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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Ohri, Ajay & Alka Amway

 Ajay and Alka Ohri Diamond International Business Organization

On the FED stage, when we were first introduced as new Diamonds, our sponsors, Kumar and Anjali, raised our hands in victory, making a dream come true for us. We were crying with happiness since we had worked tirelessly night after night in complete trust in order to reach this point.

It turned out to be even better than we had hoped. There we were, with our upline and other heroes in the business, people we had heard on tape and seen onstage and admired and wished to be like ever since we began our business. It was a magical moment. Everything about them was friendly and welcoming, which really blew us away. The two of them took the time to get to know us, and Kumar and Anjali touched our hearts in a variety of ways that we were completely unprepared to receive. It made us feel like we were someone really special!

The key to shaping our destiny can be summed up in one word: 'Action!' We just continued to put in the necessary effort to grow our company. There was nothing that could divert our attention, and we were extremely focused.

It was unquestionably worthwhile to start this company. We are on a mission and have a vision to assist others in reaching the Diamond level and higher levels of achievement.

Ajay is well-known to everyone! To find Ajay at any event, all you have to do is figure out who everyone else is looking for in order to complete the task at hand. His upline relies on him, and his crossline relies on him as well!

Alka, like her husband, works as a server in an establishment. She is usually giddy with enthusiasm and prefers to be in the thick of things when the action is taking place. They are a tremendous asset to the Diamond team when they work together. You can match their work ethic, but you will never be able to outwork them!

Ajay had been out of the workforce for approximately two years when he decided to go Diamond. Alka resigned from her banking position shortly after seeing the company.

As Ajay explains, "we had a fantastic appearance and smelt wonderful when we launched the firm, but we were broke and badly in debt!"

The business, the mentorship of our upline, and the training and support structure have enabled us to pay off our mortgage and car loans, and we are now debt-free! Alka continues.

Double Diamonds are Shivaram and Anjali Kumar, who are married to each other.

Ohri, Ajay, and Alka are not individuals but rather distinct entities that are connected to the multi-level marketing corporation known as Amway. Ohri, Ajay, and Alka are known as Ohri, Ajay, and Alka.

Amway is a firm that specializes in direct sales, and it was established in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos. It conducts business in more than one hundred countries and territories and has more than three million independent distributors all over the world. The business provides customers with a wide selection of goods, such as dietary supplements for health and wellness, products for beauty and personal care, and goods for cleaning the home.

Ohri is short for the Nutrilite brand, which is a line of health and wellness products sold by Amway. These items include vitamins, minerals, and various kinds of dietary supplements. With more than 80 years of experience in the field of nutrition, Nutrilite is one of the most well-known companies in the world when it comes to the production of vitamin, mineral, and dietary supplements.

Ajay is a reference to Dick DeVos, the son of Rich DeVos, who served as President of Amway from 1993 until 2002. Rich DeVos was one of the co-founders of Amway. Amway's sales grew to nearly $6 billion while he was serving as CEO, thanks in large part to the expansion of the company's product ranges and distribution methods.

It is very possible that Alka refers to the Artistry brand of beauty and personal care items that are sold under the Amway umbrella. Artistry is currently ranked as one of the top five most successful prestige brands of facial skincare and color cosmetics in terms of global sales. Makeup, cleansers, moisturizers, and serums are just some of the products that can be purchased under this brand's umbrella.

In conclusion, Ohri, Ajay, and Alka all have connections to a number of different individuals and brands that are part of the Amway network. Amway is a multinational direct-selling firm that markets a variety of items across multiple industries, including those related to health and wellness, beauty, and personal care, amongst others.

Ohri, Ajay & Alka Amway

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