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Friday, June 18, 2021

Dornan, Jim & Nancy Amway


  • Vocation
  • Engineer
  • Location
  • California
  • Georgia, Atlanta

Impressive development from Ruby to Crown

In 1970, Dornans joined Amway. They went Direct in the first year, and Jim retired from his job at 24/25. By 1976, Dornan's became Ruby Directs with two Profit Sharing Direct legs when they started aggressively developing their business. One of the key reasons was their seriously deformed son, Eric, in 1974.

Their third leg went from 1000PV to 7500PV in 6 weeks and remained qualified to push the Dornans to Emerald. Four years later, Leg three got double-diamond.

They made Diamond and Double Diamond 1978.

During Feb 1978, the Dornan's had 5 legs. Two further legs moved them to the Diamond qualifying with 7 legs. These two legs were at 600PV in Feb 1978; by April (two months later) both legs went to 7500PV, each with over 50 distributors. By their sixth month each leg had 300 distributorships. The Dornan's broke 5 other silver legs and above to qualify that year's Double Diamond. Diamonds Mike & Karla Wilson's 12th qualifying leg. A professional tennis instructor, Mike approached Jim Dornan at a restaurant. After his "possible" sponsor quit, Mike was searching to sponsor Amway. In 11 weeks, Mike went 14 with 65+ distributors and Silver went 9500PV. Wilson's gone diamond in 2.5 years.

Triple Diamond and Crown Direct went in 1979. The Dornan's went from Ruby to Crown in 30 months (2.5 years), breaking 18 new directs (mostly silver). The Dornans went from 4 directs in their group to over 150 directs in their organisation during that 2.5 years; with 4 diamonds, ~10 emeralds, and 25-30 pearls.

In 1997, Jim and Nancy reached Crown Ambassador[1] and Founders Crown Ambassador with 40 FAA in 2006, reaching 26 nations.

Both are Purdue University grads, Jim with an aeronautical engineering degree, and Nancy in special education. Jim worked as an aeronautical engineer at McDonnell Douglas when they first spotted it.

The Dornan's are the Network TwentyOne System leaders, created in 1989. They have substantial overseas companies, qualifying Diamond in over a dozen separate countries. Jim Dornan was a member of the IBOAI Board of Directors in 2006, but not in 2007[2], and vice-president of [3] in 2006 but not in 2007. Their daughter Heather is a qualified Platinum, and in 2011 Jules and his wife are New Founders Diamond.

In 2007, Jim Dornan was elected IBOAI Board Member from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2010. .[4]

Jim Dornan died on 7 August 2013 after a lengthy, valiant cancer struggle.

Making a difference worldwide

40 FAA Credits, Jim & Nancy Dornan

It was just past daybreak, and breathing was hard for Jim and Nancy Dornan. South African heat was hammering down on village huts, and another 110-degree day was starting.

Hundreds of kids were around the couple. Aid workers arrived to offer what support they could, but acknowledged limited resources.

"When we saw these kids, our hearts fell, but almost immediately Jim and I vowed they wouldn't be abandoned," Nancy recalls. "That wouldn't happen."

As soon as they returned to the States, they relayed their experiences and pledged to helping a charity that cared for these kids, launched by their downline in Australia and the U.S. More than 50,000 children in Africa, Asia, South America, and Europe are now being fed, housed, and schooled, the sole result of the Dornans' generosity and downline.

Jim and Nancy presumably preferred to downplay this and their other altruistic efforts. At educational seminars, they can command the attention of 20,000 people, but are uncomfortable when attention moves to their charitable work—like creating orphan schools or shelters for abused children.

"We're not crediting," Jim says. Nancy adds, "We do these things because they must be done. We're just making a difference."

"A culture of meaning" Despite their business triumphs - they're Founders Crown Ambassadors who've earned 40 Founders Achievement Award (FAA) credits – they're humble and unassuming. Nancy's sarcastic wit and beauty charms her guests. Jim is self-assured and perceptive, sometimes talkative and introspective. Both are restless, and had to persuaded to share a couch in their suburban Georgia home's living room and share their business philosophies.

If you called them successful, they'd beg to differ. They talk of "significant culture, not success."

"If it's simply about success, you'll soon run empty," Jim explains. "People are preoccupied with success. They sacrifice too much, overlook their kids, their spouse, things that really matter to them. One hundred percent that doesn't work."

Nancy completes Jim's thought: "It's not about buying or making money. It's making a difference."

Sharing the Quixtar opportunity, they believe, is one way. After developing a massive North American company, they looked across oceans. Now they have offices in 26 countries.

"Growing a worldwide business is incredibly stimulating," adds Jim. "I love rebuilding the adventure. Nancy and I rejuvenate going to places like Hungary, Indonesia, India, or Russia. We're experiencing the thrill of building friendships and having a business connecting with people."

Whether abroad or here, building a profitable business rests on the same principles. Nancy says you must first define why you want an independent business, be willing to work hard and be "teachable."

Heather and Ashley-Kate They say one of the company's significant problems is that "it looks obvious." The Dornans add that new Independent Business Owners (IBOs) can't understand that the (Quixtar IBO Compensation) plan could be so straightforward, yet not obvious. "It's about evolving myself and learning how to lead and work with many different individuals," Jim explains. "Most are used to self-determining things and resisting leadership."

"You must be upline student," Nancy explains. "What works, don't what you think works."

Jim continues, "We don't guess constructing this business. We know how to teach."

They observed that when disheartened, people are destined to fail. "Financial obstacles, sickness or other issues aren't excuses to leave, but reasons to persist," adds Jim.

Building commitment And they should know. When they started the firm, Nancy explains, "We were woefully ineffective. We never considered ourselves as businesspeople."

Like many others, they entered the business. Jim, an aeronautical engineer, went to work for a California aerospace business, while Nancy was employed by a school system as a speech therapist.

David and Jules Nancy soon left home with newborn Heather, but Jim grinded it in his Los Angeles office. He was unhappy. And Nancy couldn't envision returning to her old work.

"We realised folks we worked for were in a rut, and we couldn't fathom that future," Jim explains. "We didn't want to keep paying for a life we didn't desire."

Adds Nancy: "It was evident to me when I was only 22 that if we were fast-forwarding our life's tape, we wouldn't be travelling in the direction we desired."

They're ready to change. So when a colleague instructor called Nancy to show them the Plan, she said, "Can you come over tonight? ”

But for almost two years, when Jim quit his job to focus on the business, they weren't really devoted. "People assume we were lucky or started early," he explains. "But no roadmap existed. Building it took us a long time."

When Jim left, Nancy was pregnant with her second child. "We were amazed," she recalls. They had no insurance, so they saved aside funds for Nancy's imminent hospital stay.

Baby Eric born spina bifida. In his first nine months, he endured 11 surgeries and three distinct meningitis infections. Strangely enough, Eric's problems addressed several issues facing the pair.

First, they found failure not an option. And they committed to building their business to assist get out of debt. "It wasn't our business. It's been a matter we'd," Jim says. Less than nine years after witnessing the Plan, they became crowns.

Next, they determined that, according to Nancy, "our children would be our focus, not the children's difficulties." After their last child's birth, David, they chose to dwell on the potential of their children, abandon the notion of "victims," and embrace every moment.

In the field of multi-level marketing and more specifically in the Amway Corporation, Dornan, Jim, and Nancy Amway are widely recognized as pioneers. They have devoted their entire lives to establishing a prosperous company while simultaneously spreading awareness about the advantages of self-employment and growth as an individual.

Jim Dornan was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1944, and he came from a family of business owners during his childhood. He began his working life as a dentist, but he quickly came to the conclusion that there was more to life for him than just a reliable income. In the 1970s, he was given the opportunity to become involved in the Amway business and swiftly rose through the ranks, eventually amassing commissions worth several millions of dollars.

On the other hand, Nancy Dornan was born in the year 1946 in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. She began her working life as a teacher, but like Jim, she eventually realized that she wanted more out of life. Jim was the one who first told her about the business potential with Amway, and she soon rose to the top of the company's ranks.

Jim and Nancy first crossed paths in the early 1980s, and less than a decade later, in 1984, they tied the knot. Soon after, they established themselves as one of the most successful couples in the Amway industry, growing it into a gigantic corporation that now operates in over 60 countries.

Their accomplishments can be credited to their strong work ethic, dedication to personal growth, and commitment to assisting others in achieving their goals. They are under the impression that anyone can be successful in the Amway business as long as they are prepared to put in the necessary effort and adhere to the tried and tested technique.

Jim and Nancy are well-known for their contributions to the field of personal development, in addition to the success they have had in expanding their Amway business. They have written a number of books and developed a large number of audio and video programs on a variety of subjects, including leadership, motivation, and achievements.

Their flagship program is called Network TwentyOne, and it is an international training and support organization that offers Amway distributors all over the world education, motivation, and personal coaching. Through their involvement in the Amway business, Network TwentyOne has assisted tens of thousands of people in achieving both personal and financial success.

Although Jim Dornan passed away in 2013, his legacy lives on through his wife Nancy and their children, all of whom are active in the Amway business. Nancy is acknowledged as one of the most successful women in the world of multi-level marketing today, and she continues to inspire and push people to reach their goals and realize their potential.

In summing up, Dornan, Jim, and Nancy Amway are genuine pioneers in the field of multi-level marketing. It is a credit to their great work ethic, dedication to personal development, and commitment to helping others achieve success that they have been able to construct such a vast Amway organization. Because of their work in the field of personal development, thousands of people have been able to gain financial independence and achieve personal success; as a result of their legacy, others will continue to be inspired and motivated for many generations to come.

Dornan, Jim & Nancy Amway

"We'd love our lives," recalls Nancy, "and we wanted our kids to love their lives."

As kids grew, so did business. And Jim and Nancy could afford Eric's particular care. Eric now has an active, full life, and he and his wife, Abbie, live near his parents in their own home.

Indeed, offering hope and a dream Eric's passion is power soccer. Quadriplegics utilise specially adapted motorised wheelchairs – or power chairs – to "kick" a giant soccer ball. When Eric found the sport in California few years ago, the U.S. and Canada had only five power soccer teams. Eric was keen to build additional teams and give other wheelchair users the excitement of being active

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