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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Dexter Khaw Tee Jin & Celine Goh See Lin Amway

 Kisah Kejayaan

Dexter Khaw Tee Jin and Celine Goh See Lin are a couple from Singapore.

All that we have to look forward to is living our normal lives, which we are doing right now. We want to live a life that is different from the norm.

Saya, Dexter, is a member of a close-knit group of people who are kind and encouraging. According to my citations, I have not yet achieved the status of an official professional bola player, and my berangan-angan has not yet drawn attention to the fact that I am a professional bola player throughout the world. However, if the reality of life is in conflict with my beliefs, my angan-angan will be shattered. For the past few years, I've been working hard to improve my kendo skills as a player. Accordingly, I am preparing for the second phase of my life journey by becoming a member of the Perniagaan family..........

During the course of educating myself on the many types of perniagaan, the Amway Perniagaan Center was introduced to me. If you want to experience the same kinds of things that I have – such as a kebebasan to open up a new horizon, superior quality of life, the ability to travel to any part of the world, and the opportunity to make a difference - you should consider joining Amway. With the help of Amway's promotional materials, you may make a difference in the lives of others. This morning, there is no need for me to go to jam loceng, bangun when she is berdering, and work alongside many other people who are going to be at work.

Saya and Celine are enjoying themselves. As a result of this, I've decided to participate in the hotel's pengurusan course. As a result of working in this industry for the past two years, I've realised that the profession is not what I expected it to be. By attending a professional development seminar, I've made a commitment to further the growth of Amway's business operations. As a result of my affiliation with Amway, I am able to realise my dream of travelling to a variety of destinations across the world.

The journey we are on in order to combine Amway's distribution channels is fraught with onak and duri. However, the pressure to meet the goal of reaching the impian makes us feel tabah and unable to sleep. Additionally, we remain focused on the fact that there are individuals and groups of people that have the potential to hinder our progress in learning the berjaya way of life that we have idamkan.

Penghargaan Sekalung Penghargaan
We'd want to express our gratitude to Ibu Bapa, as well as to the other adik-beradik who have been an inspiration and source of inspiration for us. Mereka's zealousness is a source of inspiration that helps us to be more productive. Aside from that, our children serve as a primary source of motivation for us to continue our journey to the promised land.

We would like to express our gratitude to our colleagues, Pengedar Terus Platinum Pengasas Teng Peng Choong and Yew Ah Bee. Without them, we will not be present at our kedudukan on this particular day.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our team and to the rakan Pengedar across the globe, especially Pengedar Terus Intan Eksekutif Alvin Tham Wai Kim and his team, Pengedar Terus Intan K L Lim and Shally Tan, and Pengedar Terus Intan Chia Koh Hin and Teresa Chai. You have given us permission to continue to work on the tangga kejayaan with your sokongan and semangat berpasukan.

Thank you to everyone of Amway's team members for their efforts in achieving their goals and overcoming obstacles. We would want to express our gratitude to Pengedar Terus Intan Eric Tan and Kang Hoon Tiang for outlining the ongoing challenges we face in Amway.

Pengedar Terus Duta Mahkota Chan Lee Sean is a mentor to me, and I am grateful for his guidance. We are grateful to Beliaulah for spreading the word about Amway and its products. He also instilled the sentiment of "don't worry about it" in our hearts, which has been and will continue to be a source of inspiration for us in our growth and development.

For the second time, we would like to express our gratitude to Pengedar Terus Duta Mahkota Sonny and Guat Hwa Ho. The fact that they have a good relationship with each other is a titik tolak in our journey, and the result of our journey is the result of their bimbingan.

Every aspect of life is a saksama situation. If you do not take action to correct the situation, the situation will become a milik for you. Jumpa anda dipuncak jaya, jaya!

In April 2009, Amway Malaysia published an advertisement.

Dexter Khaw Tee Jin & Celine Goh See Lin

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