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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Amway Cult Leaders Influencing Downline Votes

 Due to the fact that it is an election year, it is bringing back some memories of the last presidential election, as well as the torment that was being a member of the Amway cult, to mind.

Neither the candidates nor the debates nor their platforms are the topics of discussion. I'm referring to the Amway cult leaders and their "impact" on the Amway cult followers in terms of how they should vote in future elections.

The ambots would congregate around their beloved Amway cult leaders to take up whatever words of nonsense they could get their hands on, and with an election on the horizon, Amway gatherings would frequently morph into political rallies at some point throughout the evening. When it came to voting, the upline would tell the downline how to vote. Never put up a fight with your superiors. Just go ahead and do it!

Our sack of rotten muck In 2008, Barack Obama was the presidential candidate of choice for Platinum. Whether that was his presidential pick or whether he was passing down voting orders from a Diamond or an Ada, I have no idea what he was thinking. I'm not sure if Obama would have been his pick if he hadn't been brainwashed by the Amway cult of personality. Regardless of whether or not he was in Amway and was coached how to vote, I believe Obama would have had his support regardless.

It's a free country, after all. No American should be persuaded to vote in a particular way just for the purpose of gaining favour and brownie points with someone they are attempting to impress. It's much worse when it's a fucking Amway ambot! Who would want to be able to impress one of them cretins? That is not the case with me! You have folks like me who, when their upline orders them to do something, they say "fuck you" and do the reverse of what they were told.

The entire line was pro-Obama, regardless of whether they agreed with him or not. They spoke as if there were no other option.

I'm not sure how they feel about it now, given their previous decision. I'm curious as to who will be the favourite presidential candidate of the ambot this time around....

Over the years, numerous detractors and those who used to be members of Amway have made the claim that the company is a cult. The power that the leaders wield over the people who follow them is one of the most important characteristics of a cult. In the case of Amway, the cult-like conduct can frequently be seen in how the leaders utilize their power to control the behavior of their downline members, including influencing how they vote. This is just one example of how Amway behaves in a manner that is reminiscent of a cult.

The leaders of many different Amway organizations routinely get together with the members of their downlines for meetings during which they address a wide range of issues pertaining to the company. In the course of these meetings, they frequently urge their followers to vote a certain way on matters that are relevant to the corporation. This can be anything from providing support for particular product lines to providing support for specific executives within the business.

The issue with this behavior is that it prevents members of the downline from exercising their right to make independent judgments based on the beliefs and values that they hold most dear. Instead, people are being coerced into supporting the agenda of their leaders, regardless of whether or not it is in accordance with the beliefs and opinions that they hold personally.

In addition, the leaders of the Amway cult might have an effect that is not directly related to the company. A good many of these leaders also adhere to particular political or religious tenets, which they then endeavor to instill in their followers. They might employ their power to persuade their followers to back particular political candidates or religious views by pointing out the merits of those positions.

This kind of action is not just unethical but also potentially harmful to those around you. These leaders are effectively brainwashing their followers into following a particular agenda by diminishing their followers' ability to make autonomous decisions. This can result in a lack of abilities related to critical thinking as well as unquestioning allegiance to the leaders, even if doing so is not in the best interests of the followers themselves.

It is crucial for Amway members to be aware of the possibility for cult-like behavior within the organization and to question any attempts to influence their voting or beliefs. It is also necessary for members to be aware of the potential for sexual misconduct within the company. They should also be aware of leaders who try to control every area of their lives, including what they watch on television and who they associate with, and they should exercise caution around those leaders.

To summarize, the influence of Amway cult leaders might be a risky thing to do. They are effectively brainwashing their followers into mindlessly following their agenda by utilizing their position to influence the votes of their downline and influencing the behavior of their followers. It is critical for members of Amway to be aware of this behavior and to assert their right to live according to their own set of principles and ideals.

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