Ali, Diamond, 2013
  • Kara, Mufide & Sinasi, Diamond, 2013
  • Firat, Hatice & Mehmet Muratoglu, Founders Triple Diamond, 2012
  • Kaseli, Naksiye & Selcuk, Executive Diamond, 2013
  • Citak, Kamer, Founders Diamond, 2013
  • Firat, Nursel, Diamond, 2013
  • Babatas, Aynur & Yalcin, Diamond, 2012

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