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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Exciting changes!

 We were informed at nearly every Amway meeting we attended that we had joined the company at the perfect moment. Now is the beginning of what is expected to be a significant increase in Amway product sales through the Internet in the coming years. Exciting changes are set to take place in the Amway organisation. This is monumental!

I'm very sure we heard the same pitch many years ago as well!

We were shown graphs that depicted how this pattern was expected to unfold over the next few years, with sales on the rise. During every Amway meeting, this chart was displayed as part of the business plan flip cards that were distributed to attendees.

Some changes may occur, but whether or not they are exciting is up for debate. I'm not really here to talk about Amway policy or the changes that are taking place within their organisation. Among other things, this site exists to curse my old upline and to tell others on what it was like to live with an Ambot.

Here are the (not-so-exciting) changes I saw in Ambot during my testing:

1. He got into heated debates with people with whom he generally got along well but who refused to attend Amway meetings because they didn't want to be there.

2. He sneered at people who were working at a regular job and were not interested in pursuing an Amway career.

His rudeness toward acquaintances who were not interested in helping his business by purchasing pricey Amway products was a source of contention.

4. He put down whatever he was doing to reply to phone calls or text messages from his upline, who wanted him to haul his ass to where they were for whatever they judged to be more essential than whatever he was doing.

5. He was continually quoting Amway lingo and repeating whatever it was that his upline had brainwashed him into saying.

6. He questioned everything I did, including how it was generating income for him in his Amway company.

His upline sponsor was some sort of god to him, and as a result, we were under the misconception that licking his asshole was required of us.

(8) He behaved in an untidiness manner throughout the house, scattering his Amway rubbish wherever he went and refusing to place the containers containing the consumed products in the garbage or recycling bin.

9. He utilised his previously debt-free credit card for Amway-related purchases, including taking the entire upline out to dinner, and he maxed out his credit card limit in the process.

10. He became increasingly irritated, combative, disrespectful, and arrogant as the conversation progressed.

eleven. He accused everyone who had a different point of view (as a result of his upline) of being negative

The changes that have occurred since Ambot was expelled from the cult have been significantly more beneficial. One of them is regaining one's pleasant demeanour. The upline's claims that being an IBO makes you a nicer person are intended to divert IBOs' focus away from the fact that they aren't earning any money. However, I'm here to argue that this is not true and that being an IBO does not make one a more pleasant individual at all. They may all put on a fake nicey nice show at gatherings and seminars, but in private, they are rude, surly, unapproachable terrible excuses for human beings who should not be allowed to exist. I find it amusing how losing money in Amway can alter a person's personality, particularly when the upline brainwashes them into believing that the reason they aren't succeeding is because they aren't working hard enough or because they are losers.

I'm here to tell you that witnessing someone being brainwashed by the Amway cult is not an enjoyable change of pace.

Thrilling Alterations: Recognizing and Embracing the Force of Transformation

Introduction: Life is a journey that is constantly evolving and growing, and it is frequently the thrilling changes that form both our pasts and our futures. The ability to adapt to changing circumstances, whether they be personal or societal, can open doors to exciting new possibilities, introduce novel points of view, and instill a spirit of exploration. The idea of exciting transitions, their influence on our lives, and the ways in which we might manage them with optimism and enthusiasm are all topics that are discussed in this essay.

Personal Development and Change: Experiencing your own personal development and change is one of the most exhilarating aspects of living a full life. It is only through experiencing change that we are able to learn new skills, put ourselves to the test, and mature as individuals. Embracing opportunities for personal development can lead to the discovery of previously unexplored interests and passions, the development of previously unknown abilities, or the adoption of a new mentality. All of these can lead to exciting new possibilities. We may broaden our horizons and realize our full potential if we force ourselves to venture outside of the confines of our comfort zones.

Changes that are both exhilarating and beneficial frequently take place in the context of job advancement and professional development. In the workplace, being open to change can lead to new opportunities for promotion, career changes, or entrepreneurial endeavors. Opportunities for innovation and creativity are created whenever there is a shift in the market, an industry, or technology. Individuals have the ability to move their professions forward and find joy in their professional activities if they are willing to embrace these changes.

Alterations in Social Structure and Cultural Practices: Our society is always going through transformative changes that have an effect on our shared experiences. Changes in social and cultural norms brought about by developments in technology, shifts in population makeup, and other factors can be both fascinating and difficult to navigate. These shifts present possibilities to encourage inclusiveness, to challenge old viewpoints, and to bring about constructive change in communities. We can become a part of the forward-thinking movements that are shaping the future if we are willing to embrace social and cultural shifts.

Relationships and Connections: Exciting shifts frequently become apparent in the ways in which we relate to and are connected to one another. Change plays an important part in the dynamics of human interactions, whether it be in the establishment of new friendships, the beginning of love relationships, or the redefinition of connections that already exist. Accepting change in one's relationships paves the way for one's own personal development, greater comprehension, and the possibility of more profound connections. We forge enduring connections with other people and share important experiences with them via the process of change.

Traveling to uncharted territories and learning about foreign cultures is a thrilling approach to welcome invigorating shifts in one's life. Our minds are opened to new ideas and experiences, our horizons are expanded, and our spirit of adventure is stoked when we travel. Embracing the changes that occur with travel can lead to personal transformation, self-discovery, and a greater respect for the world that we live in. This can happen in a variety of ways, including by going on solo excursions or participating in immersive cultural exchanges.

Adapting to Environmental Changes In light of the fact that the world is currently facing a number of environmental concerns, it is essential to accept environmental changes in order to both minimize and adapt to these problems. Accepting environmental changes can have a significant impact not just on the globe but also on future generations, and these changes can range from sustainable living practices to renewable energy sources. It is a chance to make a positive contribution to a world that is both healthier and more sustainable, thereby opening up fascinating opportunities for a brighter future.

The trip that is life is guaranteed to be full of interesting new experiences at every turn. We put ourselves in a position to experience personal development, career progression, societal advancement, and meaningful connections when we accept and embrace these differences. It is only through experiencing change that we can muster the bravery to venture out of our comfort zones, learn about new interests, and have a beneficial influence on the rest of the world. Therefore, let us embrace the winds of change with enthusiasm since they have the potential to transform the course of our lives in extraordinary ways.

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