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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Baker, Jake & Jackie Amway

Baker, Jake & Jackie Amway

 According to Jackie, "when we started our firm, Jake was working as a manufacturing manager for an electronics company and I was working as a chemist for a pharmaceutical company." "The first obstacle we had to overcome was the necessity of working together. Our marriage was in shambles. For the first three months, I didn't do anything to help Jake expand his firm - that is, until I went to a weekend function and saw the big picture for the first time. Jake swiftly depleted his A and B lists (friends and family/acquaintances) of people he knew. Jake had to learn to meet people in order to develop his C-list (from which our entire organisation sprang),” Jackie adds. At the time, Jake's circle of influence consisted primarily of bikers and other less reputable "networkers."

"The books, cassettes, training sessions, and upline friendships provided us with the tools we needed to make a change. We gained the interpersonal skills essential to not only meet new people, but also to form friendships and to serve as role models for others. Our marriage has blossomed as a result of this process into a wonderful partnership built on mutual respect and admiration gained from witnessing each other overcome personal challenges. Our daughter, Elizabeth, was born when we were in the Ruby qualification stage, and our son, Luke, was born 11 months later, when we were in the Emerald qualification stage. They are heavily active in our company because they genuinely like the people that work here. They are familiar with all of our leaders and are truly delighted that we are assisting them in achieving economic independence!

The ability to resign my job in Emerald qualification allowed me to do so. When our upline, Jake, and our infants (who were all dressed in t-shirts that read "My Mommy's Free To Grow Up With Me!") arrived at my place of employment in a white limo with several hundred of our best friends, they helped to rescue me from the mediocrity of my previous existence. At Emerald, Jake was able to devote his full attention to the company's operations.

Continuing, Jackie says, "On the evening of September 13, 2003, we witnessed something that would change our lives and the lives of our children forever." "It took all of us working together to achieve a goal that required personal sacrifice from each of us." We had put in the foundation, and two years previously had made the decision we would get Diamond done. It required everyone of us to be more "selfless" and to take on greater responsibilities in order to succeed. And there we were, all of us... In front of some of the most successful individuals we have ever encountered, our upline Diamonds Larry and Pam Winters, Paul Miller, and Bill and Peggy Britt have their hands raised in victory. Jake and I are standing next to them. Those words of Larry's from so long ago came to me while we were standing there... The truth is that when the dream is big enough, the facts don't really matter. Who would have believed that a former biker, drug and alcohol addict, and child-refusal advocate would stand on a stage in front of a crowd of twenty-thousand people, raising the hands of his children in triumph? Who would have believed the tears of thankfulness streaming down this man's face, the praises offered to God, and the small kid looking up at his hero - his father – and saying, "I love you Daddy!" Thank God our upline believed. Thank you, God, for the BWW system, which provided us with the tools we needed for our personal development. We give thanks to God for His Mercy!"

Baker, Jake & Jackie Amway
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