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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Amway Price Comparison | Price Comparison With Costco

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Amway – Are Their Prices Competitive?

Laughable storey: the other day at work, I received a phone call from a friend who requested that I deliver a gift for him to a mutual friend. A catalogue is accidentally ejected from the bag. Apparently a buddy of mine continues to purchase dish drops from the Amway catalogue, which I found amusing. In any case, I take a look at a few popular items from the catalogue and compare their costs to those offered by Costco. I'm taken aback. I already save $14 by getting Gatorade at Costco instead of quixtar, plus I get 80 ounces more product as a result of doing so.

Are the prices competitive?

XS Sports beverages are a type of sports beverage. 24 16-ounce bottles is $30.00.

Gatorade $15.95 for twenty-four (20oz) bottles (at Costco)

Red Bull 8.4 oz (case of 12) = $23.99 XS energy drinks 8.4 oz (case of 12) = $23.99 (case of 24) $31.30 is the total amount of money you have in your account (at Costco)

The letter X is twice as long as it is wide (31 day supply) Multi-Vitamins for $78.05 (3 month supply) $24.80 is the price of the item (At Costco)

SA8 is equal to 6.6 pounds (100 loads) $22.75

Kirkland is a town in the U.S. state of Washington (5 gallon bucket from Costco) $15.99

Meadowbrook bath tissue (48 rolls) costs $29.99 (plus tax).

The Kirkland bath tissue set contains 36 rolls for $11.99 (Costco)

Menu with a lot of options 12 – 16 oz. Bags of Pasta = $24.99 each

The price for 12 16oz boxes of Golden Grain Pasta is $8.99. (Costco)

Smart menu chunk light tuna in 24 6 oz cans is available for $25.99.

12 6 oz. cans of coral chunk light tuna are available for $5.99. (Costco)

Progresso soups in 19-ounce cans are $19.99 each.

Progresso soups in 19-ounce cans are $11.99 each (Costco)


If Amway charges greater costs because their products are of superior quality, what is the reason for this?

Amway offers Progresso soups in eight 19-ounce cans for $19.99.

Progresso soups in 19-ounce cans are $11.99 each (Costco)

I've often wondered if it isn't the multilevel marketing method, in which upline persons profit from those they recruit and in which you can reach a point where you can retire and be supported by others you recruited, that is the root of Amway's high price tag.

The point is reached when there are so many individuals profiting from others that it is necessary to raise the price of a commodity in order to maintain a viable system of distribution.

The reason so many people are devotees of Costco is because they don't even have to consider the pricing of an item before making their purchase. Costco is almost usually the most affordable option. Their mission is to provide high-quality products at the most competitive costs.

The goal of every Amway representative, on the other hand, is to eventually work his way up the corporate ladder so that he can retire on the backs of the recruits he has helped to bring in.

Surely, retiring on the backs of those you recruit is no different than running a business????? I mean, if you had the option of hiring a lot of lame-brained bloggers to write for you and earn money for you, and they were okay with it because they were earning money as well, you would almost certainly do it. Joe, please don't be a hater.

My hypothesis is that you tried Amway for three days and didn't make any money because you didn't do anything, so you gave up and went home. Of course, if you stop after a short length of time, you won't make any money in the business. You're the type of people that quit whatever you're doing, no matter how difficult the situation is.

To further illustrate, Amway actually decreased their prices, offered new bonuses and incentives, boosted sales from $7 billion to over $8 Billion last year, whereas all of the other companies are laying off employees. No one makes any money, so how can you even claim that?

If you want to make a comparison, you have to compare apples to apples, or in this case, energy drink to energy drink. Regardless of where you purchase, you will always be able to discover greater deals on certain things than you would otherwise. The problem is one of quality. Qator-Aide, you've got to be serious.

Oh, and Costco isn't exactly a household name in most areas. Plus, you'll have to drive there, deal with the crowds, and wait in how much is your time really worth to you? You may save money by purchasing Amway products online. That should be worth quite a deal, unless you are a lazy who has nothing better to do than go to CostCo every week.

Who are you, Anonymous? No, "retiring off the backs of those you recruit" is in no way comparable to running a business of any kind. The above statement is just another dumb "come back" that your upline has fed you, and it's complete nonsense.

Take, for example, my current position (yes, I work in a business). In my company, I do not recruit anyone, and my income is not based on the performance of anyone else in the organisation... The way or what someone else does does not affect my percentage of the prize. I am not obligated to purchase anything from my own firm because they compensate ME.

Is it really so difficult to comprehend this concept? The term "upline" does not exist in a legal non-pyramid firm, and people do not advance up the ranks depending on the number of people they bring into the bottom layer of the pyramid. The truth is that many people advance higher in the corporate ladder by discovering methods to save money and eliminate the lower layers.

I'm not one for debating the merits of various points of view. Everyone has an opinion on anything, and some people are fans of it while others are not. Those that are pro-Amway are looking for folks who are looking for something more in this situation. As for myself, I do it because I want to help as many people as I possibly can by providing them with an opportunity and instructing them on how to use it.

Everyone has the ability to start their own business. I've launched several businesses myself, and I can assure you that none have been as trouble-free to start as my Amway business has been. Even if you started your own business, you would have no idea what to do unless someone was ready to share their knowledge and experiences with you. It's likely that you'd fail. And the truth is that the majority of entrepreneurs and newly formed businesses fail, and the majority of the time, the cause is not a bad product or a bad idea, but rather a lack of business knowledge and experience.

Let's not kid ourselves about this. No matter what we do, we are ALWAYS reliant on the people around us, regardless of our profession. If that's the case, who is going to buy what your firm has to offer? And, if no one purchases your products or services, where will the money to pay your wage come from then?

Rather than knocking people down, I would prefer to work on bringing them up instead. That's me, and you get to decide what you want to do with your time and energy.

Yes...I'm not sure what the discussions are about...whether you participate in Amway or not shouldn't make a difference.

In the event that you despise Amway but spend a significant amount of time criticising it, I believe that you retain a small amount of interest in the firm...

And as for all of the pro-super amway amway...don't get brainwashed...and as for the rest of us...

Attending a party and squandering $300-$400 dollars is the equivalent as purchasing the fucking cd that they are going to release as a result of it...

What exactly is the distinction? I'm not sure which would be preferable: wasting $300 or $8 dollars??? whatever option you prefer

Even though it is always possible to argue that purchasing from Amway puts money in your pocket, if you can keep the same amount of money by purchasing somewhere else, why waste your time on a pyramid scheme?

Just eight hours ago, I was seriously considering starting my own business through Amway, and I can assure you that I was seriously considering it after attending a meeting last night.

However, I was completely unaware that I would be entering the Amway business world in the process.

To be sure, someone who abuses the system and recruits hundreds of others to work in their downline *might* be able to profit from the residual payments, but that kind of depends on people buying into the scam.

Individuals who are anti-Amway must, without a doubt, have some form of interest in the company if they are to prevent more people from becoming entangled in it. The corporation is going to have a whole crop of "low level" IBO's who will be screwed over when the IBO's above them decide to leave the company at some point in the future, and it may be a long time before this happens for them. People who have invested a significant amount of time and/or money into the system, only to see it collapse as a result of the flaws in the business plan they implemented.

Give it a little time.

I've been offered the opportunity to participate in the pyramid scheme, but I'm not interested in doing so. To read through the comments above and try to figure out what was being said was a difficult experience for everyone involved. I was hopeful that I may be persuaded, but truly, the lack of grammar skills is nauseating to the stomach.

My partner has been active in Amway for the past two years and has amassed thousands of dollars in debt...

YET he insists on continuing in it, that his dreams will be realised, and so on......... I adore my guy, and we have been together for more than 4 years, including one year spent living together. I have to admit that AMWAY does not sit well with me. It has had absolutely no good effect on our relationship. They make it difficult for him to keep his priorities straight. In the event that someone approaches you or your significant other about a "opportunity" with Amway, I strongly advise you to say "no!" As well as any suggestions for me... PLEASE HELP ME! lol According to what I've stated, I adore him and would like to spend the rest of my life with him; but, this firm has gone way too far in terms of not only financial stability, but also keeping his priorities straight. thanks.

Never try to dissuade your spouse from pursuing a career path that they are passionate about, regardless of the field. Your resistance will be the only thing that destroys your relationship, not the third-party corporation to which he is attached.

The anonymous poster who submitted upline/pyramid gibberish should know that my downline earns more money than I do because every percent bracket beginning with the first third has a minimum volume requirement.

When it comes to a pyramid scheme, my downline would have had no chance to make more money than I did because Amway Global has always designed their bonus scale to reflect individual volume plus incentives.

In the past, the only issue Amway had was obnoxious well-off IBOs, on the basis of which people judged Amway. The two have always been parallel and separate from one another in terms of educational tools, and now AmwayGlobal has nipped that in the bud and controls it... thanks to a million lawyers who have figured out the lingo.

The ill-intentioned Diamonds who started the ball rolling in a particular direction are no longer in existence. After 50 years of individuals of character have been established, these little hate writers can go back to whining about nothing.

To draw an example, Amway IBO team distributorships are a LOT like basketball courts in local parks and recreation facilities. There are numerous courts to choose from, but the foundation net and game regulations are the same on all of them... Would you give up playing basketball because of the presence of bullies on the court in the park you visited? Alternatively, would you seek out a court where you were comfortable and felt safe because you have no intention of giving up basketball? In this example, Amway equals basketball.

At the very least, could you make analogies that are apples to apples in nature? Perhaps you could show the viewers of this blog anything else that you are comparing than price? What about the product's quality, its ingredients, its cost-per-use, and its manufacturing methods?

You "compare" Costco synthetic vitamins (which are chemically made) to a product (Double X) that is cultivated, processed, and manufactured using organic methods and ingredients.

You do a great disservice to your readers by implying that all of the things on this list are of equal quality. This is true of several of the products on this list.

Oh, and as for the soup, Amway has never claimed that brand-name products are more cost-effective than generic alternatives. They merely provide it as a convenience to IBOs and clients who are already utilising their web-portal as a purchasing site, according to the company.

Hello, Joe.

I would be delighted to provide an unbiased review for you. It appears to me to be fair and honest. And I would expect that you would do the same for any future blogs.

In contrast to Centrum Vitamins and their ingredients, as well as Nutrilite, I have not done any research on Costco Vitamins and their constituents. Due to the fact that you simply put "Multi Vitamins" above, could you kindly provide me with additional details on which brand you used?

Because I am not a member of Costco, I am hoping that the ingredients can be found on a reputable website. If not, is it possible to utilise Centrum as a model?

You should be aware that I will not be near a computer for the next week, so please bear with me. I hope this is not a problem.

My primary purpose is not to bring anyone or any company into disrepute. I prefer to provide only factual information that can be verified by the person who is reading this, as well as a list of reliable sources for that information, rather than opinions.

Oh, and I don't necessarily believe that we would all prefer a lower price over a higher quality product. In this day and age, I choose to provide what is best for myself and my family rather than what is most convenient for me. I agree with you in the sense that everyone is searching for a good deal, but it is not always just the price that people are seeking for. "You get what you pay for" is a common adage that applies to a variety of situations.

Amway is a piece of BULLSHIT! I find it difficult to comprehend that so many bright individuals can be deceived so readily.

In every case, they will take you to a private presentation where they will make ridiculous claims, such as being partners with Nike, Dell, and AT&T. These objects, on the other hand, are never made available to the public.

I wish a lawyer could explain to me how this type of business is permitted to exist - it appears to me that their primary business is to defraud unsuspecting people into joining a pyramid scheme. It's all a ruse!

Someone commented on this page, saying, "Never try to persuade your spouse out of doing what they want to do, no matter what industry they are in."

I am confident that this individual will let his or her husband to be a drug dealer and his or her wife to be a prostitute if that is what he or she want!

(With a shake of the head*)

I suppose there is nothing that can be done for individuals who have been brainwashed into believing that this is a respectable and noble company. It is neither one nor the other.

Amway has been in the business for more than ten years, and I have other friends who have worked hard for years in the same field. None of them came close to making it even a little bit.

According to the Amway presentation, time is exchanged for money, and by engaging in Amway business, you can fan out or "franchise," resulting in less time spent but more money. Make an attempt at it. It will take more time and effort to generate the franchise, but it will yield less money!

And they argue that they can sell at a low cost because they have eliminated the middlemen! The who are those individuals that are always recruiting new members. It appears to me that middle men are recruiting other middle men.

Perhaps Amway should do away with the middlemen and offer all of its products directly to consumers online! Like Amazon or E-bay, for example.

Those self-made millionaires should be featured in Time magazine, the Wall Street Journal, interviewed for the New York Times, or even appear on prime time television!

There are none!

It's possible that when this becomes a 50 billion dollar disaster in ten years, someone will finally wake up! And then we remember, oh sure, someone had warned us about this previously!

My assessment is based on my attendance at their presentation as well as my participation in other similar programmes.

Nobody will be convinced of anything, and I will not be convinced that this is nothing more than a RACKET!

You can wake up someone who is sleeping, but you cannot wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep!

I am a very, very dissatisfied Amway Independent Business Owner. Not only do you have to join before you can look at their items and prices, but the IBO who recruited me lied to me about everything and charged me an additional fee to join his "business motivation club" without warning me that it was not affiliated with Amway at all.

In addition, I have conducted my own price comparisons as well as evaluated a number of Amway items. The Amway goods are of GENERIC QUALITY, and hence must be more expensive than comparable products.

Customers who do not do any research before purchasing are the only way Amway can make money, and this is the only way the company can make money.

FOR EXAMPLE, ON THE AMWAY WEBSITE, THERE IS A CLEARANCE SECTION WITH AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS FOR HALF THEIR REGULAR PRICE. This is bad news for anyone who buys Amway's claims that these "CLEARANCE" pricing are still more expensive than BRAND NAME RETAIL prices!

Additionally, Amway recruiters will deceive you into believing that you will be entitled to "IBO PRICES" on your purchases if you become an IBO. When I discovered that these "IBO PRICES" were approximately $0.50 less expensive, I became really unhappy. Yes, FIFTY CENTS less expensive! With IBO prices, you get absolutely nothing for your money!

SUMMARY: Although Amway is not legally a "scam," it is as near as it gets to being one.

Who said Amway had been in business for ten years? I believe you're referring to 1959? Moreover, the Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission have recognised it as the "gold standard" for what a legal business should be, and while lawyers have evaluated the business, there are really a large number of lawyers who are making money through Amway. Is there someone named Paul Miller? lol

As far as pricing goes, yes, Amway goods are more expensive, but they are also of higher quality, so there's that to consider. If you believe it is too expensive, you are under no obligation to purchase it; but, you may be able to find retail consumers if you so desire.

But why wouldn't you shop at a store that (possibly) reimburses you for your purchases? Americans are so preoccupied with'saving money' on a bottle of soap that they forget to spend $15 on their lunch with coworkers the next day. As a result, the money they had just'saved' was pissed away, plus a little more.

Even though some of the products are out of my price range, how many times have you indulged in a Starbucks cup of coffee or eaten out for dinner? Are the beverages at Starbucks more 'expensive' than those at McDonalds, or is Starbucks a scam? Is there any doubt that Starbucks is a successful commercial enterprise, or that you would purchase a Starbucks franchise if the opportunity presented itself (and you had the financial means to do so)?

I don't care what you do, if you're employed, you work for money, and you exchange eight hours of your time for money, you're producing money for the company, and someone is making money off of your productivity; you're the only one who can determine whether or not it's a fair trade-off for everyone involved.

At your place of employment, there is always someone making money off of someone else; typically, the CEO/owner is at the top of the pyramid and receives all of the profits because it is his company. Is it a fair assessment? Yes, of course, because you agreed to a specific level of financial remuneration. What are the chances of you becoming the owner of the business?

Amway/Quixtar is a company where everyone who joins has the same chance; your upline will never, I repeat, will never make more money off of your business than you. As a result of my own financial success, as well as the success of friends of mine, and having seen their pay checks, I am confident in this.

As for your remaining reservations, please provide some trustworthy, verifiable evidence other than the two buddies that "got in, tried it for two months, then resigned" (lol) to back up your claims.

Allow me to share my perspective. I have been a registered Independent Business Owner (IBO) via LTD, a part of AMWAY, for roughly a year. I only purchase items that I enjoy using, and I couldn't agree with the commenter above who expressed concern about the quality of the products. I've done my fair share of research and comparisons, and just looking at the nutrition facts label alone reveals that Amway products are superior to the competition. You can also take advantage of amway's 6-month guarantee, which states that if you don't love your product, whatever it is, you will receive a full refund and can do whatever you want with your product. And while you're at it, compare the cheapest products from Costco to the products from Amway. I guarantee you'll like your Amway product better than your Costco Product. I'd like to see that assurance offered in other places as well. If you didn't use the goods at all, you'd be lucky to get a 30-day refund period. In another vein, if amway were a "scam," I'm confident that the lawyers of companies such as Best Buy, Disney, Nascar, Office Depot, Sears, Dell, and others would have discovered it and avoided doing business with them, which they have done, as evidenced by the amway website's link to partner stores. I'm also confident that none of the companies doing business with amway would want to have their reputation tarnished in any way. And the last time I checked, which was 5 minutes ago, the Better Business Bureau gave amway an A-plus rating. In regards to the comment about IBO costs being just fifty cents cheaper, I'm not sure what product you're referring to, but please let me know what it is. In the event that someone is interested in seeing the pricing difference between customer costs and IBO costs, I will gladly meet with them. It is also stated that Amway is not a get-rich-quick scheme, and that true compensation necessitates legitimate effort on the part of the participant. That Amway did not work for you does not imply that it will not work for someone else in the future. I spend approximately $150 per month on Amway items, and I appreciate those things more than any other product that I have purchased elsewhere. My checks from Amway run between $700 and $800 per month, sometimes more, sometimes less, and I have only one down line. As a result, no one can claim that I'm "earning money off the pyramid below me" because there is no pyramid below me to speak of. All I can say is that we have a large number of clients who prefer our products to those offered by other retailers. It doesn't matter whether I find a product at Costco that I like over my Amway product; guess what?? I'd be interested in purchasing it.

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