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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Covington, Rocky Amway




  • Diamond 1982
  • Executive Diamond 1994

Rocky Covington is a BWW Executive Diamond who is linked with the organisation. He began working for Amway in 1977, earning the Diamond qualification in 1982 and the Executive Diamond qualification in 1994. 

Rocky worked as a Vice President at a bank prior to joining Amway. Rocky was involved in a catastrophic car accident shortly after qualifying for the Diamond, in which he fractured one of his ankles. 

Throughout the bulk of the experience, Paul remained by Rocky's bedside.

Rocky has two Diamonds on his frontline, as well as four Diamonds on his downline. They are as follows:
  • Charles & Martha Bradshaw - 1994 Diamond, BWW
  • Kevin & Beth Bell - 2003 Diamond, BWW
  • Burns, Jim & Karen, Diamond, BWW
  • Confere, Douglas, Diamond, BWW

Success Story

 "During my time as a bank vice president, I had a lot of money under my control, but the most of it belonged to other people. 

Not only that, but I didn't have control over my time. Today, I am able to create my own schedule and live a life that was before simply a fantasy."

Rocky had expressed an interest in coaching while still in his adolescence. "I chose to listen to people who told me that there was no money in teaching or coaching instead of doing what I liked," Rocky says. 

Rocky was able to earn a degree in business banking thanks to a basketball scholarship, which led to his landing a position with a prominent bank in North Carolina.

Rocky began to reflect on his years spent working at the bank and having a good time with his pals when he turned 30 and discovered that he had little pride in his accomplishments at the time. 

Despite the fact that his offices grew in size with each promotion, he felt as if the walls were closing in on him.

Rocky was introduced to the industry by an old high school classmate in 1977, and he has been involved ever since. 

Rocky admits that he caved in to his friend's deluge of phone calls because "he was more persistent than I was stubborn," as he puts it himself.

Rocky soon came to see the programme as the opportunity to land the coaching job he'd always wanted. 

According to Rocky, "this business offered me the opportunity to coach people not just in the principles of blocking and tackling, but also in the fundamentals of life."

Rocky is particularly pleased with himself for having built his company while still single.

According to him, "the majority of the people that establish this firm are couples." "However, it can be constructed by a single individual." And he has begun to construct it!

In Rocky's opinion, his success is due to his bulldog mentality. "Once bulldogs get their teeth into something, they aren't going to let go of it," Rocky explains. 

"The same can be said for this company. Once you make the decision to pursue it, you must attack it with the tenacity of a bulldog."

Rocky now resides in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, with his family. "I've always dreamed of having a house on the beach," Rocky says with a smile. 

"When I was a kid, my father took me here, and I vowed to myself that I would live here one day." 

Besides beaches in areas like Hawaii, Bermuda, Grand Cayman Islands, Virgin Islands and the Caribbean, Rocky also enjoys surfing in places like California, Florida, and New York. 

But it is "being able to assist others in achieving their life goals and objectives" that he finds the most rewarding.

Disputes & Controversies

Skaggs Lawsuit

In July 2007, International Business Solutions, Inc., a company operated by Emeralds Henry and Sue Skaggs, filed a lawsuit against Bill and Peggy Britt, Paul and Leslie Miller, Rocky Covington, Kevin and Beth Bell, and Britt WorldWide, among others. 

The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. According to the lawsuit, the Skaggs, having developed a software system to allow for direct order fulfilment of BSM to their downline, received approval from Britt to continue the development of the software programme with the goal of eventually rolling it out to the entire BWW organisation, according to the lawsuit. 

During this period, the Skaggs claim that they were responsible for the majority of the development costs. According to the lawsuit, Bill Britt terminated the partnership agreement in 2005. 

When questioned about their upline, the Skaggs state that they were "de-edified." Breach of contract, racketeering, and intentional interference with commercial relations  are among the allegations in the lawsuit.

When the plaintiffs filed their complaint, the defendants claimed that no contract had been entered into and challenged the lawsuit on a variety of legal grounds. 
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