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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

 In light of the fact that it is Thanksgiving, I figured I could write one post that was not devoted to swearing out my former upline.

To follow up on my previous thread about how IBOs are litterbugs who leave their Amway garbage all over hotel and school auditoriums, Tex brought up a valid point that litterbugs can be found everywhere, and he mentioned sporting events, so I decided to create a thread that was completely unrelated to why my former upline are a bunch of assholes.

Oops. I couldn't help but curse them out once or twice!

I believe that when someone does not like someone or something, they are far more likely to point out the flaws. I certainly didn't enjoy being hauled away to Amway meetings, and I was always able to find something to criticise about the organisation. When I was forced to mingle with Ambots, the phrase "don't be negative" certainly didn't apply to me.

So, let me attempt to think about litterbugs at sporting events for a moment.. Due to the fact that I am not a big sports enthusiast, I only attend a sporting event once every ten years or so. It only appears to be happening more frequently! I remember my parents taking me to a Mets game at Shea Stadium in New York City many years ago. However, I don't recall any sports fans trash, but then again, I wasn't looking for it. One of the things I remember is a fly ball heading our way that we all jumped to our feet to try to catch, but it ended up higher in the bleachers than where we were sitting at the time. There was only one other thing on my mind: I wanted a pretzel, but my father insisted on buying me a hot dog instead. So, because I didn't want it, I went hungry. What kind of patriotism is it to refuse to eat a hot dog at a baseball game in your hometown?

In my pre-Ambot days, the mother of the person I'm seeing has tickets to a Rams game at Anaheim Stadium, and she generously provides them to him so that he may take me with him to the game. I'm not a football enthusiast, and the only thing I recall about the game was that the Rams were facing a team from Arizona - is there an NFL franchise based in Phoenix? I don't recall seeing any litter this time, but I wasn't looking for it either. There are two things I recall. We joined a massive mob of admirers walking to a barrier that had been partially demolished wherever he had parked in the parking lot. The people in front of us climbed over the fence and into the parking lot. So here I am, dressed in a blue jean little skirt, you know, one of those cute little numbers that serve no function other than to wow the guy you're with, and I have to scale a fence to get to my destination. Yeah, there were a couple of other young females ahead of me who were all dressed in a similar manner for their boyfriends, who I believe all enjoyed the sight of the three of us climbing the fence together. The other thing I recall is that the Rams were defeated. I don't recall any trash, but jumping a fence in a tiny skirt brings up a lifetime of memories. I don't remember any litter.

What do you think about the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena? We don't even think Anna Banana would be insane enough to get out on the street 24 hours in advance and camp out on her deck chair. Waking up at 2 or 3 a.m. to drive down to the downtown area and find a parking spot and a prime walkway is an entirely different storey. I'm sure there must have been rubbish all over the place from the 24 hour party, but I don't recall seeing any of it myself. Not quite as much as the year I recall a pick-up truck travelling up and down Colorado Boulevard with a guy in the back pounding on his drum set in the middle of the road. Perhaps it was another year when Ambot didn't want to be a part of the traffic congestion on the road we planned to use, so he chose to search out a "shortcut" that probably added another hour to our journey time. You can put your trust in me. Immediately following the procession, all routes out of Pasadena are backed up for at least an hour.

As a result, Anna Banana possesses subjective memory. Any time something is associated with a negative memory, I will remember every last detail of that encounter. If it's anything enjoyable, I'll recall the good parts.

Among the many things for which I can be glad today is the fact that I no longer lose money in Amway.

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