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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Getting Permission

 Ensure that his followers understood that they must "submit to upline" and ask permission before doing anything, including attending family functions, getting married, having children, purchasing a house, purchasing a car, moving or renovating their home or quitting their job were all important to the Platinum cult leader. So, for each life decision that most responsible adults can figure out on their own, they must "ask permission" from the cult before making that decision.

Ambot and I came to a choice about our house that was causing us a lot of headaches. It was never completed. One day, I'm finally enraged enough to approach him and inquire as to why everything is taking such an inordinate amount of time. Apparently, Ambot inquired about permission from the Platinum piece of shit and was counselled against going through with it.


Platinum, you miserable son of a bitch and pompous sack of shit, you've been fucked! This is where you go over the line. This is completely out of your jurisdiction. On the mortgage, I don't see your name listed. I don't see your signature anywhere on the deed. Particularly concerning our home, I don't see you donating any cash on a regular basis to the monthly bills associated with it.

I informed Ambot that I was not going to have any further dealings with that meddling fucker and that I would not be dragged out to any more cult meetings as a result.

To cut a long tale short, Ambot quit the cult not long after this incident occurred, saying that our friendship was more important to him than the cult's mission, and the refurbishment was completed. It's a lot quieter. The air quality has improved. I'm no longer having trouble breathing because of the medication. There will be no more tension. In addition, we are saving money.

This is just one of those frightening examples where I needed something done to my living environment to make it healthier for me, but the cult leader decided that I should be sick and unhappy instead, and influenced Ambot in the belief that this would cause me to have some sort of control issue over myself and my surroundings. Ambot came to his senses and sought professional help to assist him in quitting the cult, and those troublemaking bastards were banished from his life as a result of his efforts to save our marriage.

Guide to Mastering the Art of Requesting Permission

In the course of our daily lives, we frequently discover that we are in need of permission in order to gain access to resources, explore opportunities, or make significant choices. Mastering the skill of acquiring permission, whether it's called obtaining consent, seeking authorization, or winning approval, is essential for successfully navigating both personal and professional arenas. This is true whether you're talking about gaining approval, requesting authorisation, or seeking consent. In this in-depth guide, we will discuss the intricacies of requesting permission, the etiquette that is required, as well as techniques to maximize your chances of receiving a positive response.

Recognizing the Significance of Permission Respectful conduct, ethical conduct, and responsible decision-making all require a fundamental understanding of the significance of permission. It does so by acknowledging the rights and boundaries of others while simultaneously enabling collaboration, consent, and relationships that are harmonious. Asking for permission reveals maturity, sensitivity, and a willingness to adhere to established conventions, regardless of whether it concerns personal relationships, intellectual property, professional pursuits, or legal considerations.

Identifying the Different Types of Permission 

a) Explicit Permission: In order to obtain this type of permission, you must have direct communication with the relevant authority or individual and receive their explicit assent. It frequently entails written agreements, contracts, or formal requests, all of which are designed to ensure mutual understanding and legal protection.

b) Implied Permission: Implied permission is drawn from established social practices, reasonable expectations, or tacit agreements. 

c) Express Permission: Express permission is given directly by the individual. Even though it is not directly expressed, it is possible to infer consent based on the surrounding circumstances, cultural norms, and previous contacts.

Developing Competence in Effective Communication 

a) Clarity and Conciseness: When requesting permission, it is important to state your request in a manner that is both clear and concise. Outline the objective, the benefits, and the potential impact in a way that is easily understood by the receiver so that they may make a decision that is based on accurate information.

b) Active Listening: Pay attention to the worries, questions, or conditions that are presented by the person whose permission you are requesting, and be receptive to what they have to say. Listening attentively displays that you respect the other person, helps you better grasp what they are saying, and gives you the ability to respond appropriately to any questions or concerns they may have.

b) Empathy and persuasion: Put yourself in the position of the person whose permission you are requesting and try to understand their perspective. Gain an understanding of their point of view, concerns, and what drives them. Personalizing your request so that it emphasizes how it corresponds with their interests, values, or ambitions will significantly increase the likelihood that they will say yes to your proposition.

Developing Trust and Credibility 

a) Establishing Rapport: Make it a top priority to cultivate relationships that are founded on trust, respect, and dependability. Establishing a foundation of trust will make it much simpler to ask for permission when it is necessary, therefore it is important to consistently display integrity, fulfill commitments, and create open communication.

b) Demonstrating Competence: Displaying expertise, competence, and a track record of achievement in the relevant area boosts the confidence that other people have in your capabilities. When people believe you are competent and capable of responsibly handling the opportunity or resource that you have asked, they are more likely to give you permission to do what you want to do.

Recognizing and Accepting Limits and Rejection:

a) Coming to Terms with Being Rejected Respectfully: Not all permissions will be given even if they are requested. In the event that your request is denied, it is important to keep your cool, show appreciation for the reviewer's time, and inquire about receiving input that can be used to make future requests more successful. It is important to refrain from being defensive or harboring resentment toward others because doing so could potentially harm relationships and future possibilities.

b) Recognizing Boundaries: It is important to be aware of the limitations, restrictions, and boundaries that others have. Be aware that certain requests may be turned down for valid reasons, such as a lack of resources or a requirement to comply with a law or regulation, or even due to your own individual circumstances. Building trust and increasing one's likelihood of being granted permission for future activities are two benefits that come from showing proper regard for established limits.

The Digital Terrain and the Issue of Permission:

a) Proper online etiquette dictates that one should always ask for permission before publishing or sharing content online. It is essential to pay attention to and honor the privacy settings, terms of service, and intellectual property rights. Always get someone's permission before revealing their personal information or using content that is protected by intellectual property rights, and provide credit where it's due.

b) Obtaining Digital Permissions When requesting permission in the digital realm, you should think about using formal procedures such as sending an email, filling out an online consent form, or using a digital signature. Clearly state your desire and ensure

conformity with the relevant legislation, such as the laws protecting personal information.

The ability to successfully obtain permission is a crucial talent that can improve both personal and professional relationships, as well as create teamwork and encourage ethical behavior. We can traverse the intricacies of consent with grace and integrity if we understand the nuances of permission, cultivate effective communication skills, and respect boundaries. This will allow us to manage the complexities of consent. Keep in mind that asking for permission is not an indication of weakness but rather a demonstration of respect for others and a dedication to ethical behavior on your part.

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