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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Searchers finding my blog over Christmas

 I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!

I hope no one finds any Amway dreck beneath their Christmas tree this year!

I looked at my search statistics for the past couple of days, and I saw that I'd had some unusual queries.

Starting with the first thing in the morning on Christmas Eve. Someone enters in "Amway Kosage fucking asshole" into the search bar. My guess is that this is someone who did not receive an invitation to Dean Kosage's Christmas party, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is! That searcher ended up on my June 2011 archive page, indicating that someone had posted a remark referring to Kosage. There are several allusions in my postings to Amway IBOs being fucking jerks, so it should come as no surprise that my blog is ranked first when that search criterion is used.

A searcher typed in that their daughter is involved in the Amway cult later in the day, actually closer to midnight, and that was when things became a little sadder for everyone. It is always heartbreaking when a family member becomes involved in this heinous cult and is indoctrinated, as well as when they lose their money and become estranged from their family and friends. Several of my posts were read by this dissatisfied parent on Christmas Eve and into the early hours of the morning on Christmas Day itself. I hope it provided some consolation to this person to know that they are not alone in the sorrow they are experiencing as they see someone they care about have their life destroyed by Amway's products. I'm quite aware that many individuals receive a great deal of enjoyment from living vicariously through my blog and the way I curse my upline. I'm cursing everyone's upline at the moment! In order to dedicate more time to the great Amway cult and their adored cult leaders, it appears that this person's daughter skipped out on them on Christmas. It's a real shame.

And then, strangely enough, on Christmas Day, I receive a large number of requests for information on how to leave Amway, as well as a few of requests for information on how to cancel Communikate! Wow, that's fantastic! Some ambots are giving their families the BEST Christmas present ever by renouncing their membership in the horrifying evil Amway cult!

Afterwards, this morning, I received an email from an Amway employee from Alticor in Grand Rapids who was reading through some of my posts: the Amway neighbour video on YouTube, the post about how our Platinum screws over Amway, the post about the worst Amway items to find under the Christmas tree, and a couple of other posts that are about search criteria that people use to end up at my blog.

There's nothing remarkable about this because I see Amway employees from Grand Rapids, Ada, and Buena Park messing around on the job and surfing the Internet when they could be getting some work done, which isn't all that rare.

The fact that they have to work today is particularly depressing. When Christmas falls on a Sunday, businesses that are not ordinarily open on Sundays (banks, offices, government employees, and so on) are forced to close on Monday in order to accommodate customers. All of the chain stores, as well as petrol stations and food stores, are open in this area, but everything else is closed or closed for business entirely.

When Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, it takes a particularly nefarious employer to force their employees to go to work on the following Monday, December 26. That describes the mindset of a former Amway employee who came to my blog and basically stated that Amway the company treats their employees as though they are worthless. The fact that I can confirm that an Amway employee is now employed serves as sufficient evidence of the company's treatment of its employees.

A lump of coal for those jerks in management that do the same thing as Amway and force their employees to report to work today.

The Holiday Season Brings Searchers to My Blog: How to Capture the Spirit of the Season and Engage Your Readers


Joy, celebration, and a rise in online activity characterize the days leading up to and throughout the holiday season, and Christmas in particular. During this holiday season, it can be a wonderful chance for bloggers to attract and engage their audience in meaningful conversation. In this post, we cover the techniques and content ideas that can be used to guarantee that searchers locate and enjoy your blog over the Christmas holiday, thereby providing an experience that is memorable for both new and returning readers.

Themes of Festivity Embrace the Holiday Spirit by Creating material That Resonates With the Season In order to get into the holiday spirit, you should create material that relates to the season. Think of writing about Christmas-related customs, such as holiday traditions, gift guides, festive recipes, décor ideas, and personal anecdotes. You may captivate searchers who are looking for ideas, amusement, or guidance during this particular time of year by connecting your content with the subject of the holiday.

Improving Search Engine Optimization with Christmas-Related Keywords:

During the holiday season, you can boost the visibility of your blog by utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. Conduct research and include applicable Christmas-related keywords in your content, such as "Christmas gift ideas," "Christmas recipes," or "Christmas decoration tips." Improve your blog's rating in the search engine results pages (SERPs) by writing compelling titles, meta descriptions, and headings that are packed with keywords, and you'll see an increase in the amount of organic traffic your site receives from people looking for content linked to Christmas.

images That Captivate throughout the Holidays Captivating images can help your blog stand out throughout the holiday season and create an atmosphere that is festive. To give your content a more appealing appearance to the eye, you should work to use high-quality photographs, videos, infographics, and other forms of multimedia. Make use of visuals, fonts, and colors that have a Christmas theme in order to produce a unified and visually appealing experience that captures the spirit of the holiday season.

Take Advantage of the Holiday Shopping Season by Forming Partnerships with Brands or developing Your Own Seasonal Offers and Discounts You should take advantage of the holiday shopping season by forming partnerships with brands or developing your own seasonal offers and discounts. You can attract readers to your blog who are actively looking for ways to save money and special discounts throughout the holiday season by featuring unique promos, coupon codes, or limited-time bargains on your site. Collaborating with local businesses or nationally recognized brands that are relevant to your audience is an excellent way to increase the visibility and reach of your blog.

Interactive Holiday Contests and Giveaways You may engage your audience and promote participation by organizing holiday-themed contests or giveaways on your blog. These contests and giveaways can be either interactive or non-interactive. You should encourage your readers to share their favorite Christmas memories, recipes, or images with you, and you should give prizes or other incentives for their participation. This participatory method not only fosters a sense of community but also stirs up discussion on social media and draws new readers to your site.

You can broaden your audience by working with other bloggers or influencers in your specialized field to participate in cross-promotion and guest blogging. Take advantage of opportunities to write guest blog posts or work with other individuals or companies who share your values to organize cross-promotional events. By taking use of this strategy, you will be able to tap into their audience base, which will in turn expose your blog to new searchers who may be interested in the Christmas material you have to offer.

Make Holiday Gift Guides:

 Since the holiday season is a time for giving gifts, you should compile and publish holiday gift guides on your site. Adapt these guides to various demographics, hobbies, or price points in order to meet the needs of a wide variety of people who are searching for information. Include gift ideas that are one of a kind and meaningful, and incorporate affiliate links when you feel it is appropriate to do so, in order to monetize your blog while still offering value to your audience.

Tell Your Audience About Christmas Memories And Experiences If you want to connect with your audience on a more personal level, you can do it by telling them about your own Christmas stories, memories, or experiences. Personal stories, whether they're funny or touching, have the power to stir up a range of feelings in the listener and help them feel more connected to the author. Your readers can establish engagement and community on your blog by sharing their own personal experiences in the comments section if you encourage them to do so.

In order to successfully capture the attention of searchers and engage your audience over the Christmas season, you will need to create content with careful consideration, employ good SEO strategies, and take a festive approach. You can guarantee that your blog attracts and maintains visitors looking for holiday inspiration and information by include Christmas-themed articles, optimizing for relevant keywords, and making use of appealing imagery. By putting these techniques into action and getting into the holiday spirit, you will be able to provide visitors to your site over the holiday season with an experience that is both memorable and pleasurable.

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