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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Dream Night is a Financial Orgy

 Yes, you read that correctly, so go ahead and get a good chuckle about it!

Someone approaches the Platinum bucket of shit and inquires as to what Dream Night is. Here's what was said in full:

« It's time to get things started in the new year by making financial resolutions for the group. It's the most important financial event of the year.”

What kind of response is that, in the first place? In my opinion, the orgy thing will capture the interest of the largely male, adolescent audience. It was clear that they were going to be disappointed when they arrived at the celebration!

The event was hosted in a banquet room at a hotel, and tickets were $66 apiece. The amount I heard was $75 per person in the segment of the audio that I listened to, and then I heard the bag of shit demand another $75 from each person in the downline to cover their expenditures in coordinating and purchasing tickets for everyone. The mystery of why an additional $9 each went to the upline for typing a few more tickets into the WWDB website to order them and then going through all the hassle of distributing them to the IBOs was left unsolved because no one asked for clarity. Scalpers!

The pricey ticket provided the IBO with a dinner while also obliging them to listen to and watch a few of Diamond speakers and their movies. For the most part, it was all about the Diamonds' lifestyle, or at least what they sought to represent to IBOs as their lifestyle, with mansions, private jets, sports cars, exotic holidays, and other such luxuries displayed. And, according to reports, they pay for all of these items entirely with cash, never accruing debt. Amway's numbers of an average Diamond's annual income of $146,000 do not appear to be practical in that they do not imply that mansions, fancy automobiles, exotic holidays, and other such luxuries are financially feasible on that salary.

There's a lot of smoke and mirrors. Lies, lies, and more lies The Amway shuffle is what you're doing there.

The Platinum informs the cult members that his pitch to persuade people to attend Dream Night is as follows:

During this economic crisis, are you getting everything you can out of what you're currently doing, or do you believe that something needs to be changed or done more effectively?”

If someone said that to me, I believe I would respond with, "Huh?" Afterwards, the IBO, believing he had a live one, would repeat it, and I'd wonder to myself, "What in the fuck are you trying to say?"

The Platinum stated that he would be hosting a table for ten people, and then he asked around the room to see how many suckers the IBOs had managed to recruit to come. What he discovers is that everyone's guest lists are primarily comprised of family members rather than potential IBOs, which enrages the Platinum. He starts riding the eagle's back to get after the folks in his downline who don't have the necessary numbers of invited guests to show up and put in the effort to get the job done.

Ambot enters the scene and announces that he will be bringing eight guests. There were no guests present when Dream Night arrived. He was fortunate in that he did not purchase any additional tickets. The bottom truth is that everyone had impressive figures, but only a few, if any, were able to generate new opportunities.

They messed up despite the fact that they were being compensated an additional $9 per ticket by their upline for their trouble in acquiring tickets, and the whole affair turned into a disaster. There were a few vegans among our group of twenty-somethings. When purchasing tickets from the WWDB website, there was an opportunity to choose between a meat or a vegetarian meal. The asshole scalper who was collecting the money took note of everyone's meal selections at the moment they handed over their cash, but he did not necessarily add up the different meal options when he purchased a large number of Dream Night tickets at the same time. When the IBOs arrived at the hotel, the tickets were handed out to them as part of the control process.

It should be obvious by now that almost everyone ended up with the opposite supper option from what they had originally requested. People were attempting to grab a ticket and a table with their desired food selection on it while IBOs were standing in the hallway, yelling and yelling. Due to the fact that the asshole in charge of awarding the tickets kept running off to retrieve the platinum and obtain more tickets, it took a long time to resolve.

This isn't the first time these incompetent idiots have failed to put their act together.

In recent years, the concept of Dream Night, which is also frequently referred to as a "financial orgy," has become the subject of discussion and interest. It includes the concepts of obtaining enormous financial success, coming to terms with one's ambitions, and leading a life filled with plenty of resources. In this piece, we investigate the idea of Dream Night as a metaphor for monetary success by investigating its ramifications, motivations, and the broader discourses that surround it.

A Breakdown of the Concept of Dream Night The concept of Dream Night embodies the image of a sumptuous and opulent way of life in which individuals appear to be free from the limits of their financial situation. It is a figurative celebration of reaching one's wildest ambitions in terms of riches and achievement, and it depicts a night of indulging, going overboard, and having an abundance of material possessions.

The Desire for Financial Freedom and Security is One of the Core Motivations Behind Dream Night One of the primary reasons that Dream Night was created was the founder's desire to achieve financial freedom and security. It stands for the desire of amassing significant riches, which would give individuals the means to live comfortably, follow their passions, and provide for their loved ones.

b) Success in the Material World and Elevated Social Standing: Dream Night is frequently linked to the acquisition of high-end possessions, expensive adventures, and an improved social standing. It exemplifies the quest for monetary wealth as a measure of one's level of accomplishment and sense of worth.

c) Personal Satisfaction and Actualization of Self Dream Night can also be interpreted as an expression of personal satisfaction and the actualization of one's own self. It is a metaphor of the freedom to pursue one's ambitions, the release of one's creative potential, and the ability to make a great effect on the world, all of which can be fueled by the resources that achieving financial success can bring.

The following are some of the psychological effects that Dream Night has: a) Ambition and drive: the idea behind Dream Night gives people a reason to be ambitious and gives them a concrete target to work for. It has the potential to be a potent motivator, motivating people to work hard, take risks, and push themselves beyond their boundaries in order to achieve monetary success.

b) A Sense of Satisfaction and Happiness: Accomplishing Dream Night may result in a feeling of contentment and joy for the player. Nevertheless, it is of the utmost importance to acknowledge that long-term pleasure is typically the result of a harmony among a number of aspects, including personal connections, purposeful employment, and overall well-being, rather than just the accumulation of monetary wealth.

c) Potential Obstacles and Dangers: Although Dream Night is symbolic of an abundance of money resources, it is vital to take into consideration the potential difficulties that may develop. A preoccupation on material goods to the exclusion of other areas of one's life, including one's health, relationships, and capacity for self-improvement, is likely to result in a warped view of what constitutes happy.

Perspectives on Dream Night: a) Criticisms of Materialism Some people believe that placing an excessive amount of emphasis on Dream Night contributes to the perpetuation of a culture of materialism, in which one's level of financial success is seen as the key indicator of one's level of value and pleasure. They place a strong emphasis on the significance of valuing non-material aspects of life, such as one's own development, one's emotional well-being, and one's contributions to society.

b) Well-Balanced Strategies for Achieving Success Many advocates of a well-balanced strategy for achieving success emphasize how important it is to connect one's financial goals with one's personal values, the pursuit of personal fulfillment, and the making of significant contributions to society. They advocate for a more holistic approach that prioritizes overall well-being over merely material success as the primary measure of success in life.

c) Giving Back to Society and Being Socially Responsible: Some people who have attained financial success through Dream Night acknowledge the significance of being socially responsible and giving back to the community. They put their riches to work for the greater good by donating to charitable organizations, investing in the growth of their communities, and spreading awareness about the importance of social responsibility.

In conclusion, Dream Night is a metaphor for the desire of material wealth, personal satisfaction, and an expensive way of life. It is crucial to approach it with a balanced viewpoint because it has the potential to act as a powerful motivator and a sign of accomplishment; nonetheless, it cannot be ignored. The only way to experience genuine contentment and joy in life is to adopt a holistic perspective, in which you prioritize your own personal development, cultivate healthy relationships, and have a constructive influence on the wider world. In the end, Dream Night shouldn't just be seen as anown interest, but also as a chance to make a positive impact on the world around them and society as a whole.

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