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Friday, June 18, 2021

IBO Amway

IBO Amway

  •  An IBO (Independent Business Owner) is a person who signed a partnership with Amway Corporation. An IBO might also be called an ABO (Amway Business Owner) or Amway Distributor in other markets.


  • An IBO has the right to distribute (purchase and re-sell) a wide range of exclusive, high-quality products (see below) marketed by the Amway Corporation, as well as offer others (usually called sponsorship) the option of signing contracts with the Amway Corporation, thus offering the same financial benefit opportunity as the IBO itself. If an IBO chooses to construct a consumer network in this way, there is enough opportunity in each IBO's network to create substantial revenue based on turnover. This income is derived using a bonus scheme based on a monthly turnover in each IBO network.

The name's Independent component relates to two things;

  • First, the IBO is its own business owner, and Amway is not employed. The IBO holds the contract as long as it likes, and ends it at its discretion. The contract contains a series of legal and ethical terms to be observed, but only a violation of these terms may result in Amway Corporation premature termination of a relationship.
  • Secondly, each IBO owns its own business that is independent of other IBOs; consequently, any IBO can generate a bigger profit than any other IBO, regardless of its placement in the consumer network.


  • Those interested in buying Amway's products but working as an IBO, Amway Corporation offers another contract - membership. People with this form of contract are frequently called members. This allows access to the local website and the complete range of products offered in that market at retail pricing; however, only IBOs have the option of retailing Amways products and creating a consumer network with the promise of increasing income.


  • A selection of Amway Corporation-exclusive brands and products; notice that this list is not exhaustive:


  • Nutrilite (Nutriway in some areas) is the world's leading brand in organically cultivated food supplements.


  • Artistry has been among four leading brands of skin care and cosmetics for years.

Funkhouser Eddie

  • Eddie Funkhouser is a renowned Hollywood maker who worked with several celebs. He has now created his own cosmetics brand, solely through Amway Corporation.

LOC and SA8

  • Amway's flagship are cleaning products, primarily L.O.C. and SA8, for which the company received an award for "excellent environmental care."
IBO Amway

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