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Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Diamond Lifestyle?

The article about Diamond Lifestyle. Many Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) and customers see the jewels and believe they are celebrities. On the surface, it appears like these people literally have money to burn, and that they just live in extravagant luxury with no cares in the world. Life is nothing more than a lengthy and lavish vacation. It makes sense since informing someone that a diamond is really just a middle-class person wouldn't be that appealing.

Amway diamond lifestyle

However, there are those of you who are familiar with diamonds. Even I, as an IBO, was invited to the Diamonds House since I was considered a rising star in the industry. Our diamond had a respectable home, but it wasn't a mansion or anything particularly noteworthy. The story they told us was that the home had been paid off and that the diamond would ultimately relocate to a gated neighborhood.

Well, fast forward 20+ years and my old diamond has never ended up in a gated community and, in fact, had at one point dropped out of the diamond category and was classified as an emerald. Apparently, he has qualified for diamond status again, but instead of the gated community in Hawaii, I have heard that the diamond has relocated to Washington state. It's interesting since he used to admonish people about how much he adored the water.

So, do diamonds get to live happily ever after with an endless supply of money? It is my educated view that diamonds (albeit not all of them) are in debt, much like most of the rest of the United States. Diamond income is finite, and living a life of excessive luxury comes at a high financial cost.

 According to Amway, a Q12 diamond is worth around $600,000, however, a Q12 diamond is extremely uncommon. The typical non-Q12 diamond, according to Amway's most recent data, makes around $150k, with additional money from tools and functions.

Although you have a good salary, paying off homes and sports vehicles in cash is a challenge. I'm not even convinced diamonds and their families can afford to travel first class wherever they go unless they're really well-established and well-paid gems with a lot of experience. What many people are unaware of is that a diamond's monthly income can be fairly tiny, as a big percentage of a diamond's income is received in the form of an annual bonus, which may be very substantial.

Simply calculating the numbers and applying common logic to lifestyles reveals that a diamond cannot enjoy the diamond lifestyle that they typically represent unless they are in debt. It's only logical in a mathematical sense.

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