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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Head, Jim & Judy Amway

Jim and Judy Head, also known as Jim and Judy Amway, are two of the most well-known leaders in the Amway business. They are known for their leadership skills, success in the business, and their commitment to helping others achieve success. In this article, we will take a closer look at Jim and Judy Head, their journey to success, and the lessons we can learn from their experience.

Jim and Judy Head’s Early Life and Career

Jim and Judy Head were both born and raised in the United States. Jim was born in Texas and Judy was born in Oklahoma. They both grew up in families that valued hard work and entrepreneurship. Jim’s father was an entrepreneur and Judy’s parents were farmers.

After graduating from college, Jim and Judy began their careers in the corporate world. Jim worked in sales and marketing for several companies, while Judy worked in banking. However, they both felt unfulfilled in their jobs and began to look for other opportunities.

Discovering Amway

In the early 1980s, Jim and Judy were introduced to the Amway business by a friend. At first, they were skeptical, but after attending a few meetings and learning more about the business, they decided to give it a try.

Jim and Judy started building their Amway business part-time while still working their full-time jobs. They quickly saw success and were able to quit their jobs within a few years to focus on their Amway business full-time.

Building a Successful Amway Business

Jim and Judy’s success in the Amway business did not come overnight. They worked hard, put in long hours, and were committed to helping others succeed. They quickly became leaders in the business and were known for their ability to motivate and inspire others.

One of the keys to Jim and Judy’s success was their commitment to personal development. They read books, attended seminars, and sought out mentors who could help them grow as individuals and as business leaders.

They also focused on building strong relationships with their team members. They took the time to get to know their team members on a personal level, and were always available to offer support and guidance.

Over the years, Jim and Judy have built a massive Amway business with team members all over the world. They are known for their generosity and have donated millions of dollars to various charities and causes.

Lessons from Jim and Judy Head

Jim and Judy Head’s journey to success in the Amway business offers several valuable lessons for anyone looking to build a successful business.

Personal development is key: Jim and Judy’s commitment to personal development was a major factor in their success. By continually working on themselves and growing as individuals, they were able to become better leaders and build a stronger business.

Build strong relationships: Jim and Judy’s success in the Amway business was due in large part to their ability to build strong relationships with their team members. By taking the time to get to know their team members and offering support and guidance, they were able to inspire and motivate others to achieve success.

Give back: Jim and Judy’s generosity and commitment to giving back to their community and various charities is a testament to their character and values. By giving back, they have been able to make a positive impact on the world and inspire others to do the same.

In conclusion, Jim and Judy Head, also known as Jim and Judy Amway, are two of the most successful and inspiring leaders in the Amway business. Their journey to success offers several valuable lessons for anyone looking to build a successful business, including the importance of personal development, building strong relationships, and giving back.

 Associated with WWDB are the Executive Diamonds, who are represented by the Heads. Former rock musician Jim worked in the mobile home industry prior to his retirement. 

They received their Emerald qualification in 1983 and their Diamond qualification in 1984. 

A tape produced by Bill Britt titled Size of the Fight in the Dog is widely mentioned by Head as the catalyst for his entry into the Amway business.

Downline Diamond

  • They have 2 frontline Diamonds. They are:
  • Head, Jim & Judy, Executive Diamond, United States, WWDB
  • Gallo, Al & Kathy, Diamond, United States, WWDB
  • Foglio, Joe & Norma, Executive Diamond, United States, WWDB
  • Carroll, Mike & Robin, Diamond, United States, WWDB
  • Radford, Frank & Lynn, Diamond, United States, WWDB
  • They also have 1 frontline Emerald, 1986 Emerald Ken & Diane Cox.

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