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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Don't Feed Your Dog ANYTHING from Amway!

 “Can a dog swallow Double X?” says the author.

That is correct, believe it or not, some moron searched for that term and came up at my blog, which ranks extremely high in the search engines for almost any criterion. In this particular situation, it directed the searcher to my post about the Nutrilite Dissolving Test, in which I discussed Nutrilite vitamins eventually flushing after I used a bag of dog faeces to coax out a stubborn vitamin!

However, this leads me back to the searcher's query regarding the dog taking Double X, which I answered earlier. Why in the world would s/he want to undertake such a thing? Double X has been shown to cause unpleasant responses in some individuals who use it, so why put your dog's health at risk? I'm aware that some people give their pets human vitamins to treat specific conditions, such as glucosamine or MSM for joint problems. It should be noted that if someone is so willing to give their dogs stuff like this, there are better quality vitamins available on the market that are significantly more reasonably priced than Amway's terrible overpriced vitamins.

The chances are good that this searcher was instructed by their upline to sign their dog up as a client and allow them to purchase their own dog food, or in this case, Double X vitamins. Dogs have discretionary income and are capable of making their own purchasing decisions, just like people.. Not to mention the fact that you're typing on a computer! What other counsel would you expect from people who are involved in a pyramid scheme, who are involved in fraud, and who are pushing others to play around with a fictitious company venture? Sign up all of those fictitious customers!

I figured it would be a good time to re-publish a piece from last year on Amway's shoddy dog food, which you can read here. My reader had a different problem with their dog, in that Amway's Nutripet caused it to vomit, and they had to take the dog to the emergency vet right away to be treated.

The bottom line is that if you love your dog, do not feed it anything that has anything to do with Amway, or you will be sorry.

I'm going to go on a tirade about the terrible Amway pet food. It costs nearly the same as any high-end dog food available on the market today. Due to the fact that I haven't lately compared other dog food businesses, I am unable to say whether or not it has the same high-quality components. I'll admit that the one time we purchased a bag of Amway's brand dog food, I've never seen so much dog faeces in my entire life. I'm the one who is in charge of taking the dogs for walks. Unlike Ambot, I am more concerned with fitness, and I walk everywhere I go. Having those dogs around gives me an excuse to go out of the home every couple of hours. First thing in the morning, I take the dogs for a stroll around the neighbourhood. Most of the time, I'll get one shit out of each of them. The morning stroll became a series of 4 to 6 shits after we turned them over to Amway dog food! Fortunately, I keep a large number of baggies in my pockets! By the time we got back from our last stroll of the night, these dogs had easily shitting 10 times each, and they were massive baggy filling shitting! It would take me a long time to finish them all, and the next thing you knew, the toilet was clogged and the bowl was practically overflowing with waste. The Amway dog chow helped me become really good at using a toilet plunger! But I'll admit it. If Ambot was home and the water level in the toilet was increasing, I'd cut off the water and start yelling that the large shits had plugged the toilet again, demanding that he come and unclog it for me.

Ambot attempted to include the Amway dog food in his next order, but was unsuccessful. In exchange for continuing to purchase the inferior Amway dog food, I informed him that he would now be responsible for walking the dogs and cleaning up after them on a full-time basis, a duty that he despises. If they wanted us to buy Amway dog food, I recommended that he locate someone in his upline to take over the cleaning chore. He agreed. There were no takers. That's incredible!

I was able to reintroduce the dogs to the high-quality, low-stool dog food that they had been eating in the previous months.

This resulted in a significant reduction in the amount of money I was spending on baggies.

This also resulted in a significant reduction in the amount of clogged toilets.

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